Master thesis topics 2010

The text below is a very short description of the topics. Contact Lars Imsland for further information. I am also open for suggestions.

1.      Modellbasert regulering og optimalisering med store fysikalske modeller.

Konkret case vil være å se på total produksjonsoptimalisering av offshore prosessanlegg. Hele produksjonskjeden fra brønn til eksport skal inkluderes: Produksjonsanlegg (brønner, rørledninger etc) og topside prosess (separatorer, kompressorer, vannbehandling). En nokså komplett modell i Modelica finnes fra før.

Deloppgaver er:

·         Utvikling av ulineær MPC for aktuell prosess (videreutvikle eksisterende modell)

·         Simulering av anbefalt løsning

·         Metodestudie

Medveileder: Svein Olav Hauger, Pål Kittilsen, Cybernetica AS

2.      Implementation and comparison of methods for sensitivity integration for gradient calculation in non-linear MPC

Practical implementation of analytical gradient-computation for 'single-shooting' non-linear MPC is usually based on sensitivity integration. The candidate should implement (at least) two different methods for sensitivity integration (BDF and the algorithm of Schlegel et al (2004)), and assess their usefulness and appropriateness for different types of NMPC problems.

3.      Alternative formulations for fast non-linear MPC

The candidate should explore implementation of nonlinear MPC using l1-penalty functions for constraints. This has the advantage of very fast gradient computation, but on the other side the objective function becomes non-smooth.

Co-supervisor: Ruben Ringset, Cybernetica AS

4.      Parallellization in non-linear MPC

Some types of implementation of nonlinear MPC can benefit from parallellization. The candidate should explore strategies for parallellization, and make prototype implementations for assessment and comparison.

5.      Implementation of framework for non-linear MPC based on open-source components

The candidate should investigate open-source components that fit into a framework for non-linear MPC. Relevant components might be for modeling, code-generation, and optimization.

6.      Frequency tracking/wave spectrum estimation based on Lyapunov-theory and non-linear adaptation.

The candidate should implement and analyze a non-linear adaptation law for frequency tracking and/or wave spectrum estimation based on a specific parameterization of harmonics.