FTAA and WTO, by John McMurtry

From: jonivar skullerud (jonivar@bigfoot.com)
Date: Wed Mar 28 2001 - 21:57:35 MET DST

  • Next message: jonivar skullerud: "Walden Bello: Developing states resist calls for new trade talks"

    ----- Forwarded message from Bob Olsen <bobolsen@interlog.com> -----


    by John McMurtry, PhD.
    Professor of Philosophy at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

    The "Free Trade Area of the Americas" (FTAA) is the latest major campaign
    for the occupation of the planet by the global corporate system. Like its
    predecessors, it will not respond to resistance, or move beyond dictation
    of more of the same. This is because its program is structured to be
    life-blind. Only the rights of non-living corporations are recognised.
    Only further extension of these corporate rights is in fact implemented
    - whatever the latest propaganda about "consulting civil society", or
    the crocodile tears about "losing efforts" in Paris and Seattle. All the
    new public relations packaging means is that the propaganda about
    "inevitable change" and "global prosperity" has failed, and so it is
    time to calm the people by agreeing with their concerns, and carry on
    instituting and enforcing the program just as before.

    The world, however, has woken up to the global corporate coup d'tat, and
    people are taking to the streets, now in Quebec City in April 2001. Yet
    the corporate media will continue to block out the life-and-death issues
    at stake, focus on the salable spectacle of a large public confrontation,
    blame and trivialize the thousands of opponents who are assaulted for
    putting themselves on the line, and return to selling other images and
    distractions once the violence entertainment is over.

    Meanwhile the deepest and most systemic threat to civil and planetary life
    the world has ever faced will persist and increase. Behind the unfolding
    disasters of regional economies and planetary ecosystems melting down, the
    threat is driven by an underlying meta-program, in terms of which every
    decision, every policy, every regulation and implementation is demanded
    and instituted by servant governments. The meta-principles constituting
    this mind-set are robotic, much like the mind-set of a fanatic cult. But
    because they are presupposed by the corporate party and its media and
    political servants as the given order of the new world, they are never
    exposed as a deranged program of mind. Only fragments and partial themes
    are discerned, not the underlying structure as a dictatorial whole. The
    invisible prison of this agenda for world rule always conforms to the
    following meta-principles.

    (1) The ultimate subject and sovereign ruler of the world is the
    transnational corporation, operating by collective prescription and
    enforcement through the World Trade Organization in concert with its
    prototype the NAFTA, its European collaborator, the EU, and such
    derivative regional instruments as the APEC, the MAI, the FTAA, and so
    on. Together these constitute the hierarchical formation of the planet's
    new rule by extra-parliamentary and transnational fiat.

    (2) Individual transnational corporations are the moving parts of this
    global corporate system. They are non-living aggregates of dominant
    private stock-holders who, as individual persons, are made legally immune
    by "acts of incorporation" from any liability for corporate harms done to
    societies, to other individuals, and to the environment, as well from
    accumulated corporate debts or offences against national and international
    law. This is the legal armour around the agents of the global corporate
    system which affords them with unaccountable impunity for whatever damage
    or crime they impose on individuals, societies or environments around
    the world.

    (3) Transnational corporations acting in concert through the WTO and its
    related supranational constructs prescribe to and are represented by
    financed national government parties which act in these matters solely on
    behalf of transnational corporate access to foreign markets and resources
    with no barriers. This private corporate rule over governments everywhere
    is evident from the general facts that no binding regulation yet protects
    any right but that of transnational corporate investors, and not one
    article of any already signed international covenant or treaty protecting
    human rights, labour or the environment is binding on any part of any one
    of these unprecedentedly enforced "agreements". Indeed, the Kyoto Treaty
    on climate-altering gases, the Montreal Protocol on ozone-depleting
    chemicals and emissions, the Basel Convention on transboundary pollutants
    as well as the entire body of established international solemn agreements
    and covenants on human and labour rights have been consistently overridden
    by transnational corporate practices or the explicit judgements of WTO
    trade panels.

    (4) All such treaties and agreements obliging compliance with
    transnational corporate rights are proposed, negotiated and finalised
    behind closed doors and wide perimeters of armed force, with police pepper
    spray, shackles, harassment or surveillance for those who publicly
    protest. All these agreements, moreover, rule out any other public
    participation in or appeal against their decrees by anyone except
    corporate or state representatives, and adjudicate all disputes in secret
    before unelected authorities and tribunals, with no public or elected
    observers of these proceedings permitted, and with no record of their
    proceedings published for public view. Yet publics across the world are
    obliged to pay all the costs of negotiating, instituting and enforcing
    these absolutist prescriptions to the world's nations, and are forced also
    to pay all the fines and trade penalties imposed on their own elected
    governments for legislating democratic or environmentally protective
    policies which are deemed to conflict with this unaccountable
    transnational regulatory regime. This Orwellian arrangement is known
    as "investor-state dispute resolution".

