A second chance...

From: oddm@ifrance.com
Date: 14-04-02

Etter straks og utan blygsel å ha godkjent den ("uventa") kortliva og meir
enn ukonstitusjonelle kuppregjeringa til Pedro Carmona, vågar no
Bush-administrasjonen (les: "the whole world") å krevje at Chavez må
"respektere konstitusjonelle prosessar"! Quelle délicatesse !

Oddmund Garvik


U.S.: Chavez Should Respect Process
Sun Apr 14,10:45 AM ET

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration, which showed no
remorse when the Venezuelan military ousted the country's
elected president last week, advised Hugo Chavez on Sunday
to make good use of a second chance to govern.

"We do hope that Chavez recognizes that the whole world is watching and
that he takes advantage of this opportunity to right his own ship, which
has been moving, frankly, in the wrong direction for quite a long time,"
said Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's national security adviser.

She said Chavez "needs to respect constitutional processes" during this
tumultuous period in Venezuela, the No. 3 supplier of oil to the United
States and the world's fourth biggest exporter.

Chavez returned Sunday to the presidential palace in Caracas, the
capital, after he was freed by his military captors. Two days earlier,
army commanders had forced him from office.

"I hope that Hugo Chavez takes the message that his people sent him, that
his own policies are not working for the Venezuela people, that he's dealt
with him in a high-handed fashion," Rice said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

At the time Chavez was ousted, the White House put the blame on Chavez
because of attempts to violently put down a demonstration.
Bush's spokesman said the Venezuelan government "suppressed
what was a peaceful demonstration of the people. ... It led very quickly
to a combustible situation in which Chavez resigned."

But Chavez's family, supporters and former government officials insisted
he never resigned as president, as the interim president, Pedro Carmona,
and Venezuela's high command claimed.

Chavez had befriended Cuban President Fidel Castro and turned up in Iraq
and Libya - all countries on the State Department list of state sponsors
of terrorism. In February, Secretary of State Colin Powell said it was
"strange" that Chavez would see fit to visit such countries.

Chavez also angered Washington with his strong opposition to the U.S. war
in Afghanistan.

"This is no time for a witch hunt," Rice said. "This is a time for
national reconciliation in Venezuela."
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