Vitne til Sharons forbrytelser ryddet av veien

Date: 24-01-02

At Sharon er Israels svar på Hermann Göring er det
for meg mindre og mindre tvil om. Denne fascist og
rasist har fra begynnelsen planlagt å ødelegge det
palestinske selvstyret og begå folkemord, hvis det er
nødvendig for å få realisert Stor-Israel. Allerede
vil sin tiltredelse proklamerte han å ville fortsette
krigen fra 1948. Han leder et terrorregime som blir
mer og mer rabiat og som i dette har tilnærmelsesvis
full støtte fra Bush IIs kristne fundamentalistregime
i USA. Når det nå dukker opp vitner til hans
krigsforbrytelser ved domstolen i Belgia, ryddes et
av de mest prominente (Hobeika) ytterst beleilig for
Sharon av veien med en bilbombe i dag. Jeg tror det
ville være på sin plass med meget grundige
undersøkelser av forbindelsene mellom Sharon-regimet
og 11.9.

Karsten Johansen

Fra Independent:

Lebanese warlord killed in car bomb

24 January 2002

Former Lebanese Christian warlord Elie Hobeika was
killed in a car bomb explosion outside his home in
Beirut today.

Hobeika, 45, led the right–wing Lebanese militia
forces who in 1982, under the eyes of Israeli
soldiers, scythed through the Sabra and Chatilla
refugee camps in Muslim west Beirut, slaughtering
hundreds of men, women and children.

A car bomb exploded outside his house in Beirut's
eastern Hazmieh neighbourhood.

The explosion also killed at least three of his
bodyguards, police officials said. Several buildings
were heavily damaged and a huge fire broke out.

Hobeika will be remembered for the Sabra and Chatilla
massacre of Palestinian men, women and children in
September 1982.

The Christian militiamen went into the camps after
their leader, President–elect Bashir Gemayel, was
assassinated in a bombing at Phalange headquarters,
initially blamed on Palestinians.

It turned out that Gemayel was eliminated by the
Syrians, who opposed his alliance with the Israelis.

A group of Palestinian survivors of the massacres
have filed suit against Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon, who was minister of defence during the
invasion of Lebanon, in Belgium.

The complaint, filed in June with a Belgian judge,
demanded that Mr Sharon be indicted for crimes
against humanity in accordance with Belgian law that
allows for such trials of foreigners in another
country. The complaint did not mention Hobeika's

Hobeika said in July that he is willing to testify in
the lawsuit, adding that he had "irrefutable proof"
of his innocence in the killings.

A Belgian appeals court is expected to rule on 6
March 6 on whether Mr Sharon should stand trial.

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