Hamas, Arafat, Mandela, m.fl.

Knut Rognes (knut.rognes@stavanger.online.no)
Tue, 09 Jun 1998 09:55:57 +0200


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Hilsen Knut Rognes

From: Mid-EasT RealitieS <MeR@MiddleEast.Org>
To: <MeR@MiddleEast.Org>
Subject: MER Scoops Them All
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 13:22:04 -0400

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MER - Washington - 8 June:
Months before a front-page NEW YORK TIMES story that Arafat's
"Palestinian Authority" was being trained by and working closely with
the CIA, MER had already published two articles detailing the CIA's
extensive involvement with the PA, including personal visits by
Rajoub Jabril to the CIA Headquarters at Langley, Virginia, and
training of Arafat's bodyguards and others at "the farm".
Now once again little MER has scooped them all. Yesterday the
major Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz reported for the first time that
during May Israel and the "Palestinian Authority" cooperated to
prevent Sheikh Ahmed Yassin from visiting South Africa where an
eager Muslim community was excitedly making preparations.
Stay tuned. Iran and other Arab countries are now seriously
considering annointing Sheik Yassin, and Hamas, the recognized
representatives of the Palestinians. Hamas offices are sprouting
up in Iran, Syria, Sudan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia; even while the
Hashemite Regime in Jordan and the Lebanese have been pressured by
the Israelis and Arafat to refuse further visits from Yassin.
Meanwhile, the Israelis and the Americans are politically manipulating
the growing credibility of Hamas in order to try to further pressure Yasser
Arafat into signing the latest deals they want him to endorse, arguing
that unless he keeps the "peace process" alive the movement toward
Hamas might escalate even further. And sure enough, as he has so often
before, Arafat is likely to buy into these latest schemes, dependent
as he has become on Washington and Israel for the surival of himself
and his cronies.

================================================================= FIRST PUBLISHED BY MER 14 MAY JUST AS BELOW
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/ ø/ / /___/ / /_ // M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S
/ /ø_/ / /_/_ / /ØØ Making Sense of the Middle East
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www.MiddleEast.Org MANDELA AND HAMAS
M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S
News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
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MER - Washington - 14 May:

Every once and awhile Nelson Mandela seems to forget who he is;
well actually, who he was.

Now this little incident with the Hamas leader, Sheik Yassin,
didn't quite make it into the "mainstream" news, but it is both
interesting and politically significant.

While the Muslim community of South Africa was preparing to welcome
the blind paraplegic Sheik Yassin earlier this month, the post-
Apartheid Black South African government was being bombarded with
pressures to keep Yassin out, and in the end caved.

It was a combination of pressures applied by the powerful South
African Jewish community as well as Yasser Arafat's "Palestinian
Authority", both working the same side of the fence this time.

Yassin, on a triumphant international tour which saw him greeted
practically like a head of state in Saudi Arabia and Iran, was on
his way to South Africa, only to learn that Mandela had decided to
deny him a visa!

Quite outrageous really. Yassin wasn't asking to come on any
"official" visit. He simply was to be the guest of the Muslim
community of South Africa.

It was the triumph of political expediency and financial interests
over principle -- not so unusual these days. Except that it came
from the government of Nelson Mandela, the man who had just recently
lectured Bill Clinton, in public, about the need for the U.S.
to stop ostracizing and embargoing Libya, Sudan, Cuba, et. al.

But even with the Clinton visit there was a foretaste of Mandela's
somewhat schizophrenic situation these days. With the U.S. still
applying near-genocidal sanctions against Iraq, and still looking
for the moment to further prostrate that country, Mandela was
quiet about Iraq during Clinton's visit.

When it comes to the Palestinians and the "Peace Process", however,
one could have expected Mandela to try a lot harder not to succumb.
After all, the map of what is being done to the Palestinians these
days looks remarkably similar to the hodge-podge map that was the
old Bantustan policy in his own country and for which he languished
in prison 27 years until the White Apartheid government relinquished

As for Hamas, supposedly a little deal has now been worked out, even
if to many it seems more deflective smokescreen than anything else.
Having found himself treated with less commotion in Riyadh and Tehran
than Yassin, Arafat's handlers have been telling Hamas that after
Yasser makes his own visit to South Africa they won't further try to
block Yassin from doing so.

Whether Mandela and government will eventually wake up to the reality
that the Arafat "Authority" is no liberation organization like was the
ANC, but is much more akin to a Vichy-type regime,* seems doubtful
at the moment.

* The Nazi-installed regime that governed
France during the German occupation in
World War II.
MID-EAST REALITIES is published a number of times weekly and the
MERTV Program shows weekly on Cable TV.

M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S
(c) Copyright 1998
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