Re: Det går dårleg med CIA sitt kupp i Caracas

Date: 14-04-02

Ein annan profetisk artikkel frå 20. februar i år:

Narco News '02

Venezuela Faces U.S. Coup Plot - Washington Seeks End to World's Truest

By Kim Alphandary

Special to the Narco News Bulletin


The democratically elected, progressive government of Venezuela has
been overtaken by the winds of turmoil in recent months as the plotting to
suffocate the economy and discredit Chavez have begun to take effect. The
situation in Venezuela has become very precarious, both economically
and politically.


Chavez won Presidential elections in 1998 and again in 2000 by the largest
majority in four decades. He has been governing Venezuela following the
principles of a new social movement called the Bolivarianism, named after
the South American independence hero, Simón Bolívar. Nearly all
Venezuelans were eager for drastic change. They wanted a new government
that would eradicate corruption and graft, and redirect the money from
the vast oil fields away from the multinationals towards the 80% of the
Venezuelans living in poverty.

Using his enormous popularity, Chavez has managed to implement an
unprecedented amount of reforms. To highlight just a few, Chavez has
ratified a new Constitution that now provides guarantees for indigenous
rights and women's rights, free health care and education up to the
university level. To reduce corruption Chavez has restructured the
judicial and legislative branches. The government serves breakfast and
lunch to schoolchildren year round and enrollment has increased by over a
million students. In a change that affected the world economy, Chavez
reinvigorated OPEC, raising oil prices from $8 a barrel to $27 -
currently the price is $18 a barrel.

Christian Perenti, professor at the New College of California believes
that "Venezuela is an example of a people struggling to create an
alternative, attempting to reform capitalism into a more egalitarian,
healthier system." Perenti went so far as to say that,"In fact, perhaps
Venezuela is the truest democracy in the world today."


The country is deeply divided. Foreign interests are audaciously setting
about laying plans for an interim government. Inside Venezuela the unions,
the press, and the Catholic Church have all begun to call for Chávez's
resignation. Reports of no confidence in Chavez's Venezuela have come
from around the world: financial institutions, governments, academics, the
US State Department and the CIA.


Professor James Petras of the State University of New York, correspondent
for the Spanish magazine, Rebelión, believes that the United States has
been leading a campaign to destabilize Venezuela. "The tactics being used
are very similar to those used in Chile," Petras explains, "I was in Chile
when a very similar campaign was organized. Civilians are used to create a
feeling of chaos, and a false picture of Chavez as 'dictator' is
established, and then the military is incited to make a coup for the sake
of the country."

Petras asserts that another important figure in the foreign-sponsored
destabilization campaign is Alfredo Peña, the Mayor of Caracas, Petras
says that "Peña was in Washington being groomed for the replacement."

A December 9 New York Times report states that, "Alfredo Peña may just be
the mayor of Caracas, but that did not stop him from visiting the State
Department and the World Bank in Washington ... antagonizing his rival,
President Hugo Chávez."


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Morgan Stanley have come out in
support of a 'transitional government' for Venezuela, supporting Chavez's
removal from office. Petras says that "a number of stories have just come
out in the daily La Nacional mentioning that the IMF is willing to
bankroll a transitional government, a government that will replace
Chavez." He believes that, "the only way you do that is by coup." (Read
these reports in spanish at and )

The investment firm Goldman, Sachs and Company estimates that
"Venezuela is entering a profound recession," stating that "there is
fear of a political and economic collapse, the financial situation is in
chaos, petroleum prices have fallen, the country has suffered massive
capital flight."

Petras believes that "the IMF and financial institutions are fabricating a
crisis. There is no economic crisis. The economic problems facing Chavez
have always been there, they are problems that Chavez inherited. Venezuela
is an oil rich country that pays its debts and follows IMF guidlines etc."


Criticism by George Tenet, head of the CIA, and US Secretary of State
Colin Powell has intensified, as Chavez was repremanded some three
times last week. They stated that Chavez is undercutting American foreign
policy by providing oil to Cuba, opposing US counter-narcotics aid to
Colombia, and giving political support to guerrillas and anti-government
forces in neighboring Andean nations.

James Petras, believes that "Chavez is an extremely moderate politician
who is being hammered for not allowing drug-surveillance flights over
Venezuela, being opposed to plan Colombia and working with OPEC."


In a recent meeting held in New York City organized to evaluate the
delicate political situation, Latin American experts agreed that,"Hugo
Chavez must resign, and that a transitional government must be installed."
Ricardo Hausmann, minister of Planning for ex-president Carlos Andrés
Pérez and professor at the University at Harvard affirmed that , "the only
possible solution for resolving the current crisis is for Chavez to leave
the Government."


Fear of Chavez's peaceful revolution becoming a genuine socialist
revolution is escalating. The Spanish Minister of Exterior, also current
President of the European Union, Josep Piqué, has made a call for Chavez
to maintain "democratic institutions and respect the 'rights of all'.
Powell has reiterated his fears that Chavez is distorting the democratic
free-market model advocated in Washington by consolidating institutions
under his control and setting himself up as 'elected dictator.'


Inside the country, the Chavez opposition organized a general strike in
December and a large march last month. The latest in a series of
anti-Chavez actions was lead by two men, Air Force Col. Pedro Soto and
National Guard Capt. Pedro Flores Rivero, held a small rally to accuse
the government of being 'non-democratic' and asked that Chavez resign.
They were sent home in uniform and placed under investigation by a
joint civilian and military board.

Petras believes "Chavez has taken remarkably mild measures against
those officers, officers that were asking for a military coup. They were
interrogated for one day, and released. They were acting in a way that
goes way beyond the democratic debate. If it happened in this country
they would have been tried as traitors."
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