Artikel for NSC

Per Rasmussen (
Thu, 8 Apr 1999 23:57:49 +0200

Præstø den 8. april 1999
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>article for NSC
> In 1941, Nazi armies marched into Yugoslavia. Hitler's Luftwaffe
>bombed Belgrade on Easter Sunday.Why?
> The Nazis said they were there to "liberate" the Croats, Albanians and
>other Yugoslav nationalities from Serbian domination. Just like they had
>"rescued" German minorities in Poland and Sudetenland and "freed" Slovakia
>from Czech rule. Or their friend Mussolini had 'saved" the peoples of
>Ethiopia from Haile Selassie's despotism. Of course the Nazis reall goal
>was to enslave everybody. And they did. But in Yugoslavia, Serbs in
>particular were targetted for genocide. Hundreds of thousands perished in
>death camps like Jasenovic.
> The Nazis were driven from Yugosalv soil by a mutinational army of
>Communist-led partisans?Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Montenegrins, Hungarians,
>Muslims, Albanians and others?who fought side by side with soldiers of the
>Soviet Red Army. Comunist-led guerrillas chased Hitler's legions from
>Greece and Albania as well.
> The United States and Britain wouldn't accept the liberation of
>eastern Europe by the Soviet Army and revolutioanry partisans. So they
>launched the most expensive endeavor in history, the Cold War. In the
>Balkans, that war wasn't so cold. In 1946 the U.S. provoked armed conflict
>with Yugoslavia over a border dispute with Italy and threatened the
>war-ravaged country with nuclear annhilation. In 1947 U.S. and British
>planes dropped napalm on the Greek partisans who had fought so valiantly
>against Hitler. In 1950 the CIA launched a Bay of pigs-style invasion of
> In secret operations like Bloodstone and Paperclip, the U.S. State
>Department brought tens of thousands of east European Nazi
>collaborators?Croatian Ustashis, Albanian Balists, Ukrainian Banderites and
>others?into the United States. The CIA organized them into military units
>to carry out terrorist raids on their homelands. In 1949 NATO was formed to
>prepare war against the Soviet Union. Nazi generals were prominent in
>NATO's high command.
> Today bombs and missiles again rain down on Yugoslavia. Schools,
>clinics, homes, farms, power plants and civilain factories have been
>destroyed along with military and government buildings. Hundreds of
>civilians have died, among them people from all the nationalities that live
>in Yugoslavia. The U.S. government has spent more money attacking
>Yugoslavia than it spends on medical research in a year. They are
>destroying schools in Yugoslavia while New York City schools are so
>ovvercrowded classes are heldt in bathrooms.
> Like Hitler before them, the invaders?this time the U.S., Britain,
>Germany, Italy, France, the Netherlands and Canada are all in it
>together?claim to be bombing with the purest of motives. Bill Clinton
>speaks of the "horrors of ethnic cleansing" with thqt dewey-eyed look of
>sincerity we all know so well. And its doubtful if even Josef Geobbels'
>Nazi lie machine could have moved with such lockstep precision to justify
>bombing a small country as the U.S. media has with Yugoslavia. The state
>doesn't have to tell them what to do. They are owned by the corporations
>that tell the state what to do. Like General Electric, the largest U.S.
>military contractor and fifth most profitable corporation, which owns NBC
> But the Beltway politicians, Pentagon generals and corporate media
>moguls have no objection to "ethnic cleansing" and genocide. They practice
>it, assist it and cover it up all over the world. Ask the mothers of the
>half a million Iraqi children killed by U.S. bombs and sanctions. Now,
>while it's bombing Yugoslavia, the Pentagon is bombing Iraq again.
> In eastern Turkey, a few hundred miles from Kosovo, millions of Kurds
>are denied the right to speak their own language. In the past decade at
>least 30,000 Kurdish men, women and children have been murdered by the
>Turkish army using U.S. and German weapons. Hundreds of Kurdish villages
>have been destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of Kurdish people driven
>form their homes.
> You won't see these refugees on the front page of the New York Times,
>however. Turkey is a member of NATO, and U.S. oil companies are planning a
>pipeline there. It has 14 U.S. military bases and thousands of U.S> troops
>on its soil. And the U.S. military is actively assisting the Turkey's NATO
>military in its slaughter of the Kurdish people. This story has been
>completely suppressed in the U.S. "news" media. In February the CIA
>arranged the kidnapping of Abdullah Ocalan, leader of the Kurdistan Workers
>Party, into a Turkish military torture cell. Just like it once helped
>apartheid South Africa's secret police capture Nelson Mandela.
> In Guatemala, a quarter of a million Mayan Indians were murdered by
>CIA- and Pentagon-organized death squads. Clinton recently visited Central
>America and said sorry about that, but will one U.S. official be prosecuted
>for thsi genocide. Don't hold your breath. In nearby Colombia, tens of
>thousands of unionists, peasants and Native people have been murdered by
>government death squads in the last few years. Colombia gets the msot U.S.
>military aid of any South American country.
> In 1948 most of the Arab population of Palestine were driven out of
>their country to make room for the state of Israel. Four hundred villages
>were wiped off the map; in some, like Deir Yassin, everyone was executed.
>Fifty-one years later, they, their children and grandchildren still live in
>refugee camps, under the guns of the Israeli army. What does the U.S. do
>about that? It supplies the Israeli state with the latest high-tech
>weaponry and billions of dollars of aid each year.
> And what about genocide against Serbs. In 1995, the Croatian army
>forced 300,000 Serbs from their homes in Krajina. This ethnic cleansing,
>called Operation Storm, was masterminded by U.S. Army generals acting as
>advisers to Croatia's neofascist dictator Franco Tudjman. In 1992, Tudjman,
>who claims the Nazi Holocaust was a myth, said he was "proud not to have a
