læren fra Genova

From: Karsten Johansen (kvjohans@online.no)
Date: 22-07-01

Mens Bono, Geldof osv. "møtte verdens toppledere" bak befestninger og
sikkert oppnådde vidunderlige mirakler - eller i det minste god mediereklame
for flere - skjedde andre ting noen km unna. Men det er nok best for
mangemillionærer å ikke blandes med vanlige folk. Politiet ordner det. Det
er vel "læren fra Genova". Som så mange andre steder. Det er forskjell på
noen har penger, andre ikke. Og har du penger, så kan du få, men har du ingen
så må du gå (utenfor avsperringene, i ditt eget blod og evt. i hundene).

En svensk "avis" som Aftonbladet har nettdebattsider som nå flommer over av
åpne oppfordringer fra fascister til massemord av typen "politiet må bli
til å skyte", "skyt pakket" osv. Som Georg Johannesen har sagt: "Alle forsto
Hitler straks".

Å bruke sin "demokratiske rett" under medienes formørkende lyskastere i en
tilstand som nåtidens er høyst sannsynlig det samme som å melde seg på til
framtidens konsentrasjonsleirer, som selvsagt vil bli "with a human touch" i

Karsten Johansen


Brutal politirazzia i Genova

Aktivister ble slått og sparket av politiet som natt til søndag gjennomførte
en razzia i pressesenteret til paraplyorganisasjonen som arrangerer
demonstrasjoner i forbindelse med G8-møtet i Genova.

Ifølge aktivistene i paraplygruppen Genova sosiale forum skal 40 mennesker
ha blitt skadet under razziaen, men politiet avviser dette tallet.

Ved 24-tiden brøt politiet opp døren og trengte seg inn i pressesenteret som
holder til i en skole. Rundt 50 mennesker befant seg i bygningen.

Folk kastet seg ned på gulvet og ble slått med køller og sparket av
politiet, melder nyhetsbyrået AFP.

Politiet skal ha beslaglagt datadisketter og lett etter fotografier og
filmer fra demonstrasjonene.

Aktivister lente seg ut av vinduene og ropte "mordere" mot politiet under

En person ble skutt og drept i sammenstøt i forbindelse med demonstrasjonene



Sunday, 22 July, 2001, 04:53 GMT 05:53 UK Violent start to summit's final day

Clashes between police and protesters have continued. A police raid on the
headquarters of a group coordinating protest action at the G8 summit in
Genoa early on Sunday has left at least 40 protesters injured.

The anti-globalisation movement, the Genoa Social Forum, said the police
burst into its offices shortly after midnight (2200 GMT Saturday) and
attacked the people inside.

A BBC correspondent who entered the building immediately after the raid said
he saw a number of badly injured people, and pools of blood in the rooms.

The summit ends at lunchtime on Sunday with the leaders of the world's
richest nations due to sign a final communique, the centrepiece of which
will be the G8's action plan for Africa.

More than 200 people, including 73 police, were wounded in clashes between
on Saturday, and over 120 people have been arrested since Friday, some on
charges as serious as attempted murder.

The turmoil has prompted Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, the host of
next year's summit, to propose rethinking the next G8 gathering.

Mr Chretien said that changes would be needed before next year's summit.

"We have to reduce the size of the delegation to have a more informal type
of meeting. There are too many people. Some have huge delegations - that is
not needed," he said, adding that each country should be limited to 400
delegates and staff.

He is also reportedly considering holding the 2002 summit in a remote Rocky
Mountain town that will be more difficult for protesters to reach.

Midnight raid

The police were apparently searching for computer disks and videos of
earlier clashes when they raided a school which the Genoa Social Forum was
using as a coordinating centre.

Windows were broken, furniture smashed and there were pools of blood left on
the floors.

"They came in, blocked the door and kept beating us with sticks and kicking
us, one after the other," said Michael Gieser, a Belgian journalist who was
staying in the school.

