Om "the thief in chief" & " the Bush family junta"

From: Karsten Johansen (
Date: 27-03-02

Dette må jeg bare oversende. Her er stoff for den historiske analysen av
Bush II og ikke minst hans familiedynasti. En person som jeg et halvt år
før han ble "valgt" her spådde vil bli en lignende om enn verre (på
grunn av den tekniske utviklingen siden) skjebne for kloden enn
stinkbarokk-keiseren og nazismens fødselshjelper Wilhelm II med sine
juntageneraler Hindenburg og Ludendorff.
Listen over Bush-dynastiets historiske forehavender er mildt sagt uhyre
interessant og avslører Bush senior som en høyreekstrem CIA-agent helt
fra sin pure ungdom, med forbindelser til Grisebukta, exilcubanske
miljøer og muligens mordet på Kennedy. Hertil kommer involvering i
Nixons "rørlegger"virksomhet og Reagans Iran-Contras-affære - gode
forbindelser til den Hitler-lignende underkorporalsfigur og
høyrefanatiker Oliver North. Jeg bare registrerer at samme år som Bush
senior ble CIA-sjef, nektet Hans Holmer som SÄPO-sjef statsminister Olof
Palme innsyn i overvåkingen av ham selv (1976). Bush senior er
visepresident under Reagan og midt i Iran-Contras affæren da det (under
bemerkelseverdige intriger i politi og SÄPO) stadig uoppklarte mordet på
Palme finner sted, og politiet forkludrer konfrontasjonen mellom Lisbeth
Palme og en sentral mistenkt (den sk. "33-åringen") tilhenger av den
høyreekstreme amerikaneren Lyndon Larouches organisasjon, en mistenkt
som noen år senere finnes død ved et vann i USA. Her er plukk fra listen
om Bushenes historie

"1918 Prescott Bush Sr., leads a raid on a Indian tomb to secure
Geronimo's skull for Skull & Bones.
1937 Prescott Bush's investment firm sets up deal for the Luftwaffe so
it can obtain tetraethyl lead.
1942 Three firms with which Prescott Bush is associated are seized under
the Trading with the Enemy Act.
1953 George Bush and the Liedtke brothers form Zapata Petroleum.
Zapata's subsidiary, Zapata Offshore, later becomes known for its close
ties to the CIA. (...)

1960 Some investigators believe George Bush spent part of this year and
the next in Miami on behalf of the CIA, organizing rightwing exiles for
an invasion of Cuba. Is said to have worked with later Iran-Contra
figure Felix Rodriguez.
1961 According to the Realist, CIA official Fletcher, Prouty delivers
three Navy ships to agents in Guatemala to be used in the Bay of Pigs
invasion. Prouty claims he delivered the ships to a CIA agent named
George Bush. Agent Bush named the ships the Barbara, Houston and Zapata.
Bay of Pigs invasion fails. Right-wingers blame Kennedy for failure to
provide air cover. CIA loses 15 men, another 1100 are imprisoned. (...)

1963 John F. Kennedy is assassinated. Internal FBI memo reports that on
November 22 "reputable businessman" George H. W. Bush reported hearsay
that a certain Young Republican "has been talking of killing the
president when he comes to Houston." The Young Republican was nowhere
near Dallas on that date.
According to a 1988 story in The Nation, a memo from J. Edgar Hoover
states that "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" had been briefed on November
23rd, 1963 about the reaction of anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Miami to
the assassination of President Kennedy. George says it ain't him, admits
he was in Texas but can't remember where.
1964 George Bush runs as a Goldwater Republican for Congress. Campaigns
against the Civil Rights Act. (...)

