Studentprosjektforslag - Real-time systems not based on timing requirements

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SW development projects:

Programmeringsprosjekt (Flere oppgaver)

Elevator automatic FAT for TTK4145

Procedural Generation: Game Worlds

Procedural Generation: Music

Programvare design av simulator

Dynamic deployment system for real-time tasks

Measurement-based real-time system

Bibliotek for meldingssending

Teoretical projects:

Implementing Lingua-Franca programs on real-time operating systems

Models of Computation

Salvaging XC features

Schedulability proof for message passing systems

Dynamic deployment system for real-time tasks

Bruk av online eksekveringstidsestimater

Real-time systems not based on timing requirements

Programering av tunge tråder ved nonpreemptive scheduling.

Deling av CPU og Nettverk

Morsomme sensorer og applikasjoner:



Bike trainer app

Eksterne oppgaver:

Real-time systems not based on timing requirements

What is wonderful about hard real-time demands is that the real-time programmer does not need to know anything about the application domain of the system he is making. We achieve a decoupling between the reasons why the real-time demands must be met, and the ways to ensure that they in fact are. The second part of this then becomes techniques that are independent of the application domain; We get the academic field of "real-time systems" and Sverre gets a job at the university (partly because it turns out that it is not easy).

But this decoupling is not the only way to achieve the requirements of the system we are making. We could imagine:

  • Handling any consequences of bad timing behaviour fault tolerantly on the application level.
  • Adjusting controller parameters depending on which sampling rates we do in fact have.
  • ...

Select a strategy (or application) to explore, research litterature, make an attempt at formulating a solution.

Editor: Associate Professor Sverre Hendseth Contact Address: Last Modified: 18/3-2022