Israel: Høyresiden svak likevel?

From: Knut Rognes (
Date: 04-05-02

Letter From Israel
by Ran HaCohen
May 4, 2002

    and Taking Possession

    word of Yahweh came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying, Arise, go
down to meet
    Ahab king of Israel, who dwells in Samaria: behold, he is
in the vineyard
    of Naboth, where he is gone down to take possession of
it. You shall speak
    to him, saying, Thus says Yahweh, Have you killed
and also taken possession?
    You shall speak to him, saying, Thus says
Yahweh, In the place where dogs
    licked the blood of Naboth shall dogs
lick your blood, even yours." (1. Kings 21:17-19)

At the
    end of March, the Arab League offered Israel full peace in
return for full
    withdrawal from the occupied territories. At the same
time (29.3.02), Israel's
    best-selling daily Yedioth Achronot published
an opinion poll:
    to a representative sample of 502 Israelis, 47% of the
public think all the
    settlements in Gaza Strip and in the West Bank
should be dismantled for a
    peace agreement with the Palestinians. This
is an amazing figure. 66% think
    all the settlements in Gaza Strip
should be dismantled, and a majority of
    70% support evacuating
settlements in regions densely populated by Arabs."
Note that the
    poll was conducted without any prior campaign, without
an actual peace agreement,
    and in the very month that saw more
terrorist attacks on Israeli citizens
    than ever. A similar

poll published a month earlier in Ha'aretz yielded similar results:

74% of Jewish Israelis supported dismantling at least small isolated

settlements – in a framework of "unilateral separation", not even
peace agreement.
So the Israeli
    people knows what it wants: dismantling the settlements
in return for peace.
    The Arab world also knows what it wants: full
peace for full withdrawal. Never
    before has peace in the Middle East
been more simple to achieve.
But the ruling
    Israeli junta knows better. That very day (29.3.02), it
launched "Operation
    Defence Shield", a ruthless total war against the
Palestinian people
    in the West Bank, destroying every single symbol,
institution and infrastructure
    of the Palestinian autonomy (save
Arafat's person): killing hundreds, destroying,
plundering, securing Palestinian hatred for generations to come. Towards

  the end of the Operation (22.4.02) Prime Minister Sharon announced in
    that his government would not dismantle even a single
settlement, and would
    not even discuss the matter.

    as Pretext

The pretext
    for this war was the Palestinian attacks on Israeli
civilians, culminating
    in the Passover massacre in Netanya (27.3.02,
28 civilians killed). Pretext?
    Undoubtedly. To stop suicide bombers, a
fence would have been enough.
Yedioth Achronot has recently published a thorough research on that. The
cover page of its
    weekend magazine (26.4.02) reads:
    a year ago, President Moshe Katzav suggested building a
separation fence to
    stop suicide bombers. The Prime Minister ignored
him. In December 2001, the
    Head of the Shin Bet warned: 'a physical
barrier is a security must.' The Prime Minister ignored him. Ever since,
205 Israeli citizens have been killed
    and 1.666 injured in terrorist
attacks inside the Green Line. The Prime Minister
    ignored it." A
subtitle reads: "The Prime Minister's Office
    admits: the fence is not
built because of 'political aspects'." And
    the former Chief of Israeli
Police, Asaf Chefetz, spells it out: "Separation
    will destroy the
concept Sharon has been employing all his life. He cannot
    set a fence
after he spread the settlements in a way that makes it impossible
separate them from the rest of the country."
Yedioth Achronot
    also quotes experts estimating the costs of a fence
along the 263 km of
    the Green Line. The most expensive version, with a
double fence, a wide patrol
    road, projectors, electronic detection
equipment and cameras, should cost
    about one hundred million dollars.
The direct military costs of "Operation
    Defence Shield" have already
exceeded six times this amount. Not counting
    indirect economic damage,
not counting human lives lost on both sides, not
    counting the millions
of damage inflicted on the Palestinians, not counting
    future hatred.

