Exxon ousts climate scientist (vidersendt)

From: Karsten Johansen (kavejo@ifrance.com)
Date: 14-05-02

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Exxon ousts climate scientist
by Tom Dowdall on 13 May 2002 @ 05:46 PM

Leaked documents recently revealed that Exxon asked the US government to
the head of the international scientific panel on climate change because
it did
not like his views on climate change. Guess what - a few weeks later he
Steve Sawyer, a Greenpeace climate campaigner, was present at the
meeting and he
reveals the political shenanigans that got Mr. Watson removed from his
"The air is thicker than crude oil, Even the most cynical would be
shocked by
the heavyhanded tactics of the US's bald display of their fossil-fuel
politics in Geneva today."
"The US has struck another blow in its broad effort to undermine the
science of
climate change, and to undermine international institutions and
agreements," said Sawyer.
The full influence of the oil industry and fossil fuel interests was
revealed in
the election of the new Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
(IPCC)in Geneva. In the vote at the IPCC's 19th Session, the candidate
by the United States was elected after a nasty politicised discussion.
The United States, acting on the direction of US oil giant Exxon, and
Saudi Arabia, other OPEC states, and Japan, has waged a campaign against
Robert Watson, current chair of the IPCC. They are seeking someone who
would be
less forceful advocate of climate change than Watson - a well respected
scientist in the global community.
"The cynicism of the US has reached new heights in this process by
that they are acting in the interests of developing countries, who
have received very short shrift from the United States," said Sawyer.
Greenpeace called on Dr. R.K. Pachauri, the Chairman elect of the IPCC,
to rise
above the forces that put him in place, and live by his own words to
continue to
challenge those who stand in the way of continuing good science and
action to
prevent climate change.
"We trust that Dr. Pachauri will continue to facilitate the work of
world's best
climate scientists," said Sawyer. "But we'll be watching to make sure
that the
kinds of antics practiced by Exxon, Saudi Arabia and the United States
do not
sully the ongoing scientific work of the panel.

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