
Trond Andresen (
Mon, 18 May 1998 18:56:04 +1000

Mandela møter seg sjøl i døra.

Dette er tatt fra et innlegg på LBO-talk, skrevet av Patrick Bond som
bor i Johannesburg. Som kanskje en del folk veit, eksporterer SA under
Mandela store mengder våpen til land med undertrykkende regimer.
Les vedlagte avsnitt.

Trond Andresen

>Last month we had a similar fun time watching a really good left
>journalist -- John Pilger -- skewer some rich white trash in his
>documentary "Apartheid did not Die." Targets were the country's
>leading real estate agent -- "Pam, things for whites haven't really
>changed, have they" "No not at all, let me tell you about the
>fabulous house that Mark Thatcher just bought from me" -- and the
>country's "best-dressed woman" (really hilarious) and the white p.r. man
>for the largest corporation (Anglo American), who sputtered when John
>probed and probed about why workers with lung diseases were laid off
>with tiny benefits packages (the p.r. hack didn't want to guess at
>the payouts, and looked truly beastly). This film got the whole
>country talking, and predictably some of its biggest critics were the new black
>elite. One of the best lines was Mandela's when John asked him why SA
>was selling arms to some of the world's worst human rights offenders:
>"It would be wrong to interfere in the internal affairs of another
