Re: Katastrofane vekkjer berre sporadisk og forbigåande interesse

From: Oddmund Garvik (
Date: 30-07-01

> Mayi-mayi-geriljaen tok en svensk og 25 thailandske ansatte i
> tømmerselskapet Dara Forest til fange 15. mai. Geriljaen ville rette
> oppmerksomheten mot internasjonale selskaper som henter ut rike
> naturressurser fra Kongo, uten at det kommer lokalbefolkningen til gode.

Denne svensken, 33 år gamle Bjørn Rugsten, var tidlegare humanitær
hjelpearbeidar, liksom nordmannen Rønsen. Svensken hadde resirkulert seg
innanfor shipping og heldt til i Kinshasa. Ein av kundane var Dara

Eg har treft liknande typar fleire stader i Afrika, som har nytta
internasjonale fredsoperasjonar, eller humanitære aksjonar som
springbrett for all slags private verksemder i beste nykolonialistiske
stil. Ser ein på livsstilen og levestandarden til mange vestlege
hjelpearbeidarar, ser ein at spranget ikkje er så stort...

Oddmund Garvik

24 foreigners abducted in DRC

STOCKHOLM -- A Swedish shipowner was among
two dozen foreigners kidnapped last week in the
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the foreign
ministry said here yesterday.

The 32-year-old man was among mainly Thai
hostages seized by Mai-Mai militia last
Wednesday, a spokesman said.

Thai authorities had informed the Swedish
ambassador in Bangkok of the kidnapping,
according to the Thai timber company Dara

The daily Aftonbladet gave the man's name as
Bjoern Rugsten who was based in Kinshasa after
doing humanitarian work in Eritrea and Somalia.

He now owned a small shipping company that
included Dara Forest among its clients, the paper

A spokesman of the Mai-Mai -- allies of the
Kinshasa regime against rebels controlling the
east of the DRC -- had said earlier they were
holding a western hostage from the US.

A Thai foreign ministry spokesman said in
Bangkok yesterday that the militiamen were
holding 23 Thais and one Swede.

A Swedish ministry spokesman said: "We are in
contact with the Congolese and Ugandan
authorities as well as the UN mission in Kinshasa.

"The Swedish embassy in Kampala is working
non-stop to get information, but communications
in the area have been nearly non-existent for the
past several days."

The Bangkok spokesman said Dara Forest had
begun its own search and hoped to reach the
captors through local contacts, but had so far

A Mai-Mai spokesman said the foreigners had
been kidnapped to demand for "the unconditional
departure of all foreign troops."-- Sapa-AFP

Den svenske boulevardpressa har skrive side opp og ned om Rugsten, på
vanleg navleskodande vis. Sjå her t.d.:
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