Studentprosjektforslag - Dynamic deployment system for real-time tasks

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SW development projects:

Programmeringsprosjekt (Flere oppgaver)

Elevator automatic FAT for TTK4145

Procedural Generation: Game Worlds

Procedural Generation: Music

Programvare design av simulator

Dynamic deployment system for real-time tasks

Measurement-based real-time system

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Teoretical projects:

Implementing Lingua-Franca programs on real-time operating systems

Models of Computation

Salvaging XC features

Schedulability proof for message passing systems

Dynamic deployment system for real-time tasks

Bruk av online eksekveringstidsestimater

Real-time systems not based on timing requirements

Programering av tunge tråder ved nonpreemptive scheduling.

Deling av CPU og Nettverk

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Dynamic deployment system for real-time tasks

This task will likely have the same structure as the general software development project described here.

Make a run-time system for real-time tasks that guarantees for all deadlines. We are aiming for deploying tasks on this system like you install apps on your smart phone, just with timing-demands.

Since the load on the system is unknown at design-time no schedulability proofs can be done off-line. You can compensate for this by arbitrarily conservative assumptions and overheads. (But see also the more theoretical project proposal on the same theme)

You may make a proof-of-concept simulator of this on your pc, or, for a greater challenge, make this an extension to some open real-time kernel.

Editor: Associate Professor Sverre Hendseth Contact Address: Last Modified: 18/3-2022