Re: Geeks with guns...

From: Trond Andresen (
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 12:14:02 MET DST

At 10:16 12.09.00 +0200, Bjarne Naerum wrote:
>Trond Andresen skriver:
> >Dette ble forsøkt sendt til KK-F, ...
> >...... Jeg legger det ut likevel, fordi dette er meget interessant
>Vel, er dette egentlig "meget interessant"?

Med all respekt så tror jeg Bjarne er dårlig orientert her. Den spesielle
form for egosentrisk, egoistisk og samfunnsuvitende politisk kjekkaseri som
preger store deler av det amerikanske hacker- og nerdemiljøet, har lenge
vært et hett (kultur)politisk debatt-tema i USA. Jeg har nettopp lest Paulina
Borsooks bok

"Cyberselfish : A Critical Romp Through the Terribly
Libertarian Culture of High Tech"

Den er omtalt f.eks. på Amazons nettsider,

Om forfatteren:

>Formerly a writer for Wired, Borsook made a career out of alienating the
>technology priests and worshippers just enough to keep them reading. Now she
>is free to go whole hog and say exactly what she thinks--and the techies in
>San Jose won't be happy. Her leftist-liberal slant helps her see the "me me
>me" attitudes behind the anti-government, pro-freedom rhetoric spouted
>reflexively by so many programmers and suits in Silicon Valley and its
>virtual suburbs.

Boka er i tillegg til at den dreier seg om et viktig tema, også en svir å lese;
skarp polemikk av beste kvalitet. Her er to anmeldelser fra leserne, tatt fra

>Great Polemic Writing!,
>July 11, 2000 Reviewer: Chip Berlet from Boston, MA
>Some say "Rant" I say Polemic. Nothing wrong with a skillfully-written
>critique; and that is what Cyberselfish dishes out in rich detail. The
>cyber-Darwinians may scream like the stuck pigs they can be when living out
>their Robert A. Heinlein space-cowboy individualist libertarian fantasies,
>but this book is worth reading. Life is not a subroutine. It takes more than
>code to build a real community.
>And most of us who were using CP/M on Z80 chips in the pre-MS-DOS/Microsoft
>days recognized it for the kludged together piece of junk it was until IBM
>flooded the market and diverted the writing of new code to fixing the lousy
>MS-DOS and providing various utilities and shells. So Borsook got that claim

>Provocative Broad-Side at the Dark Side of Cyberculture,
>July 25, 2000 Reviewer: Labradorman from Temple, NH USA
>In this absorbing and thoughtful book, the author takes on the new "Bobos in
>the promised land" of high technology, and finds their overall grasp on
>reality and worldview selfish, superficial, and self-absorbed. As is
>becoming more and more common for those living super-affluent lifestyles in
>our society, well-educated and technologically educated people are now enjoy
>lifestyles so pampered and isolated from the basic realities of life on
>Planet Earth that they actually believe their own unusual and privileged
>experiences to be the experience of everyone else walking the globe. This
>extremely wrong-headed notion leads to a string of dangerously myopic ideas
>of what the world is like and how to view others not so
>fortunate...Unfortunately, they have confused craven marketing and
>propagandizing with truth, and this is always a dangerous enterprise to
>engage in....This is an interesting, provocative, and worthwhile book. I
>highly recommend it.

De som ønsker en smak av Paulina Borsooks kvaliteter, kan lese hennes opprinnelige
artikkel "Cyberselfish" fra MOTHER JONES i 1996, på nettet, se
Denne fikk stor oppmerksomhet, og inspirerte henne til bokprosjektet.

For egen del vil jeg bemerke at vi har litt av dette her ved NTNU, men det er
heldigvis ikke på langt nær så framtredende som i guds eget land.
Antagelig er denne type mentalitet for Norges del mer utbredt ved BI og

Trond Andresen

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