Rep:Re: _Jenin-bomba_tikker_uunngåelig_for_Sharon

From: Karsten Johansen (
Date: 17-04-02

Objet: Re: [kkf]_Jenin-bomba_tikker_uunngåelig_for_Sharon

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 at 18:36:45 +0200, Per I. Mathisen wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Trond Andresen wrote:
> > Sannheten vil komme for en dag, om det så må gå en måned eller to.
> Spørsmålet er: Vil "verden" da være interessert? Hva hjelper det om
> sannheten kommer for dagen om den mottas med en kald skulder...

Og Jon Ivar sier:

"Sannheten" (noe av den) om Srebrenica kom for dagen forrige uke, sju
år etter at det hendte, og regjeringen her gikk av. Håpet er
naturligvis at det tar mindre enn sju år (og aller helst at Jenin også
får konsekvenser i Den Haag).

Min kommentar:

Ligger i senga med influensa og har bare stått opp et par øyeblikk fordi
det blir for plagsomt for ryggen å ligge.

Jeg er dessverre ganske sikker på at både Trond og Jon Ivar er alt for
godtroende. Se på de siste femti års historie: USAs verste sleng av
røverbaroner bestemmer hva som er "sant". Verdens styres av
krigsforbrytere. De fleste mennesker blir hjernevasket av TV lenge før
de blir voksne og lærer aldri å tenke selv. En mer iskald og kynisk
egoisme og struggle for life enn noengang før i historien tyranniserer i
dag verden fullstendig mens den framstiller seg som helligheten selv,
langt mer frekt enn Hitler og Goebbels maktet. George Orwells og andres
pessismisme er mer enn bekreftet. Nazismen og stalinismen og nå dette er
ikke avvik fra "det moderne", det avslører hva som er kjerna i det:
barbariet utført med teknisk fullkommenhet. En teknisk perfeksjon
entydig og stadig mer perverst rettet mot å realisere fortidens verden,
flere tusen år gamle atavistiske "visjoner" som "Israel" og andre
hellige land og tusenårsriker som USA, Tyskland osv.

Gnores medier og "politikere" viser oss mer eller mindre avmoralisert
bande av lallende og selvsentrerte medioter, fullstendig åndelige slaver
av USAs propaganda, opptatt av schizofren og hysterisk
selvhallusinering. Vi må til det engelske underhuset for overhodet å
finne noen vektige personer som kommer til orde, kan tenke selv og tør
nevne enkelte sannheter i denne situasjon (se nedenfor).

Karsten Johansen

MP accuses Sharon of 'barbarism'

All sides condemn West Bank incursions

Nicholas Watt, political correspondent
Wednesday April 17, 2002
The Guardian

The veteran Labour MP and prominent Jewish parliamentarian, Gerald
Kaufman, yesterday launched a ferocious attack on the Israeli prime
minister, Ariel Sharon, denouncing him as a "war criminal" who was
staining the Star of David.
Speaking in a Commons debate on the Middle East crisis, in which MPs
from across the house condemned Israel's incursions into the West Bank,
Mr Kaufman likened Mr Sharon's tactics to the actions of Zionist
terrorists in Palestine in the 1940s.

In an emotional speech, in which he described himself as a lifelong
friend of Israel, the former shadow foreign secretary said: "Sharon has
ordered his troops to use methods of barbarism against the Palestinians
... It is time to remind Sharon that the Star of David belongs to all
Jews and not to his repulsive government. His actions are staining the
Star of David with blood. The Jewish people, whose gifts to civilised
discourse include Einstein and Epstein, are now symbolised throughout
the world by the blustering bully Ariel Sharon, a war criminal
implicated in the murder of Palestinians in the Sabra-Shatila camp and
now involved in killing Palestinians once again."

To nods of approval from MPs, Mr Kaufman condemned Palestinian suicide
bombers. But he added that it was important to ask why Palestinians
resort to such tactics. "We need to ask how we would feel if we had been
occupied for 35 years by a foreign power which denied us the most
elementary human rights and decent living conditions."

Mr Kaufman then likened the suicide bombers to the Zionist Irgun and
Stern gangs, which launched a series of terrorist attacks in Palestine
in the run-up to the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.

"We need to ask what the Jews did in comparable circumstances," he said.
"In 1946 the Irgun controlled by Menacham Begin blew up the King David
hotel in Jerusalem, slaughtering 91 innocent people. In 1948 the
Palestinians denounced what they described as a massacre in the village
of Deir Yassin ... The difference between the Deir Yassin massacre and
what happened in Jenin is that Deir Yassin was the work of terrorist
groups denounced by mainstream Jewish groups. The horrors in Jenin were
carried out by the official Israeli army."

A Blair loyalist, Mr Kaufman warned that Mr Sharon's conduct had made it
impossible for Britain and the United States to take action against
Iraq. "To do so would unite the whole Muslim world against the US, the
coalition against terrorism would disintegrate, western economies could
suffer a shock comparable to the oil shock of 1973."

Mr Kaufman's attack on the Israeli government were echoed across the
chamber. The former Tory cabinet minister, John Gummer, said that a
fundamental distinction should be drawn between the actions of the
Israelis and that of the Arabs.

"Israel is a state, with the trappings of a state which claims the
legitimacy of a state and the more that it rightly claims that
legitimacy, the more it has to be judged by the standards of a state and
the standards of democracy," he said.

Amid such a serious Middle East crisis it was irresponsible of
Washington to take such a tough stance against Iraq, Mr Gummer warned.
He criticised the "kind of approach that says that we judge what is in
our self-interest and our self-defence and thereby can do anything we
like, irrespective either of international law or the UN or indeed
frankly of the evidence before us".

Ann Clwyd, the Labour backbencher who has just returned from a visit to
the Jenin refugee camp with the UN, said the EU should consider economic
sanctions against Israel. Apologising for her croaky voice, caused by
dust from Israeli tanks, she said it was not enough for European
countries to "simply bleat condemnation".

Ms Clwyd added: "They need to withdraw European ambassadors from Israel.
They need to impose an arms embargo as Germany has already done, and
they should consider what economic sanctions can be put in place."

Menzies Campbell, the Liberal Democrats' foreign affairs spokesman,
condemned both sides. He also rounded on anti-Semitic groups in Britain
which have distributed "hateful" leaflets. "They are an affront to
decency, they disfigure democratic society and they disgrace our
democracy," he said.

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