Re: Krigen mot Jugoslavia fortset.

Date: Wed Oct 04 2000 - 22:08:18 MET DST

  • Next message: Bjarne Naerum: "Re: Fra elitenes vidunderlige verden"

    Propagandamaskineriet mot Jugoslavia rullar for fulle muggar no for tida,
    og det ser ut til at dei amerikanske psykologiske krigførarane i
    opposisjons-kontoret i Bulgaria og andre stader jobbar for harde livet med
    å dikte opp dei nyhetene dei vil ha. Dei er så "dynamiske og fleksible" at
    det er tydeleg at dei stolar fullt og heilt på at mottakarane har et
    fullstendig blankt korttidsminne.

    Først eit litt dårleg eksempel, for det er vel ikkje så mange som i det
    heile har høyrt om følgande uttallelsar frå G17-leiaren Dinkic:
    Dinkic said the country was in good shape and that nobody in the government
    had tried to take money out.

    "The foreign currency and gold reserves seem to be at a satisfactory level
    of about DM385 million, which indicates that nobody in the power structure
    dared take them out of the country," Dinkic was quoted by independent
    Belgrade newspapers as saying Wednesday.

    He was referring to years of unproven allegations that the government and
    ruling-party officials had been stashing funds in off-shore bank accounts.

    (frå UPI-melding, 27.sept, resten av meldinga lenger nede i innlegget,
    Dinkic er forventa å bli finansminister i ei eventuell "Kostunica-regjering")

    Likevel kan vi dagleg lese meldingar om formuer som Milosevic har plassert
    rundt omkring i verda. Et eksempel frå dagens Telegraph:
    Western officials believe Milosevic and his entourage have plundered as
    much as £3.4 billion from Yugoslavia.


    Tilbake til UPI-meldinga, for der er det meir interessant informasjon som
    eg ikkje har høyrt noko om frå andre kjelder. Dinkic fortalde at
    representantar frå G17+skulle reise til Bulgaria på donorkonferanse og
    venta å få 650 millionar dollar. Og han nevner bidraget frå Norge spesielt.

    Elles lovar han i kjent stil privatisering og skattekutt, spesielt
    importavgifta på bilar skal vekk.

    Ny valuta skal det også bli frå nyttår.

    Forutsetninga for alt dette må jo vere at dei først kjem seg i posisjon til
    å danne regjering, som i praksis betyr at det montenegrinske
    sosialistpartiet må melde overgang eller at dei må satsepå ein
    utenomparlamentarisk "transition" ( i stil med tidlegare "transition
    government of experts"- prosjekt), der konstitusjonen blir sett til side
    for å feie vekk Milosevic og alle dei demokratisk valde støttespelarane til



    Yugoslav's opposition outlines economic plans

    Wednesday, 27 September 2000 13:12 (ET)

    Yugoslav's opposition outlines economic plans By STEFAN RACIN

    BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Sept. 27 (UPI) -- The man most likely to be a democratic Yugoslavia's economics and finance minister outlined reforms that he said would herald the country's return to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, and plans to build a car in addition to the Yugo.

    The man, Mladjan Dinkic, is director of a group of economists, Group 17 Plus, that is behind the Democratic Opposition of Serbia's economic program.

    Dinkic said the country was in good shape and that nobody in the government had tried to take money out.

    "The foreign currency and gold reserves seem to be at a satisfactory level of about DM385 million, which indicates that nobody in the power structure dared take them out of the country," Dinkic was quoted by independent Belgrade newspapers as saying Wednesday.

    He was referring to years of unproven allegations that the government and ruling-party officials had been stashing funds in off-shore bank accounts.

    Dinkic basted the government for what he said were its efforts to print fresh money over the past two months to pay some of the arrears in wages and pension before last Sunday's elections. This, he said, had caused the black market rate for the German mark to rise by 54 percent, or 1,262 percent on an annual level.

    He said that a new, convertible national currency would be introduced from the New Year and that Dragoslav Avramovic, the former governor of the national bank, had drafted a letter of intent with a request to the IMF and World Bank for Yugoslavia's readmission to those organizations.

    The country lost its seats on the two bodies when its membership in the United Nations was suspended as the result of its role in the wars in Croatia and Bosnia and the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s.

    Dinkic said he expected that this would be followed by negotiations with creditor countries in the so-called Paris Club on rescheduling Yugoslavia's debts and possibly writing off the accrued interest.

    He said that representatives of his G-17 Plus will travel to Bulgaria this week for a donor conference on Yugoslavia from which the future democratic government would expect aid worth $650 million over the next year. He also said the new government would get financial support for "a new beginning" from the Norwegian government.

