Milosevic: UN should leave Kosovo

From: Øistein Haugsten Holen (
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 16:46:54 MET

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    Spenningen i Jugoslavia øker fortsatt, og Milosevic rasler med sablene.

    Fra dagens B292 <>:
    - Milosevic uttalte i går at FN bør forlate Kosovo, og at den jugoslaviske hær
    og sikkerhetsstyrkene kan garantere sikkerheten til alle innbyggerne
    der. Han understreket også at den jugoslaviske hæren er klar til kamp.
    - Russland vil legge ned veto mot å fortsette FN-operasjonen i Kosovo
    hvis "terrorist-angrepene fra kosovoalbanerne i Sør-Serbia fortsetter",
    sa lederen for en delegasjon fra den russiske dumaen, Aleksandar
    Shabanov, i går.
    - Vise-statsminister i Montenegro, Dragisa Burzan, hevdet at Milosevic
    allerede har forberedt et kupp i Montenegro.

    Øistein Holen


    Milosevic: UN should leave Kosovo

    BELGRADE, Wednesday -- Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic today accused
    international forces in Kosovo of "helping terrorist gangs of Albanian
    extremists," saying that the UN mission in Kosovo should leave as soon as
    possible. State media quoted the president as saying that Yugoslav Army and
    security forces were capable of guaranteeing the safety of all Kosovo
    citizens and that this was not only in their interest, but in the interest of
    peace and stability in the region. UN forces, said Milosevic, were obviously
    taking their orders from the US Administration. The only response to this, he
    added was the consistent policy of peace and equality supported by Yugoslavia
    and most countries in the world. Milosevic also described the Yugoslav Army
    as being combat ready, emphasising that the military forces were a reliable
    factor in the defence of the country's territory and independence and the
    freedom of its people.

    Russia to veto UN mission if attacks in south Serbia continue

    BELGRADE, Wednesday -- Russia will veto the continuation of the UN mission in
    Kosovo if terrorist attacks by Kosovo Albanians in south Serbia continue, the
    head of a delegation from the Russian Duma, Aleksandar Shabanov, said today.
    Shabanov said if KFOR did not prevent the infiltration of terrorists into
    south Serbia, Russia would regard this as a new aggression and demand a new

    Milosevic ready for Montenegrin coup: Burzan

    SPLIT, Wednesday -- Yugoslav Prime Minister Slobodan Milosevic has already
    prepared a coup in Montenegro, Deputy Montenegrin Prime Minister Dragisa
    Burzan said today. In a statement to Split daily Slobodna Dalmacija, said
    that the Montenegrin government had done all it could to prevent open
    conflict. However, he added, if Milosevic chose that course, the southern
    republic would be unable to avoid it. Burzan went on to say that the Yugoslav
    president would find himself in a confrontation with the whole of Montenegro
    and would be defeated in such a conflict, even without the support of NATO.

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