Re: VS: Nyhetsbrev fra Balkan

Oddmund Garvik (
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 15:52:35 GMT

Om Koha Ditore:

> In the first days of the war, the offices of Pristina's leading daily were
> destroyed and all of its journalists scattered. But the team has
> reassembled and relaunched from exile, and Kosovo Albanians once again
> have a voice.
> Shortly before the start of NATO's bombing campaign, Koha Ditore fell foul
> of Serbia's draconian new Law on Public Information and was fined a total
> of US $26,800 for publishing a statement by Kosovo Liberation Army leader,
> Hashim Thaci--even though the statement had been distributed by the
> Belgrade news agency Beta. Koha chose to shut down rather than pay or
> contest the fine. Two days later, on March 24, Serbian police shot and
> killed Koha Ditore's guard and burnt down the office.

Eg skreiv om denne avisa for ei veke sidan:

Avisa blei ikkje øydelagt den 24. mars, men dagen før, altså "før krigen",
etter det Koha Ditore skriv sjølv i eit nummer som blei publisert saman med
Courrier International den 22. april.

> The first issue since March 22 was published Friday by a skeleton staff of
> 23 journalists working out of tiny offices in Tetevo and Skopje. They have
> no phones, no faxes, no emails. But they produced an issue to match the
> paper's usual professional style. "Unbearable lightness of Crimes," ran
> the leader, an article about the atrocities continuing in Kosovo.

Eg omsette denne leiarartikkelen av Baton Haxhiu, og skulle til å sende han
til KK-forum på mandag, men så braut systemet saman og heile greia forsvann.
Det er ein svært god artikkel som mellom anna tek opp påstanden om at
Nato-bombinga akselererte deporteringa av kosovoalbanarane. Haxhiu svarer
nei, og argumenterer for dette.

Oddmund Garvik

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