Advokatar for blodhemn

From: brendberg (
Date: 28-06-02

Nathan Lewin har visst truffe ein streng i delar av den amerikanske
advokatstanden. Ikkje før har han sett fram framlegget, før mindre advokatar
kvitterer for at ein modig mann tør seia det mange tenkjer. Her frå
online-debattsida til Shma:

Author: Darren R. Young (
Date: 06-23-2002 21:37

I just want to go on record as a Florida, Georgia, and West Virginia
attorney that I support and agree with the attorney Mr. Nathan Lewin that
the families of the homicide bombers be executed.

Such a deterrence would save Israeli lives (maybe Americans too). If a
bomber knew that his actions killing innocent men, women, and children would
also result in the death of his father, mother, sisters, and brothers, then
perhaps he would have a change of heart.

Besides it is the families who support, condone, and praise such horrific
killings of innocents.

Make them accountable for their actions. Israel must get tough.

Mr. Lewin this gentile lawyer supports you. I am not a member of the fringe
and neither are you. We just are blessed with what many are not, i.e. common
sense, justice, and a willingness to engage in war against those who war
against us.

Mr. Lewin should be applauded for his willingness to boldly speak the truth.

Darren R. Young

Attorney at Law

2030 Jackson Heights Drive

Sebring, Florida 33870

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