Rivers Of Blood

From: Oddmund Garvik (oddmund@ifrance.com)
Date: Sat Feb 03 2001 - 12:32:05 MET

  • Next message: Ola Lars Andresen: "SV: Sofisme og "ytringsfridom" (var Re: Nei til forbud)"

    Ein gong midt under aksjonen "Peace for Galilee" for snautt 20 år sidan
    handhelsa eg merkeleg nok på Ariel Sharon, og me åt ved same bordet ein
    kveld. Det var på eit øvingsfelt ved Ashkelon like nord for Gaza, i
    samband med feiringa av 10-årsjubileet for Yom Kippour-krigen. Det var
    berre nokre månader etter massakren i Sabra og Shatila.

    Eg har tenkt på dette fleire gonger seinare - korleis ein blir fanga inn i
    situasjonar, og brått er på stader ein ikkje skulle ha vore. Slik kan
    livet vera. Eg skammar meg over dette i dag, sjølv om det var ei minimal
    og anonym hending. Andre har handhelsa på større massemordarar enn
    Sharon, i meir omstendelege situasjonar, men fleire av desse korkje
    skammar seg, eller angrar. Livet kan vera slik også.

    Eg visste godt kven general Sharon var, og kva han stod for. Eg såg
    resultata av den katastrofale israelske okkupasjonen av Libanon kvar dag i
    over eit år - raserte landsbyar, øydelagde liv og alt det elende ein kan
    koma på.

    Sharon har ikkje forandra seg, og no er heile verda vitne til at denne
    mannen saman med nokre medhjelparar bur seg på å setje Palestina i
    brann. Men ingen rører ein finger. Alle ventar. Det er kanskje byrjinga på

    På veg til Tel Aviv køyrde me jamleg forbi Armageddonsletta der det blir
    sagt at det siste store slaget skal stå. Amerikanske tv-selskap hadde alt
    den gongen kjøpt land og bygd atomsikre bunkarar med underjordiske studio.
    Det einaste me såg ein gong me stoppa, var betongplattformer for montering
    av parabolantenner til å overføre "dei siste bileta av verda". I den
    augneblinken minnest eg at det nok ein gong slo meg kor sinnsjuk
    kapitalismen er. Like til siste blodsdråpen...

    Oddmund Garvik

    PS: Det som kjem nedanfor er noko langt, men ein kan sjølvsagt
    berre hoppe over det om ein ikkje likar lange tekstar.


                           THE COMING OF ARIEL SHARON

                    Revisionist Zionism Triumping As Never Before

    MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 2/02:
    The bloodiness and racism of Sharon's past is fact. And these two
    articles help bring that past forward to the present.

    Neither article is comprehensive though for there is so much more
    Sharon has done -- bloody as well as strategic. Neither focuses on the
    overall reality that this single man, Ariel Sharon, has done more than any
    other Israeli leader to create the "conditions on the ground" that now
    make the old "two-state solution" far more difficult, if not impossible,
    than it was in the years after the 1967 war, or at the time of the 1982
    war, or even at the time of Madrid and Oslo. A poll published in Israel
    today (Yediot Aharonot) shows that 65% of the Arabs in Israel do not plan
    to vote in Tuesday's election and that Sharon is leading Barak by an
    unprecedented 21% in the total likely balloting. Other polls also
    published today in Israel show margins of victory for Sharon between 17
    and 22%.
    Such a major Sharon/Likud victory may also soon lead to a break-up on
    the Labor and "One Israel" coalition, with Sharon manuevering to form a
    "national unity" government which would bring over some Laborites to his
    government, jettisoning what by Israeli standards passes for the "liberal"
    left -- Beilin and Ben-Ami among them. If this happens it will be a major
    revolution in Israeli politics, the Jabotinsky and Revisionist wing of
    Zionism triumphing as never before and in ways hardly imaginable just a
    few years ago.

    As for the Palestinian situation, their plight is more desperate than
    ever, though many Palestinians and supporters refuse to recognize this
    basic reality.

    Not only are they now paying for decades of corruption, repression, and
    incompetence at the highest levels of their own leadership; but they also
    now face the results of having missed so many opportunities to properly
    organize themselves in serious ways for political, as well as military,
    struggle. And the following article by Haithem El-Zabri follows in that
    tradition of well regurgitating history past while not able to suggest
    "what needs to be done" in a serious and sophisticated way.

                                DESPITE HIS BLOODY HISTORY
                                 Suzanne Goldenberg in Beirut

                       'He destroyed my family. I can never forget'

    [The Guardian - Tuesday January 30, 2001]: Nawal Abu Rudeinah's childhood
    ended on Thursday September 16 1982 when she was seven years old and a
    minor war hero called Ariel Sharon was Israel's defense minister.

