Re: Mobben talar nok ein gong...

From: Oddmund Garvik (
Date: 29-06-01

Jeu 28 juin 2001 09:38:48 +0200
Karsten Johansen <> a écrit:

> Netopp. Og i dette tilfellet er det opplagt at den fanatiske
> (kosovo-)albanske gruppa som har startet geriljakrig mot et forholdsvis
> demokratisk system i Makedonia bærer hovedskylda for utviklinga sammen
> med NATOs lallende unnfallenhet overfor provokatørerne. Hvor er det
> blitt av de alvorstunge formaningene til de albanske fanatikerne mot
> "volden" deres?

Dette blir altfor einøygd. Det er sjølvsagt ikkje så enkelt, og det er
kanskje på sin plass å freista opne det andre auget også...

Ein kunne kanskje vente, eller tru at Makedonia, etter at landet erklærte
seg uavhengig i 1991, på papiret i det minste stod fram som ein stat med
menneskerettar, sivile og kulturelle rettar for alle innbyggjarar, utan
diskriminering på religiøst, eller etnisk grunnlag. I staden har den
"post-kommunistiske" makedonske statsmakta stått bak talrike brot på
menneskerettar mot albaniarar, tyrkarar, rom, og andre ikkje-slaviske og
ikkje-ortodokse grupper. Denne tendensen såg ein forresten alt før det
tidlegare Jugoslavia braut saman.

Her er nokre linkar og sitat som dokumenterer dette på forskjellige

I innleiinga til den makedonske grunnlova står det følgjande:
"... the historical fact that Macedonia is established as a national state
of the Macedonian people, in which full equality as citizens and permanent
co-existence with the Macedonian people is provided for Albanians, Turks,
Vlachs, Romanics and other nationalities living in the Republic of
Macedonia..." republic/Constitution.html

"Despite government promises to reform Macedonia's overly exclusive 1992
citizenship law in line with Council of Europe standards, the law remained
unchanged. Drafted at the time of its independence from the Socialist
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Macedonia's citizenship law never
adequately resolved the status of the significant number of Yugoslav
citizens who were long-term residents in Macedonia but who were
neither born in Macedonia nor ethnic Macedonian. Large numbers of ethnic
Albanians, Turks, and Roma who knew no other home than Macedonia remained
effectively stateless as a result of the law."

Diskriminerande forskrifter i grunnlova blir omsett i praksis ved at alle
albanarar blir handsama som annanrangs borgarar av den makedonske
regjeringa. Albanarar blir systematisk ekskluderte frå full deltaking i
offentleg liv, anten dei har vore busette der i lang tid, eller er
rettmessige innbyggjarar av Makedonia ("makedoniarar").

Dersom ein streba etter lik handsaming av alle etniske grupper, burde
ikkje då den makedonske grunnlova slå fast at Makedonia er grunnlagt som
ein stat av/for makedonske innbyggjarar?

"Ethnic Albanians allege that the constitution reduces them to
second-class citizens and must be amended. They argue that the Albanian
language should be a second official language in the country.
Albanians say the authorities consistently deny them the right to "feel
Albanian" and to display national symbols."

"The key to Macedonian stability rests with the Albanians and the
Macedonians. Albanians have their representatives in the Macedonian
government and the are supporting Macedonias integrity. In the long run,
though, Macedonia has to become a state based on citizenship and not on
nationality. The Macedonian state must cease to identify exclusively with
the Macedonians as an ethnic group, it must cease to be the state of the
Macedonians. Otherwise, there is not going to be any kind of peace in
Macedonia no matter how much support is given to Macedonians and Gligorov
by the international community. In the past, the Albanians in Macedonia
have shown that they could live in peace with the Macedonians. It is the
Macedonian state which should do more to convince the Albanians to support
Macedonia. If the Macedonian state is able to solve its internal matters
in the proper way, that is by becoming the state of all citizens of
Macedonia, there should be no reason for the international community to
continue to live in fear that Macedonia will dissolve at any regional
whirlwind. Albanians in Macedonia will support the integrity of the
Macedonian state."


"In July, the government adopted legislation to resolve the long-standing
question of Tetovo University, a private Albanian-language institution
that Macedonian authorities refused to accredit as an educational
institution. The passage of the law on education on July 25 established a
new multi-lingual tertiary institute offering training in business,
education, and public management. The internationally funded institution,
intended as a replacement to Tetovo University, would allow Albanians to
study in their own language, although a proficiency test in Macedonian
would be required before their diplomas were officially recognized.
Despite receiving the backing of the Albanian party in the ruling
government coalition, the new institute did not receive unequivocal
support from the country's ethnic Albanian population, many of whom wanted
nothing less than the recognition of Tetovo University itself."

