Re: En annen versjon fra Kjell Arild Nilsen

Knut Rognes (
Tue, 11 May 1999 18:03:28 +0200


At 13:04 11.05.99 +0200, Trond Andresen vidersendte dette fra Aftenposten
(dvs fra Kjell Arild Nilsen)

>Dayton-avtalen har aller først et militært tillegg (Annex 1-A) med nesten
>formuleringer som i forslaget til Rambouillet-avtalen. Det er underskrevet
av >Milosevic.
> Annex 1-A har dessuten et Appendix B, som beskriver NATOs rettigheter i
> inkludert Republika Srpska. Det er ikke like detaljert, men gir like
> fullmakter som NATO er foreslått gitt i Kosovo. Det er godkjent av
Milosevic. >Appendix B inneholder dessuten to avtaler mellom NATO og
henholdsvis Kroatia >og Jugoslavia, den siste underskrevet av Slobodan
> Avtalen gir NATO tilnærmet samme rettigheter til fri og uhindret
passasje, NATO-> flagg, pass- og visumfrihet osv. over jugoslavisk
territorium som det er foreslått i
> Rambouillet-avtalen. Har Jugoslavia da vært et NATO-protektorat siden 1995?

Nedenfor følger en sammenlikning ord for ord av de releveante avsnitt av de
to avtalene:

**Dayton, Annex 1-A, Appendix B, para 9**

9. NATO personnel shall enjoy, together with their vehicles, vessels,
aircraft and Equipment, free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded access
throughout the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina including airspace and
territorial waters of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This shall
include, but not be limited to, the right of bivouac, maneuver, billet,
and utilization of any areas or facilities as required for support,
training, and operations.

NATO shall be exempt from providing inventories or other routine customs
documentation on personnel, vehicles, vessels, aircraft, equipment,
supplies, and provisions entering, exiting, or transiting the territory of
the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in support of the Operation.

The authorities of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall facilitate
with all appropriate means all movements of personnel, vehicles, vessels,
aircraft, equipment or supplies, through ports, airports or roads used.

Vehicles, vessels and aircraft used in support of the Operation shall not
be subject to licensing or registration requirements, nor commercial

NATO will use airports, roads and ports without payment of duties, dues,
tolls or charges.

However, NATO shall not claim exemption from reasonable charges for
services requested and received, but
operations/movement and access shall not be allowed to be impeded pending
payment for such services.

**Rambouillet, chapter 7, Appendix B**

8. NATO personnel shall enjoy, together with their vehicles, vessels,
aircraft, and equipment, free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded
access throughout the FRY including associated airspace and territorial
waters. This shall include, but not be limited to, the right of bivouac,
maneuver, billet, and utilization of any areas or facilities as required
for support, training, and operations.

9. NATO shall be exempt from duties, taxes, and other charges and
inspections and custom regulations including providing inventories or other
routine customs documentation, for personnel, vehicles, vessels, aircraft,
equipment, supplies, and provisions entering,
exiting, or transiting the territory of the FRY in support of the Operation.

The authorities in the FRY shall facilitate, on a priority basis and with
all appropriate means, all movement of personnel, vehicles, vessels,
aircraft, equipment, or supplies, through or in the airspace, ports,
airports, or roads used.

No charges may be assessed against NATO for air navigation, landing, or
takeoff of aircraft, whether government-owned or chartered. Similarly, no
duties, dues, tolls or charges may be assessed against NATO ships, whether
government-owned or chartered, for the mere entry and exit of ports.
Vehicles, vessels, and aircraft used in support of the operation shall not
be subject to licensing or registration requirements, nor commercial

11. NATO is granted the use of airports, roads, rails, and ports without
payment of fees, duties, dues, tolls, or charges occasioned by mere use.

NATO shall not, however, claim exemption from reasonable charges for
specific services requested and received, but operations/movement and
access shall not be allowed to be impeded pending payment for such services.

Så mens Rambouillet skriver "throughout the FRY" så sier Dayton "throughout
the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina", ikke hele Jugoslavia som Nilsen
synes å tro/si. Så fulmaktene synes derfor ganske så forskjellige.

Bare så det er sagt.

Knut Rognes