    On that day the 24 members of Nawal's family had crammed into a room near
    the entrance of the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, in the southern
    suburbs of Beirut. In the lanes outside Israel's Christian Lebanese allies
    - armed and trained by Israel and under Mr. Sharon's command as minister -
    were slaughtering hundreds of people.

    The following day Nawal's mother crammed a rag into her daughter's mouth
    to silence her. From the darkened shelter the girl heard the screams of
    her cousin as she was raped and killed by the Lebanese militiamen and the
    death rattle of her uncle who had tried to save her.
    On Saturday the surviving family members were discovered. The men were
    taken off to be shot, and Nawal was marched away at gunpoint, stepping
    over the corpses in the doorway. One of the dead was her father, with the
    cleaver that killed him embedded in his skull. Another was her pregnant
    sister, Amal, whose belly was slit open.

    "As we were walking, we kept looking around, and saying: 'Who is this? Oh
    look, this is Mohammed, and this is Ahmed'," Ms Abu Rudeinah says. At
    least 800 - and as many as 2,000 - people had been killed over three days.

    For years it was unimaginable that Mr. Sharon, who shares the blame for
    the deaths, could ever lead Israel. But time, and the four-month uprising
    in the West Bank and Gaza, have wiped out the stain of his bloody personal
    history, and next week, barring a miracle, Israelis will elect him their
    prime minister.

    Visiting a West Bank outpost this month, Mr. Sharon gazed out over the
    Jordan valley and beyond, to Iraq and Syria. "Israel is surrounded by
    enemies," he said. "The Jews have one tiny country where they have the
    right and the power to defend themselves."
    The comment might have been true 20 years ago, but since that time it has
    signed peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan, and started negotiating
    with the Palestinians.

    But after the intifada, which most Israelis see as a Palestinian betrayal,
    many Israelis are inclined to agree with him. People are yearning for an
    uncomplicated warrior who will promise them security, and nobody embodies
    that better than Mr. Sharon.

    "If I could get my hands on him, I would kill him," says Ms Abu Rudeinah.

    "He destroyed my family. I can never forget that, or anything that
    happened that day - the way I had to step over the bodies, and the bodies
    lying everywhere in the street. I hope God strikes down Sharon, and
    whoever had a hand in the massacre."

    Many fear his election could intensify the violence in the West Bank and
    Gaza, which has killed nearly 400 people. It could also bury the peace
    negotiations with the Palestinians.
    "My great fear is that he has a lifelong penchant for grand strategic
    designs that go completely awry and that prove disastrous for Israel,"
    says Joseph Alpher, a former director of the Jaffee Centre for Strategic
    Studies at Tel Aviv University.

    "This is his record. I listen to his statements about wanting to bring
    peace, and being more capable than [the prime minister, Ehud] Barak to
    bring peace, but he presents no reasonable or logical plan for doing so."

    The first time Mr. Sharon put one of his "grand designs" into action was
    in 1953, when he commanded Unit 101, a force charged with retaliating
    against Palestinian raiders. After the brutal killing of a woman in
    central Israel, Mr. Sharon and his men blew up at least 45 homes in the
    West Bank village of Kibya, then under Jordanian control. Sixty-nine
    people were killed, half of them women and children.
    Abroad, the operation caused outrage; in Israel it made Mr. Sharon into
    something of a hero. Unit 101 was expanded, and Mr. Sharon led other
    reprisal attacks in Jordan, Egypt and Syria.
    Mr. Sharon left the army for politics in June 1973. He was recalled later
    that year to command the Israeli forces which eventually crossed the Suez
    canal, and helped turn around the 1973 war.

    In the rightwing Likud party he became was a champion of the militant
    Jewish settlers. But in a sense he was marking time until his defining


    In October 1981, two months after becoming defense minister, he ordered
    the army to prepare a war plan and within months it was in Beirut. But the
    following year the massacre at Sabra and Shatila brought his career
    crashing down.

    In 1983 an Israeli government investigation found him personally
    responsible for allowing the Lebanese Christian militias into the camps,
    ignoring the risk to the refugees, and taking no action to stop the
    massacre. It said he was unfit to be defense minister; he was forced to

    Mr. Sharon remains defiant about the massacre. Last week he told the Tel
    Aviv chamber of commerce: "What happened in Lebanon, which we didn't have
    any connection to or anything, was that Christian Arabs killed Muslim
    Arabs and as a result of the atmosphere of hysteria in Israel I was forced
    to leave my post."