Sjølv om albanarane er skattebetalarar, forbyr lova om høgare utdanning i
Makedonia etablering av høgare utdanningsinstitusjonar (høgskular og
universitet) med annan språkbakgrunn enn makedonsk. Inntil ganske nyleg
var til og med etableringa av private universitet grunnlagt på albansk
språk i strid med denne lova.

Oppstarten av det privatfinansierte Universitetet i Tetova (framleis sett
på som uoffisielt av den makedonske regjeringa) blei tilsølt av at ein
lokal albanar blei drepen - han protesterte mot forsøka på å stoppe drifta
av universitetet som det makedonske politiet stod bak.

Nyleg, og med hjelp frå OSSE, har den makedonske regjeringa godteke
etableringa av det utanlandsk finansierte "Sør-Austlege Universitetet"
også i Tetova. Dette er definitivt eit steg i rett lei. Men kvifor er den
makedonske regjeringa framleis mot etableringa av eit universitet der
undervisningsspråket er albansk?

Kvifor får ikkje albanarar i Makedonia, når dei er skattebetalarar, lov
til å halda fram med universitetsstudium på morsmålet sitt i ein
institusjon som er betalt av skattepengane deira?


"In May 2000, the Macedonian Parliamentary Commission on International
Relations released a report on the breakdown of ethnic workforces in the
country. The figures showed that the country's workforce is 84.5% ethnic
Macedonian and 9.4% ethnic Albanian - the potential ethnic Albanian work
force is 18.5% of the total population.
In the police force and the military, for instance, ethnic Albanians
contributed 3.1% of the employees, while the ethnic Macedonians made up
93.9%. A similar situation exists in other sectors of public life,
including the judiciary and the health system.
Ethnic Albanians are therefore frustrated that when they have to deal with
the authorities, even in cities like Tetovo with an overwhelming Albanian
majority, they have to face ethnic Macedonians and communicate in what
they consider a foreign language."


Eg nemnde i går denne pamfletten som spela på ethniske spenningar (etnisk
rensking på gang?)

Human Rights Watch (New York, June 25, 2001):
"We order all Shiptars [derogatory term for ethnic Albanians-tr.] who have
objects for sale-shopkeepers here and around the Kwantaskhi bazaar-to
leave within three days, and for those Shiptars from Aracinovo, the
deadline is 24 hours.
After this deadline, all the shops will be burned, and if someone tries to
protect [them], the same will be killed without warning."
"We inform Shiptars of the Macedonian republic that for every killed
police officer or soldier 100 Shiptars who do not have citizenship or who
took citizenship after 1994 will be killed. For every police officer or
soldier disabled, 50 Shiptars will be killed. For every wounded police
officer or soldier wounded, 10 Shiptars will be killed, no matter what
gender or age."
"We inform Shiptars who do not have citizenship or got it after 1994 to
leave Macedonia before June 25 this year, at midnight. After this
deadline, we will start with the cleansing-- "The Longest Night" courtesy
of Macedonia Paramilitary 2000.

"This pamphlet is exactly the kind of thing that could lead to widespread
ethnic violence. The government and international community have to stop
it now."
(Holly Cartner, HRW Executive director Europe and Central Asia division)

Makedonsk brutalitet nører opprør:

AP (Jun 16h, 2001): "It was not the cracked bones or the painful back
injuries that made Nazim Bushi's teeth clutch with anger."
"It was disappointment that the people who caused those injuries were
fellow men in uniform, who he says turned against him solely because he
belonged to the wrong ethnic group."
"Supporters of Bushi, an ethnic Albanian officer serving with the
Macedonian police at the military airport in Skopje, say he is a victim of
police brutality that has proliferated since ethnic Albanian militants
took up arms in February, demanding broader rights and claiming
discrimination by majority Macedonian Slavs."
"The incidents not only undermine government promises to improve the
situation of ethnic Albanians, once the insurgency is dealt with. They
could also draw ethnic Albanians to the militants and away from political
parties willing to negotiate with the government."
"Already, the rebels claim police harassment of ethnic Albanian civilians
is feeding them with new recruits."
"Young men who are beaten up by police are joining us every day,'' a rebel
commander known as "Commander Hoxha'' told The Associated Press from the
rebel-controlled village of Aracinovo, barely four miles from the capital.
"They're more than we can supply with weapons.''

