Den nye kalde krigen

From: Øistein Haugsten Holen (
Date: Fri Dec 10 1999 - 11:56:52 MET

Først et utdrag av et tidligere innlegg:

>Johan Galtung har skrevet en svært interessant analyse kalt
>"The Double Triangle: USA/NATO/AMPO versus RUSSIA, CHINA and INDIA".
>Her beskriver han den globale situasjonen med utgangspunkt i at USA tar en
>knipetangsmanøver mot trekanten Russland/India/Kina ved hjelp av
>organisasjonene NATO og AMPO. USAs allierte rykker stadig tettere innpå disse
>landene, via Japan og via tidligere østblokkland og tidligere russiske republikker.
>Han hevder at det går mot et tettere forsvarssamarbeid på sikt mellom Russland,
>Kina og India, og at konflikten mellom India og Pakistan kan bli tonet ned på grunn
>av felles interesser i å stå i mot USA og Vesten.
>Omfattende og lang, men veldig interessant analyse.

Med Galtungs dystre spådommer i bakhodet, er det følgende fra Washington Post
litt av en vekker. Boris Jeltsin er nå på statsbesøk i Kina, og ønsker å bedre forholdet
til Kina. De har i løpet av dette toppmøtet gravlagt noen langvarige grensetvister, og
blitt enige om strategiske avtaler.

Kina ga full støtte til Tsjetsjenia-krigen, og Jeltsin angrep USA for deres kritikk av
Tsjetsjenia-krigen og lurte på om Clinton hadde "glemt at Russland har et fullt arsenal
av kjernefysiske våpen" (!!!)

Konflikten over USAs StarWars-program, krigen i Kosovo, Russlands elendige økonomi
og striden om oljeledningen til det kaspiske hav bidrar heller ikke til å bedre situasjonen.

Vesten har hatt 10 år på seg til å bygge fred med Russland, det ser nå ut til at
denne muligheten kan være skuslet bort. En ny kald krig rykker stadig nærmere.

Øistein Holen

Utdrag fra Washington Post 10/12:
"Yesterday, Clinton permitted himself to put pressure on Russia," Yeltsin
said ahead of talks with Li Peng, China's most conservative and
anti-Western leader. "It seems he has for a minute, for a second, for half a
minute, forgotten that Russia has a full arsenal of nuclear weapons. He has
forgotten about that."
"Chinese President Jiang Zemin told Yeltsin that he "completely understood
and fully supported Russia's actions in combating terrorism and extremism
in Chechnya," according to Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov. Chinese
spokesman Zhang Qiyue added that China "understands and supports the
efforts made by Russia in safeguarding national unity and territorial
"The raw tone of Yeltsin's remarks, and the fact that he made them in
Beijing while talking with Chinese leaders about strengthening strategic ties,
offered a jarring contrast to periods of rapport between Clinton and
Yeltsin, which have cooled at times in recent years as Russia's great-power
status crumbled. Bilateral ties were frayed further over the expansion of
NATO and by the U.S.-led air war against Russia's fellow Slavs in
Yugoslavia, which Yeltsin reportedly said in April could lead to war in
Europe or "maybe even a world war" if Russia became involved.

"There's a real hardening of the Russian position toward the United States
and the West in general," said Theodore Postol, an arms control expert at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who recently met with senior
military officials in Moscow.

NATO's expansion in eastern Europe and the war over Kosovo raised
suspicions among average Russians about Washington's interventionist
intentions, Postol said. Moreover, elites in Russia's foreign policy and
security establishment have been alarmed at recent U.S. steps that could
lead to the deployment of a national missile defense system, he added.

Russia and China both supported a U.N. resolution against the U.S.
proposal, and Yeltsin consulted with his Chinese counterparts on the issue
again today in an effort to turn up the heat.

"The two sides had a common stance on the anti-missile defense program,"
said Ivanov. "Russia and China agreed to safeguard nonproliferation
treaties and maintain the global strategic balance. If the U.S. is trying to
destroy this system, then it will . . . lead to the proliferation of weapons of
mass destruction."

Yeltsin eagerly shook hands with Chinese leaders during his meetings
today and smiled broadly to show his vitality. He arrived in China just three
days after emerging from the hospital, where he was treated for
pneumonia. His outburst on Clinton overshadowed a number of
agreements signed by the two sides today, including an important pact
ending long-standing border disputes."

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