[fwd] Free Bandazhevsky - email urgent action

From: jonivar skullerud (jonivar@bigfoot.com)
Date: Thu Mar 29 2001 - 20:50:21 MET DST

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    ----- Forwarded message from frank@aseed.antenna.nl -----

    Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 05:19:06 +0200
    Subject: [ASeedRoots] Free Bandazhevsky - email urgent action


    dear all,

    please take 15 minutes and help a falsely accused Belarussian
    professor to be able to continue his important work on the
    dangerous effects of nuclear energy production....

    A SEED Europe
    Free Bandazhevsky email urgent action

    Dear Friends,

    You have been very many to write to release Prof.Y.I.
    Bandazhevsky from prison after 7 month and 50 days in total
    isolation. He was extremely thankful for this solidarity from all over
    the world. He asked us to tell you his great emotion and that your
    support was a invaluable personal help in his very painful situation.
    He is not in a good health.

    After more than 1 year under house arrest, he is currently (since
    February 13) tried by the military tribunal of Belarus, because one of
    his 8 co-defendants is a military. His judgment is due in a few days
    (beginninng of April) and rumours circulate that he stilll might be

    Unfortunately the court rejected the Helsinki lawyer we had been able to
    hire with donations from some of you to assist his own lawyer. Amnesty
    International and the OSCE are present as observers and were very
    impressed by the more than 600 messages of solidarity received from
    all over the world.

    As the President of Belarus has the capacity to let the military tribunal
    know his opinion this represents our last chance to support Prof

    This is why I ask you once more to take some minutes of your
    precious time and to write an email to the President of the Republic
    of Belarus, Alexander G. Lukachenko, asking him to intervene for
    the liberation of Prof Bandazhevsky and his clearing of all charges
    brought against him (corruption) which he has persistently denied
    since the beginning.

    Please feel free to write your own support letter

    Otherwise, use or modify as you like the draft below as follows :

    Method : (sometimes you have to try a few times to get through, but
    please, give these few minutes of your very precious time).

    1. Complete the text (sign it, with date, your name, place, address,
    function, organization etc) between


    cut it

    2. Paste it on the "email" sign, appearing left hand down on the first
    webpage of President of the Republic of Belarus :

    3.- Paste it on following website : http://www.chernobyl.da.ru for
    Bandazhevsky's lawyer : click on "English" and click on the left on
    "FORUM" and paste on the corresponding space.

    Only if 3 is absolutely impossible, send the copy of your letter to
    (nester@hmti.ac.by), but Prof. Nesterenko is himself harassed by the
    authorities, ill and overworked.

    4. Please, spread this message in all you networks and contacts in
    your own country (especially abolition 2000), and all over the world, it is
    extremely urgent. If you need the message in french, please ask me
    for it.

    PS. On the http://chernobyl.da.ru website, when clicking on "english",
    you might find interesting background information on the work of Prof.
    Bandazhevsky and Nesterenko and their administrative difficulties with
    their authorities.

    Yours in Peace
    Solange Fernex
    President WILPF France
    Ligue Internationale des Femmes pour la Paix et la liberti,
    Section Frangaise
    114, rue de Vaugirard
    75006 - Paris

    fax : +33-


    To the President of the Republic of Belarus : A. G. Lukachenko

    Mr. President

    At the UN Millennium Summit in September 2000, in New York, you
    asked the international community for its help to overcome the dire
    consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. I share your concern and
    this is why I write to you today, on behalf of Professor Yuri I.
    Bandazhevsky, who is awaiting his judgement in Gomel.

    The authorities of Belarus, like yourself, Mr. President, rightly want
    to attract the attention and the financial and humanitarian aid of the
    international community in favour of the Chernobyl victims.
    Therefore, you should listen to those Belarussian scientists who are
    doing excellent work on this subject -- scientists such as Professor
    Bandazhevsky, who is currently on trial in Gomel, his judgment being
    due in a few weeks.