Oppviglarar sett fyr på albanske heimar i Bitola
Politiet klarar ikkje å stoppe valden, nokre av dei tek aktivt del:

Human Rights Watch (New York, June 8, 2001): "Police in the Macedonian
city of Bitola did not attempt to stop rioting crowds on Wednesday night,
and some police officers actively participated in the violence, Human
Rights Watch said today. As a result, dozens of ethnic Albanian homes and
as many as 100 shops were burned by the mob."
"The available evidence strongly suggests that the Bitola police did not
take any actions to stop the anti-Albanian attacks and that a significant
number of Bitola police officers, in and out of uniform, took part in the
rioting. The police took no apparent action to enforce the 10 p.m. curfew
it had announced for the town, and the rioting continued until after 1
a.m., according to official police statements. The rioting crowds claimed
to be revenging the deaths of Bitola police officers that were ambushed
near Tetovo."
"A village mosque was also vandalized by the rioters. Grave markers were
broken, and several graves had been broken open. The windows of the mosque
were broken, and rioters had set the carpets inside the mosque on fire but
did not succeed in burning it down. On the exterior wall of the mosque,
rioters had painted several swastikas and written "Death to the Shiptars."
The term "Shiptar" is an ethnic slur when used by non-Albanians"
"Anti-Albanian sentiment in Bitola is rapidly growing into a campaign by
extremists to rid Bitola of its ethnic Albanian population. Witnesses
interviewed by Human Rights Watch stated that the rioters had yelled
slogans including "Death to Albanians," "Pure Bitola," "Albanians Out of
Bitola," "Get Out Albanians," and other such statements.
The rioters told some of the ethnic Albanians that they had a week to get
out of town before being targeted again. Many ethnic Albanians have fled
their homes in Bitola in the aftermath of Wednesday's riot because they
are afraid of further attacks."

Makedonske politiovergrep er dokumenterte: Etniske albanske menn isolerte
og torturerte på politistasjonar:

Human Rights Watch (HRW May 31st, 2001): "Ethnic Albanian men fleeing the
fighting in Macedonia face severe ill-treatment by the police. We have
documented serious beatings and torture of ethnic Albanians at the
Kumanovo and Skopje police stations in the last week. The victims we
interviewed have the bruises and injuries to back up their claims of
(Holly Cartner, HRW Executive Director, Europe and Central Asia division)

Overgrep frå den makedonske regjeringa i Runica:

Human Rights Watch (HRW May 29th, 2001): "Our investigations show that
Macedonian forces burned civilians' homes and beat some villagers last
week in the village of Runica. These crimes must be impartially
investigated, and those responsible brought to account."
(Holly Cartner, HRW Executive Director, Europe and Central Asia division)

Albanarar seier at makedonske tropper "brende skulen vår" og "at dei
brende moskéen og buskapen"

Reuters (May 22, 2001): "Arjeta Kamberi, a 19-year-old student, told
Reuters there were no armed insurgents of the self-styled National
Liberation Army (UCK) in Runica, which was suddenly filled with troops at
around 4 A.M. Monday.
"The [Macedonian] soldiers all wore black clothes and masks. They smashed
our windows when everyone was asleep and dragged us out. Then they poured
petrol on buildings and set them on fire,'' she said.
"They burned our school which was built for us by (Italian charity)
Caritas, and they burned the mosque and the cattle and horses in their

Makedonske styrkar er ansvarlege for drap og øydeleggjing:

HRW (March 2001): "This concern is strengthened by our findings following
the March 2001 actions by the security forces against armed ethnic
Albanian groups in the western part of the country. Available evidence
suggests that government forces were responsible for the deliberate
killing of 16-year-old Omer Shabani on April 3 in the village of Selce. We
also received reports that families of ethnic Albanians arrested on
suspicion of membership in the so-called National Liberation Army (NLA)
were unable to obtain any information on the whereabouts of their
relatives. Finally, our documentation suggests that government forces were
responsible for the wanton destruction and looting of villages perceived
as being pro-NLA, including the villages of Selce, Gjermo, Gajre,
Drenovec, and Kolte. We urge you to make these incidents the subject of
prompt, thorough, and transparent investigations."

Makedonsk politivald og overgrep

NY Times (May 17th, 2001): Macedonia Albanian recounts " how he had gone
to tend his cow at dawn and been caught by the police. With four others,
he said, he was beaten and interrogated while blindfolded and handcuffed
for five days, before being dumped in the countryside on Tuesday miles
from home." "Last week, he said, a group of 10 police officers seized him
and beat him, he said. "They beat me with all their strength, with their
fists. They said they would cut my throat with a knife. Then my brother
and a friend came looking for me and they grabbed them too."