    But he has faced such questions only once during this election campaign.
    The new Sharon, as constructed by his handlers, is a grandpa in blue jeans
    cuddling baby goats at a farm in the Negev desert.

    The idea is to make him more palatable to centrist voters who feel
    betrayed by Mr. Barak's failed efforts to bring peace. "Even those voting
    for Sharon do not trust him entirely," says Yossi Verter, a columnist for
    the liberal news paper Ha'aretz. "Deep down, they think he is an extreme
    right-winger who never voted for any peace plan.

    According to Mr. Sharon, now is not the time to talk about peace. He
    proposes a series of interim accords that freeze the amount of territory
    under Palestinian control, and make no concessions on Jerusalem. He says
    he will not negotiate with the Palestinians until the intifada ends.

    "Sharon is in effect killing the Israeli and Palestinian peace process not
    in terms of refusing to talk, but by refusing to offer anything," Mr.
    Alpher says.

    Others say Mr. Sharon is more nuanced. Last week he sent his son and a
    lawyer to a secret meeting in Vienna with Mr. Arafat's money man, Mohammed

    Mr. Rashid controls the millions of dollars that flow in and out of the
    coffers of the Palestinian Authority, and is believed to be a principal
    stakeholder in its biggest earner, a glitzy casino in Jericho.

    But in Beirut, and in the Arab world beyond, Mr. Sharon can never be

    In Sabra and Shatila, a walled-off field heaped with rubbish serves as the
    mass grave of the militiamen's victims.
    Yamama Abdullah's husband and four of her children are buried there.

    If you ask her or Ms Abu Rudeinah who was to blame for the massacre, they
    say "Sharon". Dozens of people claim to have seen Mr. Sharon on the roof
    of a nearby block of flats, watching the killing through field glasses.

    And the thought of Mr. Sharon becoming Israel's prime minister brings the
    horror flooding back.

    "Oh God, no, not Sharon," says Ms Abdullah. "If Sharon comes that means
    war - not only for the Palestinians but for all the Arabs."

                     RIVERS OF BLOOD - A New Sharon Episode
                                  by Haithem El-Zabri

    [Feb. 2nd, 2001 - Al Aqsa Intifada Organization]: Last night I had a
    terrifying nightmare: As I was walking near the Dome of the Rock, on the
    Haram Al-Sharif compound, I slipped due to a river of blood that was
    flowing under me. The more disturbing aspect is that this shocking scene
    is not far from reality if Sharon comes to power.

    Sharon's Bloody Background

    Sharon s bloodstained career started with the underground terrorist group
    "Haganah", and at the age of 22 he led commando units that attacked
    Palestinian civilians from behind the lines. In 1953, he formed an elite
    militia known as Unit 101, or "the avengers." This notorious unit operated
    without uniforms and carried out institutional terror in the Palestinian
    refugee camps and villages. One of Sharon's "achievements" with this unit
    was the attack on Qibya village, where he blew up 45 homes and slaughtered
    69 civilians, over half of whom were women and children.

    Following the 1967 war, Sharon was responsible for turning 160,000
    residents of the East Jerusalem area into refugees. His brutal methods
    included blowing up houses, bulldozing refugee camps, imposing severe
    collective punishments, and imprisoning hundreds of young Palestinians
    suspected of being fighters.

    Shortly afterwards, he was promoted to security chief in the Gaza area,
    where he suppressed Palestinian resistance with merciless repression and
    brutality. Sharon led massive manhunts for Palestinian Liberation Army
    members. These campaigns started with bulldozing Palestinian houses,
    including hundreds of homes in the Beach Camp, to create a grid of wide
    streets throughout the shantytown, thus facilitating his troops control
    and movement. Hundreds of resistance suspects were assassinated, and their
    families loaded into trucks and exiled to the Sinai Desert. Thousands of
    others were arrested and deported to Jordan and Lebanon. In August 1971
    alone, Sharon's troops demolished over 2,000 homes in the Gaza Strip,
    displacing some 16,000 people for the second time in their lives.

    Years later, when the Palestinians of Gaza heard about the massacres of
    Sabra and Shatila, few were surprised. "We knew what he was like long
    before that," one witness affirmed.

    Sharon was first elected to the Knesset in 1974, and in 1977 was appointed
    by Manachem Begin as Minister of Agriculture and settlements. He handled
    his governmental duties with the same aggressiveness as the military, and
    quickly achieved a Jewish settlement boom in the West Bank and Gaza. His
    work included "Judaizing the Galilee" at the expense of Israeli Arab
    citizens, whom he considers foreigners. He encouraged takeovers of Arab
    properties in Jerusalem, and advocates that all Arabs should be expelled
    from the city.

