Studentprosjektforslag - Bike trainer app

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Bike trainer app

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Bike trainer app

Sverre has started bicycling, has bought a 'smart bike trainer' for winter use, and starts to know 'Zwift Watopia' quite well.

Zwift, and the other trainer applications are, it seems, extremely focused on 'realism' and 'competition' (and assumes largely that the motivation for bicycling is some 'improvment'). This probably suits a lot of people, but maybe not all.

Maybe 'exploring' or 'achievements' could be alternative motivations? Or just to see the trainer as a 'gamepad' where 'getting the plane off the ground' does in fact cost some effort?

I see python has interfaces to connect to such equipment, and certainly also infrastrucute to make at least rudimentary 'games'.

Examine the market, make a suggestion of an application, and implement a proof of concept.

Editor: Associate Professor Sverre Hendseth Contact Address: Last Modified: 18/3-2022