1971 Bush is named UN Ambassador by Nixon. Bureau of Narcotics and
Dangerous Drugs finds enough evidence of Noriega's involvement in drug
dealing to indict him, but US Attorney's office in Miami considers
grabbing Noriega in Panama for trial here to be impractical. State
Department also urges BNDD to back off.
1972 Bill Liedtke gathers $700,000 in anonymous contributions for the
Nixon campaign, delivering the money in cash, checks and securities to
the Committee to Re-Elect the President (the infamous CREEP) one day
before such contributions become illegal. Bill says he did it as a favor
to George.
1973 Bush is named GOP national chair. Brings into the party the
Heritage Groups Council, an organization with a number of Nazi
Bush, according to Lowell Weicker, inquires as to whether records of the
"townhouse operation" should be burned.
Robert Mosbacher wins an offshore drilling concession from Philippine
dictator Ferdinand Marcos.
Watergate tapes indicate concern by Nixon and aide HR Haldeman that the
investigation into Watergate might expose the "Bay of Pigs thing." Nixon
also speaks of the "Texans" and the "Cubans." and mentions "Mosbacher."
In another tape, Nixon decides following his re-election to get signed
resignations from his whole government so he can centralize his power.
Says Nixon to John Erlichman: "Eliminate everyone, except George Bush.
Bush will do anything for our cause." (...)

1976 Jerry Ford names George Bush CIA director, his fourth political
patronage job in a little over five years. Bush later claims this is the
first time he ever worked for the CIA. At his confirmation hearings,
Bush says, "I think we should tread very carefully on governments that
are constitutionally elected."
Bush holds first known meeting with Noriega. Noriega starts receiving
$110,000 a year from the CIA.
Noriega found to be working for Cubans as well, but keeps his CIA gig.
Bush sets up Team B within the CIA, a group of neo-conservative
outsiders and generals who proceed to double the agency's estimate of
Soviet military spending.
Senate committee headed by Frank Church proposes revealing size of the
country's black budget -- intelligence spending that, in contradiction
to the Constitution, is kept secret even from the Hill. According to
journalist Tim Weiner, Bush argues that the revelation would be a
disaster and would compromise the agency beyond repair. By a one vote
margin the matter is referred to the Senate. It never reaches the floor.
Chilean dissident Orlando Letelier is assassinated by Chilean secret
police agents. CIA fails to inform FBI of pending plot and of assassins'
arrival in US. CIA claims the hit was the work of left-wingers in search
of a martyr.
Bush writes internal CIA memo asking to see cable on Jack Ruby visiting
Santos Trafficante in jail. In 1992, Bush will deny any interest in the
JFK assassination while CIA head.
Bush claims nuclear war is winnable. (...)

1978 Bush, Mosbacher and Jim Baker become partners in an oil deal.
From a Washington Post article by Bob Woodward and Walter Pincus:
"According to those involved in Bush's first political action committee,
there were several occasions in 1978-79, when Bush was living in Houston
and traveling the country in his first run for the presidency, that he
set aside periods of up to 24 hours and told aides that he had to fly to
Washington for a secret meeting of former CIA directors. Bush told his
aides that he could not divulge his whereabouts, and that he would not
be available." Former CIA chief Stansfield Turner denies such meetings
took place. (...)
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1980 Bush becomes Reagan's vice presidential candidate. Runs as a
rightwinger again.
Mosbacher becomes chief fundraiser for Bush's presidential campaign.
Forms a millionaire's club of 250 contributors, each of whom cough up
William Casey forms a working group to prepare for possible Carter
October political surprise. In early October, an Iranian official meets
with three top Reagan campaign aides. All three deny memory of the
meeting in subsequent proceedings.
On October 21, Reagan hints he has a secret plan to release the
hostages. This is right around the alleged date of a Paris meeting at
which the so-called "October Surprise" was settled. Some allege that at
this meeting it was agreed to end the arms embargo against Iran if Iran
would release its hostages after the election. While Bush's presence at
this meeting has been denied by the House committee investigating the
October Surprise, Bush's whereabouts at this critical time remain in
doubt. The White House, in fact, has leaked conflicting stories. (...)