    The Invasion of Lebanon

    As Defense Minister in 1982, Sharon was the principal architect of
    Israel's invasion of Lebanon. His tanks and artillery shells inflicted
    massive destruction on Palestinian population centers, especially the
    cities of Sidon and Tyre, most of which were leveled. Ain Hilweh (Sweet
    Spring), the largest Palestinian refugee camp in southern Lebanon and home
    to 25,000 residents, was razed to the ground. Within a few weeks, 14,000
    people had been killed, of which almost 13,000 were unarmed Palestinian
    and Lebanese civilians. Approximately half a million people were made

    Israeli forces soon reached Beirut and laid siege to it, shelling and
    bombing it relentlessly. In order to spare the capital from this daily
    indiscriminate Israeli bombardment, the PLO forces were requested to
    evacuate, and received explicit assurances that Israel would not invade
    West Beirut or harm their families (under the American negotiated "Habib"
    agreement). In spite of that, and within two days, Sharon had occupied
    West Beirut, including positions encircling the Palestinian refugee camps
    of Sabra and Shatila.

    The savage Phalangist militias, recruited, trained, armed and paid by
    Israel, were invited to enter the camps for a three-day killing spree.
    Whole families were exposed to horrific acts of torture, rape,
    dismemberment, and execution. Robert Fisk, of The Independent, witnessed
    the scene on the final day of the massacre, and reports that "there were
    women lying in houses with their skirts torn torn up to their waists and
    their legs wide apart, children with their throats cut, rows of young men
    shot in the back after being lined up at an execution wall. There were
    blackened babies bodies tossed into rubbish heaps alongside discarded US
    army ration tins and Israeli army equipment. I saw several Israeli flare
    canisters, still attached to their tiny parachutes. A dozen young men had
    been shot point-blank range through the cheek, the bullet tearing away
    a line of flesh up to the ear and entering the brain. Some had vivid
    crimson scars down the left side of their throats.

    On the other side of the main road, one child lay on the roadway like a
    discarded doll, her white dress stained with mud and dust. She could have
    been no more than three years old. The back of her head had been blown
    away by a bullet fired into her brain. One of the women also held a tiny
    baby to her body. The bullet that had passed into her breast had killed
    the baby too. Someone had slit open the woman's stomach, perhaps trying to
    kill her unborn child. Her eyes were wide open, her dark face frozen in

    The death toll of this human tragedy is estimated at 2,000-3,000, the
    majority of whom were women, children, and elderly people. Only 50 people
    survived, permanently traumatized.

    Israeli troops had participated directly in this atrocity by liaising with
    the murderers, supplying them with weapons, rations, and illuminating
    night time flares, as well as forcing fleeing victims back into the
    carnage. The Israeli observation post had a clear view of the camps, and
    surviving witnesses claim to have seen Sharon watching.

    An Israeli tribunal investigated, and found Sharon "indirectly
    responsible" for the massacre. Yet, this man remained in public affairs,
    rising to its highest ranks, including Foreign Minister during Netanyahu s
    term, and subsequently, leadership of the Likud party. This same criminal
    is now the Israeli people s favored choice for Prime Minister!

    Sharon's Perspective

    Sharon has described the Palestinians as "bugs," depicting them - in his
    autobiography, Warrior - as infantile, timorous, and untrustworthy. He
    represents the worst in Israel s past of Arab-hating statements and
    policies. According to a former U.S. official, "Sharon has the same
    condescending disregard for Arabs that Southern plantation-owners had for
    blacks." Sharon boasts that "The Arabs know me, and I know them."

    Regarding the Palestinian occupied territories, Sharon' statements stress
    that these belong to the Jews exclusively, "The land of Israel is holy to
    Jews, Christians, and Muslims, but it was promised by God only to the
    Jews." He also stated that "Judea and Samaria - the so-called Occupied
    Territories are the cradle of the Jewish People" and "ours, ours, ours!"

    Sharon has made it clear that he will not withdraw from any more than the
    areas already controlled by the Palestinian Authority (approx. 40% of the
    West Bank and Gaza), pledging that "Jewish towns, villages and communities
    in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, as well as access roads leading to them,
    including sufficient security margins along them, will remain under full
    Israeli control& no nation or country on earth would give up territory and
    historical sites which are at the roots of its national existence." To
    summarize it bluntly, "No more land." He criticized Barak for negotiating
    on Jerusalem s future, saying that he "crossed a red line no government
    ever did."

