Re: Seinskader av postmodernisme

From: Trond Andresen (
Date: 09-04-02

At 12:26 09.04.02 +0200, skreiv jeg:

>Postmodernismen, som har vært på retur siden motebølgen blant visse
>"intellektuelle" med dekadanse-flørt, ironi, verdi-nihilisme og "identity
>politics" toppa seg på midten av 90-tallet,......

Et friskt "farvel med PM" er:

>Farewell to a Fad
>by Barbara Ehrenreich
>[The Progressive, March 1999, pp. 17-18.]

Et meget bra og 'tyngre' oppgjør med PM er dette,

>What the Sokal Hoax Ought to Teach Us
>The pernicious consequences and internal
>contradictions of "postmodernist" relativism
>Paul A. Boghossian
>Professor of Philosophy
>New York University

Han bruker blant annet et interessant eksempel om konflikten mellom
vitenskap og myte innen antropologi, og reiser spørsmålet om sann
kunnskap i den forbindelse:
>A front-page article in the New York Times of October 22, 1996 provided a
>recent illustration. The article concerned the conflict between two views of
>where Native American populations originated -- the scientific archeological
>account, and the account offered by some Native American creation myths.
>According to the former extensively confirmed view, humans first entered the
>Americas from Asia, crossing the Bering Strait over 10,000 years ago. By
>contrast, some Native American creation accounts hold that native peoples
>have lived in the Americas ever since their ancestors first emerged onto the
>surface of the earth from a subterranean world of spirits. The Times noted
>that many archeologists, torn between their commitment to scientific method
>and their appreciation for native culture, ..

(Et eksempel på en situasjon hvor PM kan framstille seg som progressiv !!!)

>........"have been driven close to a
>postmodern relativism in which science is just one more belief system."
>Roger Anyon, a British archeologist who has worked for the Zuni people, was
>quoted as saying: "Science is just one of many ways of knowing the
>world".[The Zunis' world view is] just as valid as the archeological
>viewpoint of what prehistory is about."

Boghossian forklarer så hvorfor denne uoverenstemmelsen ikke kan brukes
til støtte for postmodernistiske standpunkter.


Trond Andresen

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