    As you surely know, Professor Y.I. Bandazhevsky has devoted more
    than 10 years of his research in Gomel to demonstrate the correlation
    between daily uptake of Cesium 137 and its concentration in the body,
    and the dramatic increase of the morbidity and mortality among the
    exposed population, especially the children.

    On 4 October 2000, the European Parliament heard reports
    on the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster for Belarus. V. B.
    Nesterenko and Professor Y. I. Bandazhevsky were invited, being
    two Belarussian scientists of international standing. As
    unfortunately Prof. Bandazhevsky was unable to attend, his wife,
    Dr Galina Bandazhevskaia, had to read his report.

    These two reports exposed the extent of the contamination in Belarus
    and its serious effects on the health today of the Belarussian
    population, particularly the children. They made a strong impression
    on the members of the European Parliament and the invited guests. The
    facts reported by these scientists revealed that the people of Belarus
    are on the verge of a national catastrophe. Without urgent measures
    for their protection, they are threatened with extinction within the
    next few generations.

    In order to give effective assistance to the people of Belarus you
    called for yourself, Mr. President, at the Millenium Summit, the world
    community needs precise information about the correlation between the
    absorption of radionuclides by the body and the level of morbidity in
    the population of contaminated areas -- the kind of information
    provided by Prof Bandazhevsky's research.

    Nobody among those who know Professor Bandazhevsky believes that he
    has accepted bribes, as his accusation says. From the beginning, he
    has always firmly denied those charges. The judicial procedure
    against him has raised shock, disbelief, consternation and anguish
    among all those who are aware of the extent of the health effects of
    the Chernobyl catastrophe, and who are familiar with the scientific
    work of Bandazhevsky. Amnesty International has adopted him as a
    possible prisoner of conscience.

    It is generally believed that the true reasons why Prof Bandazhevsky
    has been emprisoned are the following:

    1. Bandazhevsky warned from the danger to ingest food contaminated by
       radionuclides (which could lead to a reduction of the production
       and the consuming of foodstuff from Belarus).

    2. Bandazhevsky opposed some high officials who state that there is no
       longer any serious danger due to the Chernobyl radioactive fallout.

    3. Bandazhevsky has also protested against the misuse of public funds
       intended for Chernobyl relief.

    The ecological and scientific public opinion, all over the world,
    follows with great concern the case of Prof. Bandazhevsky. Those
    who harass him at present are objective allies of those, like the
    IAEA, the UNSCEAR (see the UNSCEAR 2000 Chernobyl report)
    and others, who choose to minimize the consequences of the
    Chernobyl catastrophe. This is why the verdict of the Court in
    Gomel is of such vital importance and bears such a responsibility.

    Mr. President, I write to you to ask to intervene for the full
    clearing of Prof. Bandazhevsky of all the charges brought against him.

    He must become able to resume his work again for one of the most
    fundamental human rights, the right to life and to health. Based on
    his large amount of scientific data, Professor Bandazhevsky is
    absolutely right in stating that Chernobyl represents a major public
    health problems for the victims. His data are of vital importance, for
    Belarus, Russia and Ukraine as well as for all countries affected by
    this catastrophe and others. If the results of Bandazhevsky's research
    are not taken into account, the future of the Belarussian population
    itself will be in danger.

    Thanking you in advance, Mr. President, to intervene in his favour, and
    to enable him to resume his ground-breaking scientific research on the
    health consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe, I remain,

    Yours truly
    jonivar skullerud
    Nöltingstraße 47
    D-22765 Hamburg

    full address

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        ______        _________________________________________________
       /             |  jonivar skullerud      jonivar@bigfoot.com     |
       | jon         |  http://www.bigfoot.com/~jonivar/               |
       \______       |                                                 |
              \      |  None are more hopelessly enslaved than those   |
         ivar |      |  who falsely believe they are free. -Goethe     |
       _______/      |_________________________________________________|

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