Police department spokesman Roberto Sgalla said the police were acting on a
tip-off, and that iron bars, knives, blunt objects and black T-shirts had
been seized.


1) "Got phone call from Han, indymedia.be, at 12:20. He was outside the
center, describing it surrounded by massive police forces, helicopter and
armoured water canon vehicles. According to several testimonies published on
IMCs, police is searching for the prooves that there were policeman in the
Blac Blocks, taking away video tapes showing it. Inside the Genova Social
Forum are also lawyers and medical teams."

2) http://italia.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=5172&group=webcast

"Noon, at the GSF centre (Diaz School , Via Cesare Batiste, 6):

The Italian Government is concerned at this time to reduce the
responsibility of the carabinieri who has shot Carl Giuliani, speaking about
" legitimate defense." That argument is completely unfounded. Even if it
turned out that the Jeep which the police officer was riding had been hit by
demonstrators, it is sure that none of these demonstrators was armed.
According to the Italian Criminal code, article 52, the defense is only
considered legitimate when proportional to the gravity of the endured
offense. In this case, according to photographs released at the moment of
the facts, the police officer could have defended himself easily by simply
shooting in the air, or even aiming at the earth. His choice to shoot Carl
Giuliani point blank in the face was unjustified considering the danger in
which the police officer was found, and is therefore completely beyond legal
limits not only of legitimate defense but also of culpable homicide and of
any attenuating circumstances provided by law. For elementary reasons of
justice, It seems clear that the preliminary imputation that the P.M. will
have to form regarding the shooter is one of voluntary homicide, for having
consciously caused the death of Carlo Giuliani, a Genoa resident originally
from Rome.

From the MEDICAL STAFF Of the GSF (Dr. Enrico Cordano): The emergency
medical team of the GSF thinks it necessary to signal that the number of
hurt protesters from July 20th is greater than the number indicated by the
hospitals. In fact we have brought medical assistance to tens of protesters
who have been brutally hit from the police enforcements, also in those
thematic public squares where the groups were present that are for pacifist
and not violent historical, cultural and ideological dissemination of
information. We want to signal moreover that also two of our medical
colleagues, one of whom was declaring himself a medic of the GSF, as is
demonstrated in the film transmitted from the television, have been hit
heavily by policemen, and were forced to run back to the hospitals for
treatment themselves. This is our first official notice but subsequently, at
the conclusion of the manifestations, we will spread a complete relation of
all that with which we have assisted to the ready legal volunteers with
which we have collaborated."
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20 heavily injured at brutal police raid on IMC and GSF buildings

Two buildings opposite each other in Via Cesare Battisti in Genoa, hosting
the Indymedia Centre and the Genoa Social Forum have been brutally raided by
police just after midnight. Police used tear gas inside the buildings and
baton charged against people sitting on the ground. 20 people are confirmed
to be severely injured, one of them an IMC UK reporter. Police claim to have
looked for weapons under Article 41 of the Italian law permitting a search
without warrant, but have destroyed computer equipment, confiscated videos,
floppies and hard disks, and have beaten people indiscriminately. 8 arrests
have been made of which one person has been released, reporting to have been
beaten heavily. There have been reports about another dead demonstrator but
those reports have NOT been confirmed.



Der Tod in Genua

Von Markus Deggerich

Die Stimmung war aufgeheizt, durch Medien, arrogante Volksvertreter,
politisierte Jugendliche und betonierte Strukturen, die ein Gefühl von
Ohnmacht vermittelten. Dann erschoss ein Polizist einen Demonstranten. Ein
Symbol, ein trauriger (vorläufiger) Höhepunkt und ein Wendepunkt. Denn nach
dem Tod von Benno Ohnesorg spaltete sich die 68er-Bewegung. Die einen
besannen sich, suchten den „Marsch durch die Institutionen“, um zu
gestalten. Die anderen versuchten das „Scheißsystem“ wegzubomben.

