Israels opprettelse var et føydalt overgrep (Re: jøde bosatt i USA osv.)

From: Karsten Johansen (
Date: 18-04-02

Enig med Trond, Jennifer Balkans innlegg er særdeles interessant, bl.a.
fordi det trekker fram en rekke grunnleggende historiske forhold rundt
opprettelsen av Israel. Det som i det føydale Europa ga opphavet til
jødeforfølgelsene var i tillegg til kristne myter om dem, den
særstilling de føydale herskerne tildelte jødene i samfunnet som en egen
klasse, med særskilte rettigheter og oppgaver. Det var dette som kort
fortalt gjorde jødene til pantelånere, handelsfolk osv. De var
forhindret i å bli bønder eller vanlige borgere.

I grunnleggelsen av Israel går de europeiske kolonimaktene og USA videre
i fotsporene til denne føydale verden. De opptrer som føydalherrer i
forhold til et midtøstlig område og tildeler "jødene" dette nærmest som
et len eller et feudum. Heri bygger de selvsagt også på den
gammeltestamentelige mytologien. Israel er i dagens verden et kolonialt
og føydalt fenomen og et uttrykk for den rasetenkning vi finner hos
f.eks. Henry Ford og Lord Baden-Powell (som begge beundret Hitler meget)
eller norske og svenske sosialdemokratiske ledere med deres
rasehygieniske tiltak. Man anså det for umulig å integrere og leve med
jødene som minoritet i Europa og besluttet seg for å sende dem til "det
hellige land". Ingen utsoning etter Auschwitz, intet oppgør med den
rasistiske fortid som nazistene bare var det mest ekstreme uttrykk for.
Her spilte utvilsomt det en viktig rolle som også Hitler klaget høylytt
over: Freud, Marx, Einstein, Rosa Luxemburg, Trotskij og et hav av andre
subversive elementer var jøder av avstamning, og dette faktum la man på
typisk rasistisk maner og med hele overklassens gjennom århundrer
oppsparte forfølgelsesvanvidd overfor revolusjonære, jødene kollektivt
til last.

De sionistiske lederne innså ikke, at de ved å dra til Palestina ledet
de som fulgte dem i en felle.

Fra siste nr. av Dag og Tid anbefaler jeg i denne sammenheng et portrett
av den svenske forfatteren Willy Kyrklund. Han har noe meget viktig å
si: han gjør oppmerksom på hvilken sentral rolle spesielt religionen
spiller i forbindelse med krigshissing. Han bemerker meget riktig hva
som er den avgjørende årsaken til det: at religionen gjør det mulig å
suspendere fornuften (nazismen og stalinismen var verdslige,
sosialdarwinistiske kvasireligioner, som også liberalismen er det).
Aldri i verdenshistorien har det vært tydeligere enn i forbindelse med
de groteske israelske forbrytelse som den vestlige verden nå energisk
prøver å fortrenge og bagatellisere. Fordi de setter dens eget føydale
og koloniale overgrep i Midtøsten under et skarpt lys.

Karsten Johansen

-----Message d'origine-----
De: Trond Andresen

Date: 18/04/02
Objet: Jøde_bosatt_i_USA_med_Palestina-støtte

Denne er interessant.

Trond Andresen


A Jew Seeking Justice

by Jennifer Balkan

  As a Jewish American, I feel it is finally my responsibility to opine
  behalf of my Palestinian sisters and brothers: Imagine if a group of
  strangers marched into your home and told you that you couldn't live
  there anymore. This is the home that your parents inhabited; your
  grandparents bequeathed to them. These strangers told you that
  thousands of years ago, their ancestors had populated this area,
  for a short while. Now they have come to take what's rightfully yours
  and call it their own. When you don't voluntarily leave, they threaten
  you with violence. Fearing imminent danger, you take your children and
  flee. These people pay you a pittance of the value of your land
  your consent and label you an 'absentee landlord'. When you return to
  reclaim your home, your land, the strangers argue that because you
  separated yourself from your belongings, they are no longer yours.
  Because they have attained the title to your home and land, you no
  longer have the right of possession.

