Milosevic søker asyl?

From: Øistein Haugsten Holen (
Date: Wed Dec 15 1999 - 14:04:56 MET

Koordinatoren for Alliance for Change i Serbia hevder at Milosevic nå undersøker mulighetene for asyl for seg og sin familie i et nærliggende "vennligsinnet" land. Den greske statsministeren har benektet at greske myndigheter er involvert i forhandlinger om å skaffe Milosevic asyl.

Øistein Holen

Milosevic reportedly seeks asylum

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Dec. 12 (UPI) -- Vladan Batic, coordinator of the Alliance for Change opposition bloc, has said Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic is trying to arrange asylum for himself and his family in a friendly country in exchange for his relinquishing of power.

Speaking on television in the western Serbian town of Uzice Saturday night Batic said, "In recent days Milosevic has been negotiating through his friends in a country friendly and close to us in the neighborhood to be taken off the Hague (war crimes tribunal) list in exchange for his own abdication."

Milosevic and four of his closest aides were indicted for war crimes by the criminal tribunal for former Yugoslavia in The Hague.

Batic expressed confidence that the denouncement of Serbia's present political crisis would happen in the first four to five months of the year 2000. He said that everything would be resolved at elections which Milosevic would be forced to call.

Batic predicted that there would be no civil war in Serbia, that the country would not disintegrate further and that NATO would not enter the country because all this "will be prevented by the expressed will of the citizens for change."


Fra B-92, 14.12.99:

Greece denies negotiation for Milosevic asylum

ATHENS, Tuesday - Greek Prime Minister Kostas Simitis today denied that his government was negotiating asylum for Slobodan Milosevic to enable him to step down from the Yugoslav presidency. Asked whether Greece was involved in finding a third country which would give Milosevic asylum, Simitis replied that the Greek government was not involved in the matter.

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