Sind das die einzig möglichen Konsequenzen aus dem Tod in Genua? Der
Vergleich der Bewegung an Globalisierungskritikern mit den 68ern hinkt. Die
Protestgeneration von heute (die mehrere Altersgenerationen umfasst) ist
internationaler, aber auch extrem heterogen: Da marschieren Nonnen neben
Gewerkschaftlern, Studenten neben Ökonomen, Menschenrechtler neben
Umweltschützern. Ihnen gemeinsam ist das Gefühl der persönlichen Ohnmacht,
und das Unbehagen gegenüber einer Politik, die einer entfesselten
Globalisierung in ihren Augen tatenlos zusieht. Die Macht der Märkte
unterhöhlt das Primat der Politik.

Jede Bewegung kennt viele Splittergruppen aber auch ihre Helden, Vordenker
und Märtyrer. Egal ob sie Che Guevara heißen, Habermas oder Rudi Dutschke.
Das fehlt den Globalisierungskritikern heute. Das einzige, was sie bisher
zusammenhält, ist nicht ein gemeinsames Ziel, sondern ein gemeinsames

Deshalb ist der Tod in Genua so gefährlich. Seit Seattle 1999 ist die
Protestwelle permanent gewachsen und mit ihr die Gewalt, die staatliche
Aufrüstung, die mediale Ausbeutung. Die tödlichen Schüsse in Genua sind der
Höhepunkt. Und keiner weiß, wie diese Bewegung, die so schwer zu fassen ist,
nun reagiert. Resignation? Auflösung in nationale und soziale Untergruppen?
(Internationaler) Terrorismus? Supranationaler Dachverband? Oder alles

Seit Genua ist nichts mehr wie vorher. Die Bewegung steht am Scheideweg.
Aber auch die G-8 kommen ins Grübeln. Haben solche Gipfel noch einen Sinn?
Rechtfertigen sie den Aufwand? Welche Ziele verfolgen sie? Tatsache ist,
dass ein solches Treffen, bei dem Märkte aufgeteilt werden, nicht
demokratisch legitimiert ist. Der Club der Starken darf sich nicht als
Weltherrscher aufspielen. Der Einwand, es ginge nur um ökonomische Fragen,
ist Unsinn. Ökonomie hat Auswirkungen auf alles: politische und soziale

Und das ist auch das Grundproblem: Der global funktionierenden Wirtschaft
stehen keine entsprechenden politischen Strukturen gegenüber, die steuernd
und ausgleichend eingreifen. Der Uno-Generalsekretär darf für einen Abend
mitessen und für seinen Aids-Fonds betteln. Ein paar Präsidenten ärmerer
Staaten dürfen ihre Sorgen vortragen. Der eine oder andere Gewerkschafter
übergibt am Abend vor der Eröffnung ein Positionspapier. Danach kämpft
wieder jeder für sich.

Die Randalierer von Genua liefern den Staatschefs nur einen Vorwand, sich
noch stärker abzuschotten. Dabei hatte die Gegen-Bewegung bisher durchaus
kleine Erfolge zu verzeichnen. Die starken Männer werden gezwungen Position
zu beziehen, zur Besteuerung internationaler Finanztransaktionen, zur
Entschuldung, zur Umwelt, zum Zugang zu Märkten.

Die Gegenbewegung muss sich organisatorische und inhaltliche Strukturen
schaffen. Sie darf bunt bleiben, weil es auch zeigt, dass die Rechte von
Kindern in Pakistan durchaus zusammenhängen mit Finanzmärkten in Asien oder
Umweltfragen in Südamerika. Aber sie muss verhandlungs- und arbeitsfähig
werden. Und die G-8 müssen einsehen, dass ihnen trotz der Randalierer
Partner gegenüber stehen, die ein Recht haben, von ihren Volksvertretern
gehört zu werden. Wenn die einen nun zerfallen und sich teilweise
radikalisieren und die anderen sich weiter abschotten, dann war die Gewalt
in Genua nicht der Höhepunkt, sondern nur ein Vorspiel.

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