Arafat - a candidate for liquidation?

From: Knut Rognes (
Date: Fri Jan 05 2001 - 10:00:08 MET


fra The Times, London, i går.

Knut Rognes


Israel threatens Arafat


PRESIDENT Clinton’s attempts to bring peace to the Middle East as his
Administration ends were greeted yesterday with fighting in the Gaza Strip
and artillery barrages between Israel and Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon.

The Israelis announced that future targets of extra-judicial killings could
include members of the Palestinian National Authority — and Yassir Arafat,
its President. Focusing on opinion polls that give Ariel Sharon, the
hawkish leader of the Likud Party, a big lead over the incumbent, Ehud
Barak, in next month’s direct elections for Prime Minister, Mr Barak’s
allies have begun to beat the war drums louder than ever.

Efraim Sneh, the Deputy Defence Minister, was asked if members of the
authority could be targets. “Those who are behind, have carried out or have
planned to carry out terror attacks . . . must be hit,” he said.

Asked if Mr Arafat might be a candidate for “liquidation”, he said: “Any
decision will be judged on the basis of whether it will ultimately cause
more damage or more benefit.”

In a move aimed at putting pressure on the Palestinians, a White House
spokesman claimed that Mr Arafat had “accepted the US proposals with some

Israel is to send a member of its negotiating team to Washington to discuss
a possible breakthrough with senior officials.

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