NATO til kamp mot separatisme....

Date: Sat Mar 10 2001 - 14:20:32 MET

  • Next message: Per I. Mathisen: "Naomi Klein: Fighting free trade laws"

    ........serbisk separatisme sjølsagt. Serbisk separatisme i Bosnia og.....i

    "preventing the support of Serbian separatists in Bosnia and Kosovo with
    the help of NATO"

    Dette er et av mange forslag som no blir presentert som straffetiltak
    dersom "demokratane" i Jugoslavia ikkje "demokratiserer" godt nok og raskt
    nok. Krava er mange og lista blir lagt stadig høgare slik at ein er sikker
    på at dei aldri kjem seg over. 31. mars er den magiske fristen.

    Dei andre foreslåtte tiltaka er dei vanlige død over Jugoslavia-tiltaka:
    "demokratisering" (finansiering av alle mulige quislingar og nyttige
    idiotar), fortsatt utmattingskrig mot folket ved hjelp av fortsatt terror
    og fattigdomsutvikling, og framfor alt: radikal desentralisering, dvs
    partering denne gangen med endelig punktum for Jugoslavia og fortsatt
    krymping av Serbia.

    Utpressing, storstilt korrupsjon og krigstruslar.

    Klippt frå "FreeSerbia", (tidlegare?) undergravingsarbeidarar, 8.mars.

    Asgeir Bjørkedal.

    New sanctions suggestion
                          Daniel Server, the president of the Balkan Initiative of
                          American Peace Institute in Washington, confirmed for the
                          daily “Blic” that he is the author of the document
                          “Serbia after Milosevic: progress report”. This
    document was
                          delivered to the State Department and contains suggested
                          actions, which the United States could take unless
                          authorities do not meet the requests made by the United
                          States. The deadline for these requests to be met is

                          The report estimates that the process of establishing
                          rights rule in Yugoslavia is a slow one, so that a
    large part of
                          Milosevic’s apparatus was able to incorporate itself
    into the
                          legal institutions of the new government. It is also
                          that the Amnesty Law did not include a couple of
    hundred of
                          ethnic Albanians suspected of terrorism and are still
                          imprisoned. No improvement in Belgrade’s relations with
                          Bosnia cannot be seen, even if the guarantee for
                          Bosnia exists, the report states and adds that the FRY
                          president still supports extreme nationalists in
    Bosnia and
                          Herzegovina and Kosovo.

                          The question is raised whether there are problems because
                          of which it is difficult for the FRY to fulfil the
    requests set by
                          the United States. The answer to this question is
    “yes”. Many
                          Serbs are preoccupied with their poor financial
    state. Besides
                          that, the FRY faces an armed rebellion in southern
    parts of
                          Serbia, which has preoccupied the government work and
                          aimed the political spectrum in a nationalist direction.
                          Nevertheless, Belgrade has a chance to make moves in the
                          next twenty days, which would present the FRY as a
                          on the right path. But in case that does not happen,
                          are certain measures suggested that would be taken.

                          The measures are: redirection of the help aimed for
                          Yugoslavia only to non-government organizations and
                          municipalities who, in large number, support the United
                          States’ policies; requesting the European Union support;
                          opposing the acceptance of the FRY into the World Bank;
                          preventing the support of Serbian separatists in
    Bosnia and
                          Kosovo with the help of NATO; making it clear that NATO
                          support concerning the termination of the rebellion in
                          southern Serbia only depends on Belgrade accepting the
                          requests set by the United States; ending the
    resistance to
                          Montenegrin independence; redirecting of support from the
                          FRY to Serbian Government, which greatly intercedes
    for the
                          acceptance of the requests set by the United States.

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