Mobben talar nok ein gong...

From: Oddmund Garvik (
Date: 27-06-01

...og syndebukkar finst det nok av. Det er same slags tale overalt i
verda, på Balkan, i Midt-Austen, i deler av Afrika, mange stader i Asia.
Ja, til og med i vesten høyrer ein slik tale og liknande. Det er mobben
som uttrykkjer seg i dei mest primære vendingar. Me har sett det før, og
me vil få sjå det att.

Nokre kumpanar på "venstresida" forstår slikt og forsvarer det når det
passar inn i verdsbiletet. Andre let vera å sjå det, eller bortforklårer

Det høver sjølvsagt å ta avstand frå all slik falangisttale same kor det
er, og same kven som står bak.

Oddmund Garvik

Frå The Guardian:,7369,512611,00.html

Macedonian fury as tanks stop rolling

Special report: Macedonia

Rory Carroll in Skopje
Tuesday June 26, 2001
The Guardian

Three uniformed reservists broke into the parliament building in
Macedonia's capital last night and were cheered by a crowd of at least
5,000 people in the square outside as they fired shots into the air from
the balcony.

The crowd, waving Macedonian flags, denounced the government for bowing to
western pressure in calling a ceasefire, and demanded an all-out attack on
the ethnic Albanian rebels.

Dozens of soldiers in uniform were cheered when they joined the crowd,
some wielding machine guns. As the night wore on they tore down barricades
in front of the parliament and thronged the steps of the building.

There were cheers when some soldiers fired shots into the air, and as
armed groups of reservists fanned out through the city gunfire
was heard in the Albanian quarter of Skopje.

A television cameraman was chased by some of the crowd and people speaking
foreign languages were abused.

There was no sign of the police, and ethnic Albanians who were in the
centre to visit restaurants melted back across the river to where
Albanians are the majority.

The crowd sang a second world war partisan song with the lyrics amended to
say they wanted to kill Albanians rather than Germans.

Macedonian radio and news reports increased the tension with exaggerated
accounts of casualties.

The demonstration seems to have begun when 30 police officers gathered in
front of the parliament building to complain about the decision to allow
rebels to withdraw with their weapons.

It came hours after convoys of rebels left the village of Aracinovo under
a ceasefire mediated by the European Union.

Earlier yesterday, residents on the outskirts of Aracinovo had scanned the
skies in vain for helicopter gunships.

No tanks roared past as one local, Beti, and her infant son, Filip, sipped
orange juice in the garden of their old family home.

No soldiers clanked through the fields, no shells whizzed overhead. The
only sounds from the road were the occasional car, children playing and
the creak of a neighbour's bicycle.

That temporary tranquillity felt strange after three days of explosions
and gunfire as government forces besieged ethnic Albanian rebels in the
village, just a few hundred metres up the road.

But as the convoy of buses carrying the rebels left the village, a heavy
exchange of fire began around the town of Tetovo to the west. Interior
ministry officials said one policeman was killed and five wounded when the
rebels attacked their positions in the Sar mountains above Tetovo.

Beti, 24, a Slavic Macedonian, fled to her father's house on the outskirts
of Aracinovo when the rebels took the centre of the village two weeks ago.

Gratitude for the truce, relief even, was absent. She wanted the
bombardment to resume, instantly if possible.

She wanted to see rockets slamming into houses, smoke pluming overhead and
commandos swarming into battle. She wanted victory.

"We could have taken the village in 24 hours but the European Union
stopped us. They told us to not use all our force. So now the terrorists
will escape. We should continue this war and finish it."

Her father and sister murmured agreement: the Albanian-loving west had yet
again stopped the Macedonian government from snuffing out the five-month

The government claimed that the rebels had surrendered - a fiction relayed
by some Macedonian media - but the crowds of angry Macedonians gathered at
army cordons were not fooled. "This is a disgrace. We had them trapped and
now they escape," said one man.

They blocked a car carrying EU officials and stoned foreign journalists,
considered to be Albanian sympathisers, but could not prevent the buses

The EU and Nato say military action cannot end the conflict, but for many
Macedonians it is the only solution: legitimate and decisive. Special
units, backed up by airpower and artillery, would smash the rebels if only
allowed off the leash, they said.

"Only 10% of our military capacity has been used," said a journalist from
a leading newspaper. Europe's frustration with Macedonia is reciprocated

Western military analysts scoff, saying the badly trained Macedonian
forces can engage but not defeat the rebel force, which gains support at
every heavy-handed response.

Diplomats say Skopje realised its forces could not take Aracinovo, where
cellars sheltered the rebels from the bombardment, leaving them to pick
off four government soldiers before Sunday's ceasefire.

The ethnic Albanian mayor, Reshat Serati, said he knew of only two
fatalities in the village, both elderly and civilian.

EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg spoke of consolidating the ceasefire,
but for some Macedonians it was the interruption of a civil war that needs
to be fought and won.

"I had many Albanian friends but then the terrorists arrived and they
supported them; it was a betrayal. The Albanians have all gone, but if
they try to come back they will not be welcome," Beti's father Dragi said.

Goran Stomatolog, a dentist, said he had been radicalised. "All Albanians
are terrorists. Even the supposed moderate ones in the government."

But one Macedonian, a woodcutter, welcomed the ceasefire. "We cannot win
the war. Negotiation is the only way."

An elderly woman tried to rouse morale by cycling around the outskirts of
Aracinovo clutching a Macedonian flag. "Hurrah!" she shouted. Even the
soldiers laughed.
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