Cheap Lives,
    Expensive Lives

A fence
    is not my favourite solution for the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict; an open
    peaceful border is much better than a Chinese wall.
But the fence issue is
    indicative for the priorities of Israel's
junta, with, at the top, maintaining
    the occupation and expanding the
In the junta's
    eyes, there are three kinds of human beings. First
Palestinians, whose life
    is a nuisance one should get rid of. Second
Israelis, whose life is a national
    asset one can liquidate when
necessary. Occupation can be served by sacrificing civilians in terrorist
attacks and using their death to launch a war. The
    third kind is
settlers: an incarnation of the occupation, hence sacred. "Our

Saviours", as former Prime Minister Yizchak Shamir once called them.
Yedioth Achronot (26.4.02) paid a visit to one Gershon Hershkowitz, a 25
year old settler living
    alone in a detached caravan on a hill in the
northern West Bank. The journalist
    "was appalled to find out that this
single settler was protected by
    several reserve soldiers. They
[ironically] called themselves 'the Unit for
    the Protection of One
Man'." The soldiers have "no fence, no detection equipment, no lighting,
totally exposed to the four winds. An
    Israeli army jeep occasionally
came to check if they were still alive."
It is not an
    exception. In the settlement of Netzarim, in the heart of
the Gaza strip,
    50 houses are defended by almost one thousand
soldiers. Analyst Sima Kadmon,
    who published the story, adds:
    the Prime Minister last week promised not to dismantle isolated
    it's those settlements he was referring to."
Since Sharon
    came to power, 34 new settlements have been built on
occupied lands.


    Defence Shield" is over; the next operation, probably in
Gaza, is waiting
    for a pretext. The Israeli junta is already
harvesting the crop. Ha'aretz (25.4.02) reports of  31 new housing units to
be built in the settlement of
    Maale Adumim and 480 in the settlement
of Elkana. There is also a new Jewish
    neighbourhood at the heart of
Hebron, "behind the facades of shops
    whose [Palestinian] owners had
been evicted after the massacre of Baruch Goldstein."
Yes: in 1994,
    after a Jewish terrorist massacred scores of
Palestinians in prayer, Israel
    "evicted" the Palestinian owners of the
shops which are now given
    to Jewish settlers. That's the junta's game:
heads I win, tails you loose.
    Israelis killed are a good pretext to
dispossess Palestinians; Palestinians
    killed are even a better pretext
to dispossess them.
A mother of
    a reserve soldier turned desperately to an Internet forum
for an advice: together
    with other soldiers, her son was "ordered to
protect surveyors who
    came to mark Arab olive-woods for building a
road on them and double the area
    of settlement Alfe Menashe. Is
everything allowed in the name of protecting
    the house? Evil is evil.
My son is a fighter and serves in reserve, but he
    is now on the verge
of refusal. What can I do?"
Compare the
    desperate e-mail message circulated by Fuad Kokaly, Mayor
of the Palestinian
    town of Beit Sahour:
    25 April, I received a visit at Beit Sahour Municipality
from the Israeli
    Occupation Forces. The visit was to present me with a
new map. This new map
    shows the new Beit Sahour; a Beit Sahour with
even less land than before.
    They intend to confiscate yet more of our
property, property belonging to
    residents of Beit Sahour. [...] More
and more is taken by Israel to build
    settlements, bypass roads and to
take control of natural assets that legitimately
    belong to
Palestinians. As a result, we are prevented from building new homes,

farming our land and having access to neighbouring villages and towns. For

    how much longer must we have to accept this plunder of our land?"
    you killed and also taken possession?"
So when Sharon
    comes to Washington next week, don't wonder about his
peace plan: he hasn't
    got one. Don't talk to him about a "peace
conference": he doesn't
    want peace. Just remind him of the King of
Israel whose blood was licked by
    dogs for killing just one man, for
taking possession of just one vineyard
    in Samaria.

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