Re: Noam Chomsky: The Current Bombings: Behind the retoric

Even Sandvik Underlid (
11 Apr 99 14:10:44 +0100

(Artikkel av Noam Chomsky)

>Recognized principles of international law and world order, solemn treaty
>obligations, decisions by the World Court, considered pronouncements by
>the most respected commentators -- these do not automatically solve
>particular problems. Each issue has to be considered on its merits. For
>those who do not adopt the standards of Saddam Hussein, there is a heavy
>burden of proof to meet in undertaking the threat or use of force in
>violation of the principles of international order. Perhaps the burden can
>be met, but that has to be shown, not merely proclaimed with passionate
>rhetoric. The consequences of such violations have to be assessed
>carefully -- in particular, what we understand to be "predictable." And
>for those who are minimally serious, the reasons for the actions also have
>to be assessed -- again, not simply by adulation of our leaders and their
>"moral compass." _

Er det noen som har kompetanse, tid og energi til å oversette denne? Det
hadde gjort seg ...

Even Sandvik Underlid