Blankenborgs interesser

Knut Rognes (
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 19:16:57 +0100

her er mer til faktasamlingen om Irak-krisen
Hilsen Knut Rognes

*It's been a leading, driving doctrine of U.S. foreign policy since
the 1940s that the vast and unparalleled energy resources of the Gulf
region will be effectively dominated by the United States and its
clients, and, crucially, that no independent, indigenous force will be
permitted to have a substantial influence on the administration of oil
production and price. (Noam Chomsky,sitert fra "The United States
vs Iraq, A Study in Hypocrisy" av William Blum 9. februar 1998)

*Without hard currency the economy of Iraq, estimated to have the
second largest oil reserves in the world, has collapsed. (Rick
McDowell, "Iraq - as the People Suffer", in Catholic Worker, jan/feb

*Our politicians' action against Iraq surely comes from the purest of
motives. That sanctions have transferred nearly 140 billion dollars in
oil sales from Iraq to Saudi Arabia who invest this additional money
in corporations owned by major American campaign contributors could
not possibly influence any public figures (Six Reasons To Bomb Iraq
And Keep The Sanctions, a leaflet written by Gar Lipow, USA)

*Vi må ikke gjemme oss bort for konflikten Irak/USA/FN. Til det er
hele regionen altfor viktig for Norge som oljenasjon på lengre sikt,
sier AP's utenrikspolitiske talsmann Haakon Blankenborg. Han mener
Norge bør gå bevisst inn i konflikten både for å ivareta humanitære
aspekter og egne langsiktige, nasjonale interesser som oljenasjon.
(Aftenposten - nettutgave 17. februar 1998 kl. 23:54)

Annet stoff fra USA:

*Eleven Questions Re Iraq: An Interview with Noam Chomsky. Originally
for the Italian journal "La Repubblica" The interviewer was Giampaolo
Cadalanu (

*Six Reasons To Bomb Iraq And Keep The Sanctions,
a leaflet written by Gar Lipow for local use

"1. No matter how many babies we have to starve or incinerate it is
worth it to get Saddam Hussein. It is time replace him with a newer,
fresher evil dictator.

2. Even if we don´t get Saddam, it is worthwhile to kill a lot of
Iraq's people so they can no longer create weapons of mass
destruction. If we really want to ensure his country is no longer
capable of making chemical or biological weapons, we need to kill all
the high school students, since this is the level of education these
weapons require. The only problem is, he may still be able to make
dangerous weapons if we miss a few bright 11 year olds.

3. Saddam is too dangerous to be allowed to keep chemical or
biological weapons. It is perfectly okay for the Peoples Republic of
China to have nuclear weapons -- we prove this by a trade with them in
the billions. And their brutal conquest of Tibet was much less
threatening to world peace than the failed invasion of Kuwait. Of
course the dictator who rules North Korea is trustworthy enough to
sell nuclear reactors to. And there is certainly no reason to think
that our politicians would do anything crazy or stupid with the
nuclear, chemical and biological weapons they control.

4. Saddam suffers a great deal from our bombings in his air
conditioned bunker. While more than 600,000 of Iraq's children have
died from starvation and lack of medical attention, he must feel great
pain in his brand new palaces and yachts.

5. We have supported the opposition to Saddam in every possible way.
The fact that the revolt by Iraq National Congress was betrayed to
Saddam by a leader we supported could not have made things harder for
the democratic opposition there. And the fact that an attempted coup
against Saddam Hussein failed when the name of every army officer
involved in it leaked to Saddam could not have anything to do with
those officers trusting and working with our CIA. Surely there is no
way invasion and siege by a foreign enemy could possibly make Saddam
more popular with the Iraq people by giving them someone else to blame
for their troubles.

6. Our politicians' action against Iraq surely comes from the purest
of motives. That sanctions have transferred nearly 140 billion dollars
in oil sales from Iraq to Saudi Arabia who invest this additional
money in corporations owned by major American campaign contributors
could not possibly influence any public figures.

If you don't think these are good reasons -- please contact the
President, your Senators and your Representative and tell them so.
Tell them you do not want to bomb Iraq's people or continue the
sanctions which starve them and deny them medical care.

Area specific info and numbers should follow the above.

If any of this is useful to your group -- grab it! If you have
criticism, suggestions and improvements -- please make them. I'm sure
there will be additional printings."

*DO NOT BOMB IRAQ. Statement from Committee on Middle East (COME), gå til