The Reagan-Bush campaign receives stolen copies of Carter's briefing
Bush's campaign manager, James Baker, forces the dismissal of Bush aide
Jennifer Fitzgerald, described in a 1982 Time story as having "much to
say about where Bush goes, what he does and whom he sees." Bush
continues to pay Fitzgerald out of his own pocket.
1981 Reagan-Bush inaugurated. Hostages released moments before. Shortly
thereafter, arms shipments to Iran resume from Israel and America. In
July, an Argentinean plane chartered by Israel crashes in Soviet
territory. It is found to have made three deliveries of American
military supplies to Iran. In a 1991 story in Esquire, Craig Unger
quotes Alexander Haig as saying "I have a sneaking suspicion that
someone in the White House winked." Says Unger: "This secret and illegal
sale of military equipment continued for years afterwards." (...)

1985 Jennifer Fitzgerald is sent to work on Capitol Hill after stories
arise linking her romantically with George Bush.
Stuart Spencer's public relation firm starts receiving over $350,000
from Panama to improve Noriega's image.
CIA starts using BCCI as a conduit.
George Bush thanks Oliver North for "dedication and tireless work with
the hostage thing, with Central America." Bush will later deny knowing
about the Contra effort until late 1986.
Neil Bush joins the board of Silverado S&L, serves until 1988. Silverado
loans his partners in JNB $132 million which they never repay. Silverado
will eventually collapse at a taxpayer cost of $1 billion.
408 TOW anti-tank missiles are shipped from Israel to Iran. A day later,
US hostage Benjamin Weir is released. (...)

1986 VP Bush goes to Honduras to promote support for the Contras. Takes
along baseball players Nolan Ryan and Gary Carter.
Contra figure Felix Rodriguez meets with Donald Gregg, Bush's national
security advisor, to complain about Iran-Contra operatives skimming
funds from the Contras.
Bush may have made several secret visits to Damascus between 1986-88
according to a 1992 report in Time, which said two senior GOP senators
were pressing for a probe. The allegation is that Bush went to negotiate
the release of hostages in Lebanon but in fact stonewalled Syria,
"playing for campaign timing. Republicans want to get to the bottom of
intelligence-community suspicions that the US somehow blew a chance to
free Terry Anderson and his fellow captives."
Iranian arms runner Manucher Ghorbanifar proposes "diversion" of profits
from Iran arms sales to Contras.(...)

1987 Bush's former chief of staff, Daniel Murphy, flies to Panama with
South Korean influence peddler Tongsun Park on a private plane owned by
arms dealer Sargis Soghnalian to meet with Noriega. Murphy later tells a
Senate subcommittee that he informed Noriega that he need not resign
before the 1988 election despite the Reagan administration public
pressure to the contrary. (...)

1988 (...)Rudi Slavoff becomes head of Bulgarians for Bush. In 1983,
Slavoff organized an event honoring Austin App, promoter of the theory
that the Holocaust was a hoax.
Slavoff joins other GOP ethnic leaders in the Coalition of American
Nationalities co-chaired by Edward Derwinski. Among them is a former
member of an Hungarian pro-Nazi party. After press revelations, eight of
the leaders accused of anti-semitism resign from the campaign. Bush
says: "Nobody's giving in... These people left of their own account."
GOP flier warns that "all the murderers, rapists and drug pushers and
child molesters in Massachusetts vote for Michael Dukakis." (...)
1989 (...) President Bush signs a top-secret directive ordering closer
ties with Iraq, which opens the way for $1 billion in new aid just a
little more than a year before Bush goes to war against that country.
The agricultural credit allows Saddam Hussein to use his hard currency
for a massive military buildup. (...)

1992 (...)Nixon's Jew hunter Fred Malek is back as Bush's campaign
Campaign sells photo opportunities with the president at a fundraiser
for $92,000 each.
Washington, DC, loses $52,000 in taxes because Bush claims to be a Texas
Donald H. Alexander contributes $100,000 to Team 100; shortly thereafter
he's named ambassador to the Netherlands. (...)

1999 George W. Bush executes his 99th prisoner.
George W. Bush celebrates the Martin Luther King holiday by staying
inside the Governor's Mansion with the windows closed so he wouldn't
hear the thousands of Martin Luther King celebrants listening to
speeches right outside his window on the Texas capitol grounds [across
the street]. (...)

