
From: Knut Rognes (
Date: Fri Oct 13 2000 - 19:08:18 MET DST

  • Next message: Karsten Johansen: "flere orkaner kan ventes..."


    noen klipp fra en artikkel av Israel Shahak fra 1995. Fremdeles aktuell.
    Spørsmålet er om vi nærmer oss det Shahak nevner i det aller siste avsnittet.

    Jeg vil tippe at Arafat også denne gangen - etter at han nå har høstet en
    viss politisk gevinst - slår ned opprøret med CIA og Israels hjelp. Vi
    hørte nettopp på radioen at arrestasjoner er i gang. Han bøyer kne:
    lynsjingen av de israelske soldatene ble f.eks. fordømt av ham, uten at han
    krevde at drapene på 100 palestinere til gjengjeld ble fordømt av Israel
    (så vidt nyhetsbyråene forteller) så det kan se ut til at også Arafat ser
    på jødiske liv som av en annen karakter enn palestinske. Og Barak sier han
    ikke vil ha krig, osv. osv.

    Se også

    Israels politikk i de okkuperte områdene: "herredømme fra utsiden"
    (i Klassekampen 29. desember 1998)



    Analysis of Israeli policies: the priority of the ideological factor

    In other words, empirical evidence (valid as anything in politics can be
    valid) shows that Israeli policies are primarily ideologically motivated
    and that the ideology by which they are motivated is totalitarian in
    nature. This ideology can be easily known since it is enshrined in the
    writings of the founders of Labor Zionism, and it can be easily inferred
    from Israeli laws, regulations and pursued policies. Those who, like
    Arafat, his henchmen and most Palestinian intellectuals, have through all
    these years failed to make an intellectual effort to seriously study this
    ideology, have only themselves to blame for being stunned by all the
    developments of the 20 months after Oslo. Whoever after Oslo stopped
    denouncing Israeli "imperialism" for the sake of a meaningless "peace of
    the brave" slogan, only showed that he learned nothing and forgot nothing.
    Their blunder is all the greater since Israel has by no means been unique
    in pursuing ideologically determined policies. Strict ideological
    considerations determine policies in plenty of other past and present
    states. In other cases an ideology underlying a given policy, however, is
    not only openly admitted by a state concerned, but also well-known and
    discussed beyond its borders.

    Israel is indeed unique in that the discriminatory Jewish ideology
    dictating its policies is hardly ever discussed beyond its borders, due to
    the fear of offending the Jews of the diaspora and of being labelled by
    their powerful organizations as an "anti-Semite" or "Jewish self-hater". At
    the same time in Israel the ideology of discriminating against all non-Jews
    is not only openly admitted but also advocated as guaranteeing the
    character of Israel as a "Jewish state" mandated to preserve its "Jewish

    The Jewish supporters of Israeli discriminatory practices freely admit that
    they thus want to preserve the "Jewish character" of Israel, conceived of
    by them and by the majority of Israeli Jews, as legacy of historical
    Judaism. Indeed, if we overlook the modern times, there is sufficient truth
    in this claim. Until the advent of modern times all Jews firmly believed
    that non-Jews should be discriminated against whenever possible. It now
    turns out that the Jewish Enlightenment failed to change the attitudes of
    all, or perhaps even of most, Jews in this respect. Many completely
    irreligious Jews still believe that for the sake of the Jewish religious
    law and tradition which commanded to discriminate the non-Jews the latter
    should be discriminated in the "Jewish state" forever. This is professed in
    spite, or perhaps even because of the undeniable fact that this
    discrimination has the same character as that which the anti-Semites want
    to apply against the Jews.

    How come the experts of the Israeli government expect acquiescence to this
    situation on the part of the Palestinians (including the Israeli citizens
    among them, whose influence in Knesset can be considerable) and on the part
    of international public opinion? The two questions seem to have a single
    answer. Israeli experts and the government apparently anticipate to make
    those realities palatable for both as long as Israel confines itself only
    to "control from outside", while leaving "control from inside", (i.e. the
    job of actually enforcing order) in the hands of Israel's Palestinian
    proxies who will be granted a semblance of an independent authority. (I am
    not going to discuss international public opinion separately, because Latin
    American and African precedents make me convinced that the response of the
    world at large to the "control from inside" will be as tame and as
    acquiescent as in Palestine.) Much as I abhor the Israeli government's
    plans on moral grounds, this anticipation strikes me as well-grounded.
    After all, a large majority of Palestinians have tamely acquiesced to the
    numerous violations of human rights committed directly by Arafat's regime
    in the Gaza Strip and by his secret polices in the West Bank. (The
    potentially violent dispute between Arafat and Hamas is about power rather
    than about human or any other rights.)

    The second point where I differ from the Israeli Security System's
    assessments concerns the "Rainbow of Colors". The Israeli experts assume it
    can last forever, whereas I think it is bound to be rather short- lived.
    Even if Arafat commits indescribable atrocities in smashing all opposition
    to his rule, I doubt if he can keep the Palestinian population inside their
    enclaves under his effective control. After all, the facts on the ground
    will be all too tangible for the Palestinians, and the arguments of the
    opposition particularly of Hamas, (unless destroyed by Arafat's victory in
    a civil war) will be bound to undermine Arafat's standing in a relatively
    short period of time. So far his attempts to suppress the opposition,
    half-hearted at best, have alternated with attempts to make a compromise
    with it. His oppression can be said to have intimidated individuals and
    small groups like the PDFL, but it has made Hamas stronger, more
    influential and more outraged than before.

    It is impossible to say whether Arafat will decide to accede to Israel's
    demands to smash the opposition, or continue to play the same game of
    serving Israel covertly and to opposing it in words. In any event, however,
    the Palestinian masses see with increasing clarity that their situation is
    rapidly deteriorating. At present it is only Arafat's vestigial prestige
    which prevents them from beginning to organize a popular resistance
    movement. Once all his credibility is gone, which may occur quite soon, the
    only Israeli alternative for still exercising "control from outside" would
    be through a naked Palestinian dictatorship, whether Arafat's or somebody
    else's. Oppression then unleashed is bound to surpass anything experienced
    in the period of "control from inside". I am fully conscious of the immense
    human suffering which such an oppression is bound to cause. Yet I do not
    attribute much political importance to the question whether it can succeed
    and for how long. In any event, it will mark the failure of the "control
    from outside" scheme as an easy and cheap method of domination, which can
    be "sold", Peres- style, to the international public. In the last analysis
    the failure of the "control from outside" cannot but mark the end of
    Israeli policies based on the absolute priority of Zionist ideology.

    Knut Rognes

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