>drop of Jewish or Serbian blood in my veins." Soon afterward he was a guest
>at Clinton's inauguration.
> From the Philippines to Angola to East Timor, the list goes on. The
>problem with all these atrocities is not that the U.S. or NATO didn't step
>in to stop them. U.S. intervention made them possible.
> Clinton accuses the Yugoslav army of "unacceptable" and "uncivilized
>behavior." But it wasn't Yugoslavian soldiers who gunned down unarmed
>African immigrant Amadou Diallo in a hail of 41 bullets in the Bronx. Here
>in the U.S., racist cops routinely harass, beat and outright murder Black
>and Latin youth every day. There are more young Balck men in U.S. prisons
>than in college. why doesn't Clinton put an end to this racist terror. And
>let's not forget that the United States was founded on the biggest act of
>ethnic cleansing in history?the near extermination of the Native American
>people. As Malcolm X said: "The U.S. says it wants to bring democracy to
>the whole world. But how can you export something you don't have."
> So why is the U.S. bombing Yugoslavia? It's a land grab, pure and
>simple. Washington wants a U.S. military occupation of Kosovo. After that
>it will be Vojvoidina or Montenegro. Then perhaps Serbia itself. U.S.,
>German, British, French and Italian troops already occupy Bosnia,
>Skopje-Macedonia and Croatia and are on the ground in Albania. Poland,
>Hungary and the Czech Republic have been pulled into NATO. The issue is not
>whether Kosovo should be independent; it is whether it should be another
>U.S.-NATO protectorate. That was the nonnegotiable ultimatum Madeline
>Albright and Richard Holbrooke presented to Yugoslavia: Accept our
>occupying army?or else!
> The carving up of Yugoslavia (a country Clinton denies exists) and the
>expansion of NATO are part and parcel of the U.S. military's drive to the
>east. It's ultimate target is Russia and the other former Soviet republics.
>The destruction of the did not lessen the danger of a new world war; it
>made it more likely than ever.
> Since World War II, the U.S. spent an unbelievable $30 trillion to
>destroy the Soviet Union and its allies. The corporate flunkies in
>Washington did not spend all that dough purely out of ideological hostility
>to socialism. The USSR and its allies occupy a huge chunk of the earth with
>lots of oil, gas, gold, silver, nickel, uranium and and hundreds of
>millions of people.(Kosovo has some of the richest mines in Europe.) U.S.
>banks and corporations want to grab those resources, those markets, that
>labor. Of course the U.S. military-industrial complex always wants a war to
>try out and show off its altest weapons and to justify a $300 billion
>military budget. Not to mention an excuse to keep Europe bound to the
>Pentagon in the U.S.-dominated NATO alliance.
> Of course the corporate magnates of western Europe also cast greedy
>eyes east. Like the "scramble for Africa" by European imperialist powers in
>the last century, the U.S. and its West European allies/rivals are in a
>race to take over East Europe and the former USSR. This puts them in
>conflict with some of the capitalist forces that have emerged from the
>wreckage of socialized industry in the East. It also puts them in conflict
>with each other. The NATO powers are also keenly aware of such events as
>the Romanian miners' uprising and the wave of plant takeovers by workers in
>Russia. They want troops on the ground to prevent any anticapitalist
>upsurge in the former socialist countries. This puts them in conflict with
>the working class. Should the Albanian people rise up again, as thy did
>against the corrupt U.S.-supported Berisha regime in 1996, they too could
>face NATO bombers.
> It's an old story. Spanish Conquistadores "brought Christ" to Native
>Americans by working them to death in gold mines. The British Royal African
>Company "saved the souls" of Africans by kidnapping them into slavery. Then
>the European "Great Powers" invaded Africa and massacred her people in the
>name of "fighting the slave trade." (Yes, that excuse was really used.)
>The U.S.Air Force napalmed Vietnamese villages to "save them." Now U.S.
>bombers and missile-carrying frigates prowl the world "protecting human
> This week marks the 83rd anniversary of the heroic Easter Rising
>against British rule in Ireland. That rebellion was sparked by British
>plans to draft Irish youth to fight in World War I. "The Foggy Dew," a
>beautiful Irish song about the Easter Rising, comments on the hypocrisy of
>the British oppressors sending "our wild geese" to die "that small nations
>might be free." Today, northern Ireland is still occcupied by British NATO
>troops who have murdered hundreds of Irsih people for the "crime" of not
>being Protestant. Tens of thousands have been burend out of their homes by
>Loyalsit gangs working in cahoots with the NATO British Army. But Britain
>has eagerly joined the U.S. in bombing Yugoslavia, supposedly out of
>concern for the Albanian Kosovars.
> In one of his war talks, Clinton pointed out that World War I began in
>the Balkans. Ironically, in that "war to end all wars," Britain, France,
>Belgium, Tsarist Russia and later the U.S. claimed to be defending Serbian
>rights against Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman oppression. In reality they
>wanted to carve up those decaying empires among themselves. All in the name
>of "keeping the world safe for democracy." Lenin's answer to World War I
>was to urge the working class to "turn the imperialist war into a civil
>war." And it was a working-class uprising, inspired by the October
>Revolution, that put an end to the carnage. After the destruction of the
>USSR, the world situation is a lot like it was in 1914.
> Today the people of Yugoslavia are on the front line in the fight
>against the Wall Street-NATO "new world order."
>They deserve the solidarity of fighters for justice and the working class
>everywhere. It is our urgent task to build a worldwide movement to stay
>the hand of the Pentagon. Hands off Yugoslavia! U.S., NATO, out of the
>Balkans! Money for schools and health care, not wars for corporate profit!

Yours in solidarity
Familien Rasmussen Præstø
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