TEMPO Overview

TEMPO is an international PhD program for highly motivated young scientists, where state-of-the-art research is combined with a comprehensive training program. The network is funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework program. The European Commission wants to make research careers more attractive to young people and therefore offers early-stage researchers (ESRs) a PhD program the opportunity to improve their research skills, join established research teams and enhance their career prospects via the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) in the area of Embedded Predictive Control and Optimization.

TEMPO addresses the needs of European companies and society for embedded control technology, through training on cutting edge research in the rapidly emerging inter-disciplinary field of embedded predictive control and optimization.

The knowledge platform of TEMPO is driven by cutting edge research that will firmly establish the rapidly emerging field of embedded MPC and optimization as the technology of choice in advanced embedded control systems in European industry. In particular, TEMPO will make significant contributions to enabling technology for innovative and challenging industrial application in different sectors where MPC is usually not used today. More specifically, the following technical and scientific breakthroughs are expected

To achieve the objectives listed above, the main tasks of TEMPO are: