sitatmosaikk - maoismen

From: Karsten Johansen (
Date: 09-07-02

Her følger en liten maoistisk sitatmosaikk (som selvsagt på ingen måte
gjør krav på å være komplett - det er en mer enn overmenneskelig oppgave
og neppe bryet verd - men disse sitatene demonstrerer meget godt
essensen i den stalinistiske form for "teori"), etterfulgt av Terje
Valens "oppgjør" med dette som man før fulgte slavisk. Hvor intet annet
er anført, er sitatene fra Mao selv.


Only the land of socialism, its leaders and people, and socialist
thinkers, statesmen and workers can give real help to the cause of
liberation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese people, and without
their help our cause cannot win final victory.

Stalin is the true friend of the cause of liberation of the Chinese
people. No attempt to sow dissension, no lies and calumnies, can affect
the Chinese people's whole-hearted love and respect for Stalin and our
genuine friendship for the Soviet Union.

(1939, etter Hitler-Stalin pakten)

The immortal beacon of Comrade Stalin will forever illuminate the path
on which the Chinese people march forward.

(telegram ved Stalins død 1953)

Comrade Stalin developed Marxist-Leninist theory in a comprehensive and
epoch-making way and propelled the development of Marxism to a new
stage. Comrade Stalin creatively developed Lenin's theory concerning the
law of the uneven development of capitalism and the theory that it is
possible for socialism to first achieve victory in one country; Comrade
Stalin creatively contributed the theory of the general crisis of the
capitalist system.; he contributed the theory concerning the building of
communism in the Soviet Union; he contributed the theory of the
fundamental economic laws of present-day capitalism and of socialism; he
contributed the theory of revolution in colonies and semi-colonies.
Comrade Stalin also creatively developed Lenin's theory of party
building. All these creative theories of Comrade Stalin's further united
the workers throughout the world, further united the oppressed classes
and oppressed people throughout the world, thereby enabling the struggle
of the world's working class and all oppressed people for liberation and
well-being and the victories in this struggle to reach unprecedented
All of Comrade Stalin's writing are immortal documents of Marxism. His
works, The Foundations of Leninism, The History of the Communist Party
of the Soviet Union [Bolshevik], and his last great work, Economic
Problems of Socialism in the USSR, constitute an encyclopedia of
Marxism-Leninism, a synthesis of the experience of the world Communist
movement of the past hundred years. His speech at the Nineteenth
Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is a precious last
testament bequeathed to the Communists of all the countries of the
world. We Chinese Communists, like the Communists of all countries,
search for our own road to victory in the great works of Comrade Stalin.


After Lenin's death Stalin as the chief leader of the Party and the
state creatively applied and developed Marxism-Leninism. In the struggle
to defend the legacy of Leninism against its enemies - the Trotskyites,
Zinovievities and other bourgeois agents - Stalin expressed the will and
wishes of the people and proved himself to be an outstanding
Marxist-Leninist fighter. The reason Stalin won the support of the
Soviet people and played an important role in history was primarily that
he, together with the other leaders of the Communist Party of the Soviet
Union, brought about the triumph of socialism in the Soviet Union and
created the conditions for the victory of the Soviet Union in the war
against Hitler; these victories of the Soviet people conformed to the
interests of the working class of the world and all progressive mankind.
It was therefore quite natural for the name of Stalin to be greatly
honoured throughout the world. But having won such high honour among the
people both at home and abroad by his correct application of the
Leninist line, Stalin erroneously exaggerated his own role and
counterposed his individual authority to the collective leadership, and
as a result certain of his actions were opposed to certain fundamental
Marxist-Leninist concepts he himself had propagated....


It is equally clear that, since the October Revolution, any government
that refuses to be on friendly terms with the Soviet Union only harms
the real interests of its own people. (Prolonged, enthusiastic


Since we already have clear guidelines, we should speedily gather
together the cadres from six levels and issue these to them at once. In
three or four days the major contradictions will be thrashed out, and
thus, it will be possible to win the support of the majority. By taking
the initiative we will take the wind out of the observers and the
auditors. Of course, some people will not be able to reach an
understanding and will berate us for going backwards. Because of this
these people will lose some sleep over it and will not be able to eat
well for a few days. But, after that, they will be able to come around
to an understanding.

(partiintern beskjed fra Mao 1959)

Fertilizer is food for plants, plants are food for animals and animals,
in turn, are food for humankind. Therefore, from this it can be seen
that it is definitely within reason to raise hogs and other stock
animals on a big scale. It seems that it will be possible to accomplish
his glorious and great mission within one or two five-year plans.


Stalin's life was that of a great Marxist-Leninist, a great proletarian
It is true that while he performed meritorious deeds for the Soviet
people and the international communist movement, Stalin, a great
Marxist-Leninist and proletarian revolutionary, also made certain
mistakes. Some were errors of principle and some were errors made in the
course of practical work; some could have been avoided and some were
scarcely avoidable at a time when the dictatorship of the proletariat
had no precedent to go by. (…)

The historical role of Bebel and Rosa Luxemburg is by no means
comparable to that of Stalin. Stalin was the great leader of the
dictatorship of the proletariat and the international communist movement
over a whole historical era, and greater care should be exercised in
evaluating him.
The leaders of the CPSU have accused the Chinese Communist Party of
"defending" Stalin. Yes, we do defend Stalin. When Khrushchov distorts
history and completely negates Stalin, naturally we have the inescapable
duty to come forward and defend him in the interests of the
international communist movement.

