Kosovokrigen: Spionskandale i NATO

From: Øistein Haugsten Holen (o.h.holen@bio.uio.no)
Date: Thu Mar 09 2000 - 12:45:47 MET

Guardian kjører en spesialrapport om en spionskandale i NATO i dag.
En spion i NATO advarte serberne på forhånd om bombemål i Jugoslavia.

Øistein Holen


A spy in Nato provided the Serbs with top-secret details of allied bombing
raids against Yugoslavia last year, including targets to be hit and precise
flight paths, according to high-level US sources.

An internal classified report drawn up for senior US defence officials
concludes that the Serbs had access to Nato's daily orders for air raids
and reconnaissance flights during the first two weeks of the allied bombing
campaign, which began on the night of March 24.

By the end of the second week of the campaign, according to the report,
Nato started to change the way the orders about bombing raids were
distributed. The effect on what the Serbs appeared to know about Nato's
bombing plans was immediate, it concludes.

The existence of the report is revealed in a BBC2 programme, Moral Combat:
Nato at War, to be broadcast on Sunday night.

It says that the leaking of secret Nato war plans meant that the Serbs also
knew when Nato's "detection assets" - spy planes and unmanned
reconnaissance drones - would be deployed. Serb army and police units could
move their men and equipment around with less risk of detection and in
advance of bombing raids.

The report - an investigation into the lessons learned from the Kosovo
conflict, which ran from March to June last year - says Belgrade's secret
source was human and was not the result of hacking into Nato's coded
computer system, called Chronos.

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