Nato's 'killing children fields': Kosovo og Irak

From: Knut Rognes (
Date: Thu Oct 21 1999 - 19:45:34 MET DST


NATO's 'killing children fields' beskrives i U.S.News and World Report for
25. oktober. Der får vi også vite at NATO, tro mot den voldsomme humanitære
impuls som brøt fram 24. mars, er redd for å skape presendes mht minerydding.

'...NATO admits there were likely at least 14,000 unexploded bomblets in
Kosovo, but the real figure could be twice that. More than 45 people have
been killed and 200 injured by munitions since the conflict ended in June.
NATO's ordnance is blamed for 40 percent of the casualties.

Unsurprisingly, most of the victims have been children, who were attracted
by the bright-yellow cylinders that appeared to be toys. Aid workers say
the returning Kosovars are much more aware of the danger from mines than
most refugee populations. But the early mine-awareness materials did not
include information specifically about cluster bombs.

After much urging, NATO teams have spent the past few weeks marking known
cluster-bomb sites, based on records of targets. But villagers frequently
remove NATO's warnings. Peacekeepers are clearing mines from a few sites,
but NATO is wary of setting a precedent. Cluster bombs were used even more
heavily in the gulf war; experts estimate that if the West had taken
responsibility in 1991 for clearing unexploded ordnance in Iraq and Kuwait,
the work would still be unfinished.'


Imens jules kosovo-albanere opp av andre kosovo-albanere fordi de har
jugoslaviske pass, se

mens Aftenposten (og Washington Post) melder om plakater med falske lister
over angivelig krigsforbrytere, se

Til og med Vollebæk synes å oppleve et snev av bondeangerens kvaler etter
bomberusens tidligere gleder, se intervju i Dagbladet i dag på

Knut Rognes

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