Jødisk antisionisme

From: brendberg (brendberg@c2i.net)
Date: 03-07-02

Dette utklippet frå Haaretz byrjar å bli litt gamalt. Det gjev likevel litt
innblikk i motsetnadene mellom jødiske sionistar og antisionistar. Neturei
Karta har nokre merkelege idear - men dei er ivrige palestinavener.

Hans Olav Brendberg, Hitra

>By Sharon Sadeh, Ha'aretz Correspondent - June 15, 2002
>LONDON - The extreme pro-Palestinian groups in Britain have recently found
>a new propaganda weapon in the form of an ultra-Orthodox sect whose
>activities have turned the rest of the British Jewish community against it.
>In the past few years, members of the extreme Neturei Karta movement have
>increased their involvement in anti-Israeli activities, participating in
>demonstrations calling for Israel's annihilation. The Jewish community in
>Britain has responded by excommunicating the group, banning its members
>from the country's synagogues.
>Neturei Karta's most remarkable display was at the pro-Palestinian rally
>held on May 18 in London's Trafalgar Square, two weeks after a mass Israel
>solidarity in the same place.
>"It was shocking to see these people wrapped in teffilin and tallits
>[prayer shawls], waving signs against Israel and Zionism, at an event
>deliberately held on a Saturday, during Shavuot, a feast which commemorates
>the receiving of the Torah," said a spokesman for the Board of Deputies, an
>umbrella group for the British Jewish community.
>"Someone asked them how they got to the demonstration, as they are not
>supposed to travel on Shabbat, and they said they had come on foot from
>Stamford Hill, 14 kilometers away."
>"Don't worry, we didn't violate the Shabbat," says Avraham Grohman,
>considered to be the leader of Neturei Karta in Britain. He has become a
>popular lecturer in the past year among extreme pro-Palestinian groups in
>Britain, including organizations affiliated to Hamas.
>Grohman told Ha'aretz that Neturei Karta supports the Palestinians so that
>they "know that Jews are not fighting and are not creating the problems for
>the Palestinians; it's the Zionists fault.
>"We believe in the Torah, according to the Torah we have no claim for that
>part of the world. We, the Jews, were thrown out for our sins and for the
>worst deeds, and the exile is our remedy. Jews have no right to take that
>land away from the Palestinians. If somebody came to your house, and wanted
>to take it away from you by force, what would you do? Would you let him go
>into your house and take it away? No, you wouldn't."
>Grohman disagrees that Neturei Karta's participation in Palestinian
>demonstrations legitimizes suicide attacks.
>"It's all stories and politics," he says. "No, it is a fight! When somebody
>has ammunition to fight somebody else, and the other does not have that
>ammunition, he will fight back with just a stick, he has nothing else. Do
>you call the person with a stick a terrorist? He fights with whatever he
>can! He cannot fight with more than that. Who has more ammunition? Who has
>more F16s? Do the Palestinians have F16 planes to bomb Tel Aviv, or do the
>Zionists have F16 planes to bomb them?
>"The fight is the fault of the Zionists and the Zionist state who do not
>care about Jewish or Palestinian life. The suffering and bloodshed will
>never stop as long as the Zionist state exists, thanks to the influence of
>the Zionists on America and England."
>Nor does Grohman acknowledge the fact that the Holocaust played a part in
>the establishment of the State of Israel. "What Holocaust?" he asks. "The
>Germans are the greatest friend of the Zionist state, the biggest sum of
>money was given by the Germans for the Zionist state."
>Grohman even goes on to justify the slaughter of Jews in Europe, claiming
>that they were responsible for their own fate.
>"The Zionists helped to create and bring up anti-Semitism in Germany," he
>says. "They also broke the economy of Germany at that time, so what do you
>expect them to do?"
>He claims that Neturei Karta plays an important part in maintaining
>Britain's safety. "Because we are friendly with all the nations, especially
>with the Palestinians, and many other Muslims, we are actually reducing
>tensions and thus creating good relationship all over the world. Without
>our deeds there would also have been these problems in England a long time
>ago. The English would not have been able to use the roads."
>Grohman believes that his group has contributed to the safety of Jews
>worldwide. "We got through to hundreds of Muslim newspapers, who stopped
>using the term Jew. When they talk about those things they don't say Jew,
>but Zionist."
>Britain's Jewish community, however, is enraged by Neturei Karta
>activities, with Britain's Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks slamming their
>anti-Zionist slant.
>"Recent actions of members of Neturei Karta in protesting outside Jewish
>community events, together with groups hostile to Israel and the Jewish
>community, are unforgivable," he declared.
>But the community's dislike for the group does not end with expressions of
>disapproval. Threats to Neturei Karta members have been reported; their
>vehicles and property have been destroyed, and they have been sacked from
>their places of work.
>Grohman himself was attacked by a Braslav Hassidic Jew during a
>counter-demonstration held by Palestinians opposite the Israel solidarity
>rally at Trafalgar Square. Three weeks ago, one of the sect's synagogues
>was attacked and its windows were spray-painted with Star of David symbols.
>The activities of the group have also angered ultra-Orthodox organizations
>traditionally linked to Neturei Karta.
>"Even the Satmer Hasidic movement, affiliated with Neturei Karta, regards
>the activities of some of its members as crossing a red line," said a
>Haredi source. "The Hasidic movement is not a Zionist movement, but there
>is a difference between this position and active support of an extreme
>stance that justifies the murder of Jews, as expressed by Neturei Karta."
>The ultra-Orthodox rabbinical court in London has taken an even harsher
>stance against Neturei Karta. Last month, it distributed a pamphlet in
>ultra-Orthodox synagogues similar to an FBI "most-wanted" list.
>The pamphlet showed close-up photographs of Neturei Karta members taken
>during pro-Palestinian demonstrations. The caption on the leaflet read: "Do
>you recognize any these pro-Palestinian demonstrators? If they come
>collecting at your shul, tell them where to go - to hell."

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