"Last night, 05.05.2001, around 21.30 two young boys, one Albanian (N) and
the other Macedonian (Ph) in their early 20's were severely beaten and
badly injured by the Macedonian police because they were driving around
their neighborhood in Skopje in a Volkswagen old timer.
The justification of this police action was that they were driving the car
whose color was matching with that of the vehicle that attacked the
Albanian Embassy in Skopje. Also, they have told their parents that these
boys, after stopping the car, have tried to attack the policemen who were
at least twice more than them in a police van.
This is another example of policies of double standard by the Macedonian
authorities and especially the police/security forces who covertly call
for the peaceful solution of the problems and coexistence between
Macedonians and Albanians, while systematically acting in the other

"Following the killing of three police officers outside Aracinovo on
January 11, police beat numerous ethnic Albanian residents, destroyed
property, and used tear gas in raids. One of the three suspects arrested
in connection with the killings died in police custody (see Section 1.a.).
Human Rights Watch reported that nine other suspects were arrested and
beaten in custody and that some were forced to sign confessions. An
investigation by the Office of the Ombudsman found that the police had
used excessive force in Aracinovo and recommended an internal
investigation. Although some families were compensated for damage to their
property, the Government did little to address police abuse in the wake of
the incident."

"Police searches of the houses of ethnic Albanians in Aracinovo were
characterized by the use of excessive force. On 14 January men and boys
were beaten in several houses. One man had his jaw broken, reportedly with
a police rifle butt. Six men and two 15-year-old boys were made to lie
face down outside another house and were kicked and beaten as they lay. A
70-year-old man was allowed to sit up, but the others were reportedly kept
on the ground for up to three hours. The ill-treatment was allegedly
accompanied by references to their Albanian ethnicity. Old men, women and
children were allegedly guarded at gunpoint by police for three hours in
another house." policebrutalityreport.htm

"Mistreatments continue in the case of Hara?ina, in the beginning of the
last year, when three policemen were killed, and one resident of this
village died while being in the hands of the police. It's interesting that
members of DSC used brutal force against arrested persons, which was also
confirmed in the court procedure. Confident sources from MIA let us know
that Boban Stojkovski, known as Tyson, put a rubber bar in the anal cavity
of one of the accused, aiming to force him to confess being policemen
murderer. What conspiration is there in DSC?"


"Economically, Macedonia's Albanians are generally self-reliant, with many
being self-employed."
"But analysts point out that whenever they have a grievance to address,
they face an administration that is so disproportionately made up of
Macedonians as to feel 'alien'."

Media og journalistikk:

"Macedonian Television Pulls Plug on Second Edition of Albanian News
April 30, 2001
SKOPJE (KosovaLive) - The General Director of the Macedonian Radio
Television (RTVM), Lubco Jakimovski, halted broadcast of the second
edition of the Albanian news program in this television station.
According to members of the Albanian editorial office in RTVM, after
laying off an Albanian broadcaster a few days ago, with this decision
director Jakimovski is trying to breakup the three-hour daily broadcast in
the Albanian language. Meanwhile, the government has decided that programs
in Albanian would be broadcasted for nine hours from December.
If the two orders of the RTVM director are not withdrawn, the Albanian
employees have warned that they will boycott work starting Thursday." (ar)

"The latest events in Tanushec once again confirmed the unity of
Macedonian (language) media, both pro-government (such as Vecer) and
pro-opposition (extremist Makedonija Denes), when it comes to Albanians.
Well, when it comes to Albanians, these media always share same standings,
and almost act according to some strategy. The last campaign of the
Macedonian media, mainly by the two aforementioned newspapers, reaffirms
the fact that in the mind of the creators of the Macedonian public
opinion, Albanians are still presented as dangerous elements, terrorists,
destabilizators, people that you only deal with by using force etc."


"Trajkovski eliminated the Albanian factor from further measures that need
to be taken to stabilize the country, by founding an Emergency Team that
should monitor the situation and propose measures and activities that need
to be taken by competent authorities in Macedonia. The team, consisted of
ARM representatives, Agency of Counter-Intelligence, Ministry of Interior,
had been established after the killing of Muzafer Xhaferi (23), who got
killed in front of his own house in Tanushec.
The Team is based in the ARM House in Skopje. The ethnic structure of the
Team is ethnically clean all Macedonians. As Fakti learned, this was done
on the specific request of Trajkovski himself, as he assessed irrelevant
the contribution of the Albanians in this matter."

Oddmund Garvik
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