Re: Den kosovoalbanske rasismen

From: Knut Rognes (
Date: Mon Nov 29 1999 - 21:48:32 MET


takk til Øistein Holen for den omfattende dokumentasjon på albansk rasisme.
Han konkluderer:

>Ærlig talt, er det ikke helt opplagt at det dreier seg om rasistiske
>holdninger fra kosovoalbanernes side, rettet mot folkegrupper, serberne og
>Vi vet at rasismen fantes hos mange på både serbisk og albansk side før
>krigen, før 1989 og gjennom hele 80-tallet. Hvorfor skulle den ikke være
>der nå?

Jeg husker fra støtteaksjonen på Høgskolen i Stavanger våren 1998, vi hadde
besøk av albanske studenter (som vi støttet i kampen mot serbisk
undertrykkelse) fra Universitetet i Pristina, Mønnesland var der også, det
var et offisielt møte. En av dem sa noe slikt som at: "Vi vil aldri ha noe
med disse menneskene (altså serbere) å gjøre". Dette slo meg og minst en
annen som en utpreget rasistisk replikk. Bytt ut serber, med araber, jøde,
tysker, katolikk, protestant el.l og det springer en i øynene. Målet var
altså ikke noe prinsipp om sameksistens - Mandela-style - eller kamp mot
ondisnnet serbisk politkk, nei det var kamp mot serbere, altså kun uttrykk
for en rasistisk etnisk renhetstenkning: en primitiv politikk.

Forøvrig kan jeg henvise til en interessant oppsummering av Diana Johnstone
by Diana Johnstone på

Hun avslutter slik:

"If _they_ are guilty, _we_ are innocent.

_They_, of course, are the terrible Serbs, guilty of everything the Germans
used to be guilty of under Hitler. But now, the Germans are innocent and on
the side of the angels, as well as the common currency. Nazism has been
replaced as the evil that Europe, and Germany, must eliminate.

_We_, on the other hand, we are (on the West end of the Atlantic) America,
the New World Order, the one last best hope of mankind and so on; or, on
the East side of the Atlantic, the new Europe of the European Union, the
exact opposite of the Old Europe of wars between nation-states, that wicked
Europe whose surviving (but not for long) remnant is Serbian Yugoslavia.

This is a ritual for anthropologists to describe. Myth is built on history
and transformed into a ceremony whose roles must be assumed by succeeding
players on the stage of history. Finally, the scapegoat. Yugoslavia bears
all the sins of Europe's past, it represents everything Europe is not, or
does not want to be. It must be destroyed. After the bombs, an embargo.
Ostracism, further destruction, until nothing is left.

In Serbia, thoughtful people are struggling with the question: what can we do?
Even if Milosevic miraculously resigned tomorrow, there could be no
certainty that his successor might not quickly be hailed by Western media
as Hitler's latest clone. The job would be made easier by establishment
career moralists such as Goldhagen ready to expound on the "moral abyss"
into which the Serbian people are plunged, unable to extricate themselves
without being "placed in receivership", that is, under a NATO protectorate.
And the destruction could go on until conditions are ripe for the required
national lobotomy of the miscreant people.

Caught in such a death trap, how responsible, now, are the Serbian people
for what is happening to them? And how responsible are we?"

Knut Rognes

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