    On the first day of the new parliament, customs duties on imported cars would be slashed, Dinkic said. He said this would enable Yugoslavs to drive modern cars. The average age of vehicles on Yugoslav roads is currently more than 10 years.

    Ordinary people will also benefit from a reduction to only three percent of the sales tax and the abolition of taxes on traveling abroad levied on individuals and cars.

    Dinkic said the country's only carmaker the Zastava factory in Kragujevac, which makes the Yugo, would be privatized and in the first year would build 30,000 cars of a different type.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

    Kommentarar frå Jared Israel og Michel Chossudovsky

    Yugoslav 'Opposition' Negotiates Surrender of Yugoslavia by Michel Chossudovsky and Jared Israel

    Sir John Harrington. Treason doth never prosper: what 's the reason? Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason. [Emperor's Clothes]

    People may not be aware that two prominent members of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS) just made a very important trip to Bulgaria. They met with representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the NATO governments at a so-called "donor conference." The purpose was to set the stage for NATO governments to takeover Yugoslavia.

    The trip was announced the day after the Yugoslav elections. Mladjan Dinkic, the most likely Finance Minister in an opposition government, "said that representatives of his G-17 Plus will travel to Bulgaria this week for a donor conference on Yugoslavia with representatives of the International Monetary Fund." (United Press International, 27 September 2000)

    Dinkic was accompanied by Dr. Dragoslav Avramovic, an economist in Zoran Djindjic's 'Alliance for Change'. These so-called "democratic opposition" groups have been paid huge sums by US government agencies.

    Dinkic confirmed that "Dragoslav Avramovic had drafted a letter of intent with a request to the IMF and World Bank. Dinkic said he expected that this would be followed by negotiations with creditor countries, the so-called Paris Club..." These are the NATO countries.

    A "Letter of Intent" includes a "Memorandum on Economic and Financial Policies". This establishes the conditions under which all of Yugoslavia would be put under the control of Western donors and creditors. Only a Yugoslav Finance Minister, selected by Parliament, has the legal right to draft a "Letter of Intent." But Dinkic and Avramovic represent only the so-called "democratic" opposition. In what country is it legal for opposition elements to "negotiate" with enemy countries who finance their movement? This is an extreme act of interference by the NATO countries.

    What measures do the NATO countries want to impose?

    * End of all government price controls;

    * Introduction of "free markets" without any protection for farmers or businesses from dumping of foreign goods;

    * End to all social protection. No government help with medical care, transportation , food or heating;

    * A freeze on credit to businesses

    * Massive layoffs of workers and drastic pay cuts for workers and farmers;

    * Forced liquidation of important businesses and industries, public and private

    * Any future reconstruction work to correct bombing damage be entrusted to companies from the NATO countries. They would be paid with money Yugoslavia would be forced to borrow from international lenders.

    The result of these policies would be: food prices would go fly high; enterprises would be driven into bankruptcy and liquidation; foreign capital would seize the entire economy.

    The "Letter of Intent" would require the acceptance of Washington's political demands. These were just laid out in the so-called "Serbian Democratization Act," # HR1064. It was passed by the US House of Representatives on September 25, the day Dinkic announced his trip to Bulgaria. Good timing. This law states that for Yugoslavia to be free of sanctions, and for it to be "allowed" into the IMF it would have to:

    1) Negotiate independence (meaning secession) for Kosovo and probably Vojvodina

    2) Completely "democratize" the country. "Democratize" is a code word for carrying out all US government orders;

    3) Settle "all succession issues with the other republics". This would include the 50 billion (US) that the Croatian government and the Izetbegovic government in Bosnia are demanding as war reparations. The money would go right to these countries' creditors, which are NATO governments and Western Banks;

    4) Fully cooperate "with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, including the transfer to The Hague of all individuals in Yugoslavia indicted by the Tribunal." This means the Yugoslav Army would have to hunt down any person the Hague tribunal said was a war criminal. Any leader of resistance could be put on the Hague's secret list of phony war criminals..

    All this makes perfectly clear that Mr. Kostunica's promise to work with the International Monetary Fund but at the same time "safeguard Yugoslavia" is hollow words - they sound good but mean nothing. In agreeing to draft a Letter of Intent, Kostunica's coalition has already deserted national sovereignty. They have sold Yugoslavia, its economy, its institutions and its people.

    Meanwhile, the US law, HR 1064, authorizes the US government to immediately transfer another $105 million to the so-called "democratic" opposition and the secessionist government in Montenegro. American money -- together with funds transferred from other sources -- will not only pay for campaign expenses, it will finance payoffs.

    Washington and NATO are openly paying key individuals in the opposition parties to do what they are told to do. They are on the NATO bombers' payroll.

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