  This is the story of Israel - a stolen land taken from the
Palestinians. The
  Zionist movement was founded on the principle that the Jews deserved
  a land; a land that they could call their State; their home but they
  only be able to identify themselves as a wholly Jewish state at the
  expense of uprooting an existent civilization, the indigenous Arab

  The Jewish claim to Palestine is based on the existence of a kingdom
  that reigned for only 414 years (Beatty, I: Arab and Jew in the Land
  Canaan.) The Jewish kingdoms were only one of many periods of ancient
  Palestine. There exists the dangerous misconception that opposition to
  Jewish occupation stems from anti-Semitism. Tensions between Arabs
  and Jews began after Zionist settlers arrived in the 1880s and had
  bought land from absentee Arab owners. This led to the dispossession
  of land that had been cultivated by peasants. In effect, the Zionists
  were colonizing Arab land.

  The Zionists probably could not have been so successful in their
  acquisitions if it weren't for strong support from the British and
later the
  Americans. The Balfour Declaration was instituted in November 1917 by
  the British Government to secure a Jewish Homeland in Palestine. It is
  easy to be skeptical of such a declaration as it was fashioned by a
  European power; about a non-European territory; and completely
  discounted the presence and desires of the indigenous majority
  residents of the territory.

  When Israel was declared a state in 1948, it owned a bit more than six
  percent of the land of Palestine. The UN charter envisages a peoples'
  right to self-determination based upon the democratic requirement of
  consent for the majority of the people - the Palestine Arabs had
  composed a 2/3 majority at that point it time. Thus, the UN Partition
  Palestine in 1947 violated its own law.

  Since the inception of a codependency between Israel and the U.S., the
  U.S. media has done everything in its power to taint the struggle of
  Palestinians. President Truman stated in 1947 "I am sorry gentlemen,
  but I have to answer to hundreds of thousands who are anxious for the
  success of Zionism. I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs
  among my constituents" (Pres. Harry Truman, quoted in Anti Zionism,
  By Teikener, Abed-Rabbo & Mezvinsky).

  Arabs have only responded to an unlawful, undeserved expropriation of
  their land. They became refugees in their own villages. Over 750,000
  Palestinians became refugees on their own land during the winter of
  1947. But Israel was not satisfied with its allocation. In violation
  international law, Israel seized over 52 percent of the land in the
  Bank and 30 percent of the Gaza Strip for military use or for
  by Jewish civilians.

  Israel has an historical record of invading surrounding countries, and
  currently occupies Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian territory against
  international law. It has been Zionist policy to kill anywhere from 50
  100 Arabs for every Jewish fatality. But the U.S. media have never
  criticized Israel of inciting the ensuing Islamic terror. Instead,
  soldiers who participate in cruel acts of torture are labeled
  forces" whereas Palestinians are all perceived as terrorists.

  Currently, violence in the Middle East is as high as it has ever been.
  Israeli deaths are reported to us whereas Palestinian losses are
  dehumanized and go faceless in our news.

  Our unconditional support of Israel and its practices portray us as
  unsympathetic to a robbed people.

  Fundamentalist Halacha, or Jewish law, is what is propagating violence
  it condones murder in the pursuit of Zionist expansion. Much like
  sects of religious fundamentalism, it is dangerous and should be
  and mistrusted.

  We can no longer sit idly and watch an indigenous population become
  dispossessed. It has taken a couple hundred years for Americans to
  at our ancestors with disdain - those who decimated the original
  inhabitants of our land - the once thriving American Indians. We still
  guilt for what our forefathers stole. Will disclosure of facts and
  of our textbooks in the secular classroom and in the synagogue
  someday reveal the truth about Israel? And will it be too late then?

  Jennifer Balkan lives in Austin.

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