Israels bomber sparer Hamas, sikter mot uskyldige

Date: 05-12-01

"No Hamas offices were targeted in yesterday's
attacks. Instead,
                                    Israel focused
its wrath on the personal symbols of Yasser
                                    Arafat. The
strikes hit Gaza City and the southern Khan Yunis
                                    refugee camp, as
well as the West Bank towns of Ramallah,
                                    Tulkaram and
Qalqiliya, targeting offices of the Palestinian
                                    leader's security
forces as well as his Force 17 security detail,
                                    which Israel has
declared a terrorist organisation." (The Guardian)

Israels førere ønsker å styrke Hamas og ødelegge den
palestinske staten samt drepe uskyldige: en klart
fascistisk linje i samme gate som den tyske krigen på
østfronten under andre verdenskrigen. Dette støttes
uforbeholdent av de bibelske bombekåte fra Bush II
til Bombevik.

Karsten Johansen,3604,

They ran for their lives through a
                                    field of death

Goldenberg in Gaza
December 5, 2001
                                    The Guardian

Mohammed Abu Marasa's brief life ended in a splash
                                    of blood on a
gravestone. The 15-year-old was cut down by flying
                                    metal as he ran
through a cemetery, desperate to escape the
                                    Israeli F-16 war
plane pulverising a nearby Palestinian security

                                    Two people were
killed here yesterday, and more than 80
                                    wounded - most of
them children - as the Israeli fighters and
helicopters pounded eight Palestinian security
four in Gaza and four in the West Bank.

                                    The first F-16 to
scream across a winter sky towards the walled
                                    compound of the
Palestinian preventative security force created
                                    instant chaos. A
terrified population poured into the streets.
                                    Teachers at the
four schools that surround the compound in the
                                    Sheikh Radwan
neighbourhood of Gaza City sent their charges
                                    home, and
children ran for cover, lugging their satchels across
                                    the sprawling
cemetery that borders the installation.

                                    "Mohammed was
running for his life. He did not know he was
                                    taking himself to
his grave," said Samih al-Madhoun, another
                                    boy, aged 14.

                                    Instead, he was
cut down in this congregation of the dead.
                                    "Everyone is
going to taste death and we shall make trials of
                                    you with evil and
with good, and to us you will be returned," the
                                    inscription reads
on the gravestone where he fell.

                                    Ten minutes
later, as rescue workers were trying to cut through
                                    the chaos, and
more children were scrambling through the
                                    cemetery - either
to escape or to get a look at the destruction -
                                    the F-16s

                                    Doctors at Gaza's
Shifa hospital said many of the wounded were
                                    hit in the second
attack, including an ambulance attendant who
                                    had arrived to
evacuate the wounded in the first bombing, and a
                                    woman in her
ninth month of pregnancy.

                                    "I was walking
home past the preventative security building when
                                    the bomb threw me
off the ground, and something fell on me. I
                                    looked at my
hand, and it was full of blood," said Ahmed Awad
                                    Ayub, a
15-year-old being wheeled into surgery. Doctors said
                                    could lose the
use of his right hand.

bombings - the heaviest onslaught on the West
                                    Bank and Gaza
since the start of the Palestinian revolt 14
                                    months ago - were
Israel's retaliation for a weekend of carnage
                                    visited on Haifa
and Jerusalem by Hamas suicide bombers.
people lost their lives in the attacks.

                                    No Hamas offices
were targeted in yesterday's attacks. Instead,
                                    Israel focused
its wrath on the personal symbols of Yasser
                                    Arafat. The
strikes hit Gaza City and the southern Khan Yunis
                                    refugee camp, as
well as the West Bank towns of Ramallah,
                                    Tulkaram and
Qalqiliya, targeting offices of the Palestinian
                                    leader's security
forces as well as his Force 17 security detail,
                                    which Israel has
declared a terrorist organisation. In Ramallah,
                                    the missiles
struck perilously close to Mr Arafat, punching into a
                                    building 50
metres from his security compound. Aides said he
                                    had been taken to
an underground shelter when the helicopters
                                    loomed into view.

                                    Israeli officials
described the air attacks as a message: Mr
                                    Arafat had to
round up and jail the gunmen and suicide bombers
                                    of Hamas and
Islamic Jihad - and members of his own Fatah
                                    militia - or the
consequences would be dire.

                                    "The purpose was
to send a clear military message... 'Friends,
                                    we've had enough,
take the responsibility that you have and stop
                                    the terrorism,'"
said the Israeli army spokesman,
Ron Kitrey.

                                    For Gazans, who
turned out in their thousands to gawk at the
yesterday, it made little sense. The preventative
                                    security forces
are Mr Arafat's main instrument for arresting

                                    "How is this
going to help Mr Arafat jail people or put an end to
                                    what Israel calls
terrorist attacks?" asked General Mahmoud
                                    Abu Marzouk,
Gaza's civil defence chief, pulling up to a scene of

                                    The two bombs
that landed on the compound yesterday
                                    smashed through
four storeys of concrete, and gouged a huge
                                    crater in the
ground below. The circle of destruction spread for
                                    several hundred
metres: ripping olive trees from their roots and
                                    steel shutters
off shop fronts, and showering glass on to families
                                    who took cover in
their homes.

                                    "I was watching
television with my grandmother and al-Jazeera
                                    was showing the
missiles hitting Mr Arafat's offices in Ramallah,
                                    when the windows
fell in on me and we were covered with
                                    glass," said
Mahmoud Misabeh, 18.

                                    Another jet
roared overhead, and three bright constellations
                                    appeared - more
bombs - hovering against a cloudy sky before
                                    dropping on a
national security building in the north of Gaza.
                                    Hundreds of
screaming people jumped over gravestones to make
                                    their escape.

                                    The wave of
attacks began in the morning with armoured
                                    bulldozers laying
waste to the Gaza airstrip, a humiliating act
                                    intended to
impress on Mr Arafat the gravity of his
Palestinian leader remained trapped in
                                    Ramallah where he
accused Mr Sharon of plotting his

                                    Mr Arafat said
the Israeli prime minister was trying to sabotage
                                    his efforts to
crack down on militants at a time when
                                    Washington is
adamant that he bring Hamas and Islamic Jihad
                                    to heel.
President George Bush notched the pressure up
                                    yesterday by
freezing the assets of organisations he said were
                                    funding Hamas.

                                    "They don't want
me to succeed and for this he is escalating his
activities," Mr Arafat told CNN. "He does not want a
                                    peace process to

                                    The bombing
campaign put an immediate halt to a drive by Mr
                                    Arafat's security
forces to arrest militants. Gen Marzouk said
                                    the prisoners
being held in Gaza - such as in the preventative
                                    security compound
- were no longer behind bars. "Some were
                                    released, some
escaped, and some were wounded," he said.
                                    "Over 70 were
arrested, but I don't think they are there

                                    There were
similar reports from the West Bank, prompting Mr
                                    Arafat to sack
his security commander in Tulkaram for freeing
                                    his prisoners.

                                    But Gen Marzouk
said the crackdown was doomed. "Look
                                    around you. There
are thousands of people in the streets. How
                                    can Mr Arafat
arrest people in this situation? Mr Sharon wants
                                    Mr Arafat to keep
on arresting people and to cause a civil war.
                                    But we will not
have a civil war."

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