2000 (continued) Al Gore gets more popular votes than George W. Bush in
the November presidential elections, but a winner is unable to be
declared because the outcome depends upon a state of Florida recount
that must made, according to Florida law, since the eventual winner will
have a majority of less than 1% of the vote. Many of the counties do not
do a recount, but simply re-report their first results. Other counties
decide to accept late overseas ballots, contrary to Florida law. Bush
enlists James Baker to oversee his post-campaign Florida campaign.
Although Jeb, as Florida governor, recuses himself from official state
participation in the recount, phone records later made public lead
observers to question that statement. The Florida Supreme Court directs
that the entire state must physically recount all of the votes, but the
U.S. Supreme Court overrules, declaring George W. Bush the victor in
order to protect our tradition of the smooth transition of power. The
vote was 5-4. Although the court ruled that the decision could never be
used as precedent in any future legal case, it was determined that
allowing the State of Florida to recount its votes, even though it is
legally required to do so, would not be in the best interest of George
W. Bush's presidential aspirations. On the basis of the Supreme Court's
decision, Bush was declared the victor in Florida, thus winning the
majority of electoral votes and thus being elected the nation's 43rd
2001 Bush is sworn in as president and Dick Cheney, Sec. of Defense
under Poppy, is sworn in as vice-president. Numerous key members of the
Regan-Bush and Bush-Quayle administrations, including those who left
under a Contra cloud, are brought back into the new administration.
With Bush as front man and Cheney as the brains behind the throne, Bush
begins to consolidate power with fast-track plans to weaken government
regulations of corporations, begin drilling on previously out of bounds
environmentally fragile sites, place greater world trade powers in the
White House, establish formal governmental funding of religions, allow
greater civil rights discrimination in the name of freedom, shift more
of the nation's wealth away from the middle class and into the hands of
the wealthy through changes in the tax laws, further establish military
dominance in the world and in space through missile defense, and weaken
international compacts protecting the environment and controlling small
79 year old Andrew Marshall, a colleague of Herman "Dr. Strangelove"
Kahn at the Rand think tank in the 50's appointed head of the Pentagon's
Office of Net Assessment and major speechwriter of Bush's Missle Defense
System speeches."

Karsten Johansen

Rant against Bush becomes US top seller

Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Wednesday March 27, 2002
The Guardian

It accuses President Bush of being the "thief-in-chief, a trespasser on
federal land, a squatter at the Oval Office" and calls for the marines
to be sent in to evict him. It claims that the United States is a
country that "goes out of its way to remain ignorant and stupid". And
this week it became the number one bestselling book in the land.
No president has enjoyed such consistently high approval ratings as
George Bush, which makes it even more remarkable that Stupid White Men
by documentarist, journalist and political activist Michael Moore should
be enjoying such success. Published earlier this month, this week it hit
the number one spot in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and on
Amazon. It has now gone into print for the ninth time.
Moore made the 1989 award-winning documentary Roger and Me, about his
pursuit of the then chairman of General Motors to question him about his
decision to close down a factory that put thousands out of work.
He has created an Emmy-winning television series, TV Nation, and was a
major campaigner for Ralph Nader in the 2000 presidential election. But
Stupid White Men is the first time he has had quite such an obvious
effect on the public debate. The book, serialised in Guardian Weekend on
Saturday, is an energetic rant about the state of the nation with the
president as its number one target. Moore calls for the United Nations
to overthrow the "Bush family junta" and describes the president as the
He tells his readers: "The bad guys are just a bunch of silly, stupid
white men. And there's a helluva lot more of us than there are of them".

Moore is elated by the success of the book. "People have had it with
keeping silent for the past six months," he wrote in an email to
supporters. "They resent having felt like if they chose to question what
the government is up to or, God forbid, dissent, they would somehow be
considered unpatriotic."
Margie Ghiz, owner of Midnight Special bookshop in Santa Monica, where
the book has been selling fast, said yesterday: "It's a relief to many
people to have this kind of thing said."
How long the book remains at its elevated position remains to be seen
but US book buyers at the moment seem anxious to buy any title with a
racial epithet attached: Nigger by Randall Kennedy is number six on the
LA Times bestseller list.

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