Re: Det amerikanske valutasystemet

From: Magnus Bernhardsen (
Date: 05-07-02

Den 05.07.02 klokka 10:58 skreiv brendberg:

: Denne plukka eg opp på ei debattliste eg er med på. Eg kjenner ikkje
: Victor
: Thorn og magasinet hans, og kan ikkje på nokon måte gå god for
: Likevel synest eg noko av dette er interessant.
: Hans Olav Brendberg, Hitra

Etter det eg har høyrd er ideen om at utlendingar eig og kontrollerer the
Fed ein av mange mytar og konspirasjonsteoriar som verserer på nettet, og
andre stader sjølvsagt. På sida til Victor Thorn finn du og teoriar om
at 11. septemberåtaket var eit jesuittisk-nazistisk åtak på den
amerikanske jødiske eliten, at bolsjevikrevolusjonen var finanisert av
Rockefeller for å skapa ein ny verdsorden, at det aldri var noko
månelanding pluss positiv omtale av kjende fascistar som Lyndon LaRouche
(han med Schiller-instituttet) og David Icke (han med teorien om at verda
er styrt av øglar!!!).

Det var ein debatt om dette på Left Business Observer si liste i 2000,

Her er ein artikkel om the Fed, som ikkje eg kan verifisera på noko vis

Who Owns and Controls the Federal Reserve?

by by Dr. Edward Flaherty, University of Charleston

Is the Federal Reserve System secretly owned and covertly controlled by
powerful foreign banking interests? If so, how? These claims, made chiefly
by authors Eustace Mullins (1983) and Gary Kah (1991) and repeated by many
others, are quite serious because the Fed is the United States central bank
and controls U.S. monetary policy. By changing the supply of money in
circulation, the Fed influences interest rates, affecting the mortgage
payments of millions of families, causing the financial markets to boom or
collapse, and prompting the economy to expand or to stumble into recession.
Such awesome power presumably would be used to benefit the U.S. economy.
Mullins and Kah both argued that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is
owned by foreigners. Although the New York Fed is just one of twelve
Federal Reserve banks, controlling it, they claimed, is tantamount to
control of the entire System. Foreigners use their command of the New York
Fed to manipulate U.S. monetary policy for their own and, as Kah asserted,
to further their global political goals, namely the establishment of the
sinister New World Order.

This essay examines the accuracy of these claims. Specifically, it
investigates the charge that the New York Federal Reserve Bank is owned,
directly or indirectly, by foreign elements, whether the New York Fed in
effect runs the whole Federal Reserve System, and whether its enormous
annual profits accrue primarily to foreigners or to the U.S government.
This essay shows that there is little evidence to support the idea of
foreign ownership and much that contradicts it. In addition, it presents
evidence to show that the New York Fed does not command the entire System,
as well as recent data demonstrating that the System's profits are paid to
the federal government.


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