They have treated Stalin not as a comrade but as an enemy.
They have not adopted the method of criticism and self-criticism to sum
up experience but have blamed Stalin for all errors, or ascribed to him
the "mistakes" they have arbitrarily invented.
They have not presented the facts and reasoned things out but have made
demagogic personal attacks on Stalin in order to poison people's minds.
Khrushchov has abused Stalin as a "murderer", a "criminal" a "bandit",
[1] a "gambler", a "despot of the type of Ivan the Terrible", "the
greatest dictator in Russian history", a "fool", [2] an "idiot", [3]
etc. When we are compelled to cite all this filthy, vulgar and malicious
language, we are afraid it may soil our pen and paper.

(Offisiell uttalelse fra KKPs ledelse 1963)

The glorious Albanian Party of Labour, headed by Comrade Enver Hoxha, is
firmly holding aloft the revolutionary red banner of Marxism-Leninism
while encircled ring upon ring by the imperialists and the modern
Heroic people's Albania has become a great beacon of socialism in
The revisionist leading clique of the Soviet Union, the Tito clique of
Yugoslavia, and all the other cliques of renegades and scabs of various
shades are mere dust heaps in comparison, while you, a lofty mountain,
tower to the skies. They are slaves and accomplices of imperialism,
before which they prostrate themselves, while you are dauntless
proletarian revolutionaries who dare to fight imperialism and its
running dogs, fight the world's tyrannical enemies.


Wind will not cease even if trees want to rest.


The situation in the great proletarian Cultural Revolution is not just
good, but excellent. The over-all situation is better than at any time
in the past. The important sign of the excellent situation is that the
masses have been fully aroused. Never before has a mass movement been
aroused so extensively and penetratingly as it is present.


How do the counter-revolutionaries play their game of duplicity? How do
they manage to present a false image to deceive us while clandestinely
carrying on [activities] we do not even suspect? Millions of good people
do not know this and therefore many counter-revolutionaries have wormed
their way into our ranks. Our people do not have good eye-sight they are
unable to differentiate the upright from the crooked. They may be able
to tell the good from the bad in the light of their activities under
normal conditions. Nevertheless, we are rather inept at singling out
certain people in the light of their activities under special


The course of the struggle to smash the Lin Piao anti-Party clique and
the crimes of the clique are already known to the whole Party, Army and
people. So, there is no need to dwell on it here.
Marxism-Leninism holds that inner-Party struggle is the reflection
within the Party of class struggle in society. The Liu Shao-chi renegade
clique collapsed and the Lin Piao anti-Party clique sprang out to
continue the trial of strength with the proletariat. This was an acute
expression of the intense domestic and international class struggles.
(Chou En Lai 1973)


Mao Tsetung,

(The following are listed in the order of the number of strokes in their
Ting Sheng, Ting Ke-tse, Ting Kuo-yu, Ma Ning, Ma Tien-shui, Yu Sang, Yu
Hui-yung, Yu Hungliang, Wang Cheng, Wang Chen, Wang Pi-cheng, Wang
Hung-kun, Wang Hsiu-chen (f.), Wang Kuo-fan, Wang Hung-wen, (osv., fra

Demonstrerer glimrende den praktiske betydning av Maos "oppgjør" med
persondyrkelsen og runder denne sitatmosaikken av.

Essensen i Valens parentetiske oppgjør midt i hans Marx-exegese er

”Viss vi tek utgangspunkt i Marx sine tankar om utviklinga av
kommunismen slik dei er framlagt her, så har vi ei opning til ei ny og
meir nyansert forståing av kommunisme i det heile. Den kommunismen
(eller sosialismen som vi ofte kallar han) som vi har sett til no, har
vore av ein spesiell type. Det har vore delvis ein rå og delvis ein
politiske kommunisme som vart kjempa fram i land som stort sett var
komme svært kort på ei kapitalistisk utvikling i det heile, eller i
nokre mindre land med meir utvikla produktivkrefter. Denne kommunismen
har eksistert ut frå lite utvikla produktivkrefter og i eit hav av
fiendtleg, imperialistisk kapitalisme. Også i nokre mindre land med meir
utvikla produktivkrefter har dei forsøkt å gjennomføre denne typen
I alle desse landa fekk ikkje kommunismen ei demokratisk, men ei
despotisk form. Seinare degenererte han som følgje av imperialistiske
åtak utanfra og dårleg indre grunnlag, og han fekk stadig fleire
borgarlege trekk. Eit hovudansvar for at denne kommunismen aborterte har
dei sosialdemokratiske leiarane i dei kapitalistiske landa som gjekk i
allianse med borgarskapet og sveik arbeidarklassen og folket i Sovjet og
dei andre kommunistiske landa nett då dei trengte hjelpa mest. Eg
tenkjer her både på mellomkrigstida og på mcCarthytida.”

Altså: først var systemet despotisk og "seinare" (?!?!) degenererte
(?)det til følge av imperialistiske angrep utenfra, med "hovedansvaret"
hos de vestlige sosialdemokratene. Ikke noen særlig dyp teori spør du
meg (og komplett abstrakt og ahistorisk formulert). Som vanlig sniker
katta seg helt rundt den varme grauten fra Stalin via Mao til Pol Pot.

Karsten Johansen

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