    Yossi Sarid, a Knesset member from the Meretz Party, says "Regarding
    peacemaking, he is the minister of ruination." Peace, Sharon informed the
    New Yorker recently, "cannot be achieved."

    Sharon's ideology is extremely racist and he believes in state terrorism
    more than basic human rights and dignity. He is impulsive, uncontrollable,
    dogmatic, and undoubtedly a dangerous warmonger. "Palestinian violence,"
    he warns, would be defeated by "creative" military action.

    "Beware - Israel is strong!"

    Sharon has recently sent a letter to American Congressmen stating that the
    Palestinian "war of attrition" nullifies the Oslo, Wye and Camp David
    agreements, and all commitments that Israel had made to the Palestinians.
    His response to the Intifada, he suggests, will include seizing full
    control over Area C, and the immediate deployment of IDF troops throughout
    the occupied territories.

    Sharon reasons that the only way for Israel to achieve security for itself
    is by military solutions, and that the Palestinian issue should be dealt
    with through unrestrained military force. He will not hesitate to unleash
    a massive level of violence, with heavier doses of lethal carnage.

    Understandably, the thought of Sharon becoming Israel's Prime Minister
    brings the horror flooding back to Palestinian refugees. "Oh God, no, not
    Sharon," says Ms Abdullah. "That means war - not only for the Palestinians
    but for all the Arabs." In a region as inflammable as a powder keg, Sharon
    is the spark that can ignite it, and his threat of war, should be taken
    seriously indeed.

    It is almost certain that Sharon will order the Israeli army to intensify
    its attacks against the Palestinian towns and villages, using all means,
    including the tanks, helicopter gunships, snipers, etc. He will encourage
    home confiscations in Jerusalem and land confiscations throughout the
    occupied territories, as well as tighter sieges, mass home demolitions and
    increased tree uprooting. He will escalate the levels of repression and
    brutality in order to induce a mass transfer to Jordan, which is a
    solution he has been suggesting for a long time - "Jordan is Palestine."

    The war against the Palestinians may be accompanied by pre-emptive strikes
    against Syria and Iraq, and could easily escalate to a regional war. It is
    unfortunate, and frightening, that instead of facing a war crimes
    tribunal, Sharon is in a position to cause wide-scale regional

    What needs to be done

    As has been demonstrated during the past 4 months of Intifada, the world
    community is not expected to take any effective measures for the
    prevention of the destruction, mayhem, and potential genocide that may
    befall the defenseless Palestinian population. The Palestinian Authority
    does not have the means to confront Israel's powerful army, and would be
    easily crushed if it attempted to protect its citizens.
    The Arab nations will only give out the routine slogans, condemnations,
    and other worthless lip service. The rest of the Muslim world might engage
    in angry demonstrations, but their leaders may be less responsive. The
    EU's and UN's indifferent hands will remain tied by their superpower ally,
    which will dutifully justify Israel s actions as self-defense against
    "Palestinian terrorism."

    Therefore, the salvation of the Palestinian people and the region's
    stability is in the hands of the Israeli public, conscientious activists
    and supporters of the Palestinian cause worldwide, and NGO's.

    First and foremost, the Israeli public should realize that by electing
    Sharon, it is voting for a bloody war against the Palestinians, whose
    scars will take generations to heal (if ever), and which guarantees that
    peace will not be attainable within our lifetimes. Furthermore, the
    conflict could escalate throughout the region and result in unforeseeable
    ramifications. Destruction and mayhem may reach unprecedented levels, and
    there will be losses on all sides. Needless to say, Sharon should not be
    given that opportunity.

    Activists and supporters of Palestine need to do the utmost to secure an
    international peacekeeping force capable of protecting the Palestinians
    from the potential carnage that Sharon can inflict. This may be achieved
    by massive demonstrations in world capitals, intensive lobbying, greater
    media involvement, and any other means. In addition, they need to provide
    the Palestinians in the occupied territories with financial and moral
    support, to alleviate their suffering and enable them to endure the
    escalated atrocities against them.

    NGO's should prepare to redouble their efforts for humanitarian
    assistance, medical supplies, food, shelter, blood banks, and campaigning
    for their governments to take concrete action. They need to be on full
    alert for immediate aid in a likely catastrophe, and to develop
    contingency plans for a potential Israeli blockade of incoming aid.

    Enough Palestinian blood has been spilled in the past 4 months let us do
    everything in our power to prevent a potential human tragedy that Sharon
    could create.

    God help us all.

    MiD-EasT RealitieS - http://www.MiddleEast.Org
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    Email: MER@MiddleEast.Org

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