    (5) All executive authorities within individual corporate bodies are all
    the while bound by the "fiduciary duty" to maximize monetized returns to
    their corporate stockholders (including in particular themselves) as the
    overriding obligation of decisions and actions , thereby compelling them
    by corporate charter prescription to minimise all expenditures on
    protecting human and non-human life by worker pay, social benefits or
    environmental regulation. In this way, it becomes a violation of legally
    binding corporate morality for its operations to take account of the life
    interests of employees, surrounding communities and environments, or even
    the future life of the world ahead of shareholders' continuous
    maximisation of money profit.

    (6) The system's universal principle of "rationality" is, in consequence,
    to externalise all costs onto other individuals, societies and
    environments so that no form of human existence or responsibility such as
    "citizen" or "person" or "respecter of other life" is recognised by the
    corporate calculus or its state servants. Only self-maximising "profitable
    enterprises" and their "consumers" exist to the mindset. This form of life
    is then everywhere prescribed as "inevitable" for all peoples, and is
    proclaimed by its agents to offer societies across the world "no

    (7) "Consumers", in turn, are not co-extensive with human beings or even
    the majority of human beings. This is because only humans with sufficient
    money-demand to purchase corporate products are recognized by this global
    system as possessing any right to access any good - from food and water
    to housing, health-care and whatever else can be privatised for
    profit. What can be "privatised", or in reality, corporatised for
    profit, is accordingly assumed to include ever more of the conditions of
    planetary existence without any limit. Genetic structures, the body's
    most basic means of life, the elements of nature, and publicly funded
    knowledge are all now being rapidly disassembled, restructured and
    appropriated by transnational corporations for their maximum private
    control and profit.

    (8) Any alternative mode for production or distribution of any priceable
    good - socially owned or controlled, publicly subsidized or assisted
    domestically, self-sufficient or co-operative, or declared without genetic
    modification or corporate additive is made illegal under transnational
    trade regulations. If any society or government is resistant, its economy
    is denounced through state finance and trade offices and global mass
    media as "non-competitive", "protectionist", "monopolist" or
    "communist", and attacked on the ground by every means available to the
    global corporate system, including transnational trade embargo and armed
    invasion in abrogation of international criminal law. This is the true and
    grave meaning of "global market freedom" in the corporate system.
    (9) Consumers and investors with sufficient money-demand to exchange
    within the global market are, in fact, the only bearers of freedoms
    recognised by this system, and are axiomatically assumed to have no upper
    limit to their commodity consumption or their demand acquisition, even if
    an increasing majority of their fellow citizens or humanity have few or no
    means of existence. This is the "non-satiety" principle of neo-classical
    economics. It is also the unstated meaning of "equality of opportunity" in
    global market doctrine and practice - the equality of money demand for
    those who have it, and no-one else.

    (10) There is within the global corporate system no requirement of any
    kind, theoretical or practical, to recognize any life need of any
    individual (eg. nourishing food) or society (eg. non-toxic air) as
    rightful, or as a priority, or as an issue of choice within this system,
    however massive and extreme the gap between life-deprivation and
    over-consumption grows. As a few hundred "investors" exponentially
    increase their money demand to more than the total income of the majority
    of the world's population with their "investments" irreversibly stripping
    the world's ecosystems at the same time, no policy is even mooted by the
    U.N. to regulate this planetary disaster. The U.N. Secretary-General, on
    the contrary, has instituted in 2001 a U.N. "Global Compact" to require
    all U.N. agencies to enter into "corporate partnership" with the world's
    richest transnational corporations.

    (11) Whatever pollution, degradation, overloading, exhaustion or
    destruction of local or planetary ecosystems occurs, and however
    irreversibly devastating in consequences to human and biodiverse life
    these damages from corporate extractions, effluents, and commodities are,
    there is not one binding article in any transnational trade treaty or
    agreement (excepting intra-European) which protects or seeks to protect
    any human or environmental life condition or good. All "scarcities" thus
    arising are assumed, with no scientific evidence to substantiate the
    assumption, to be correctable by market price mechanisms alone. This is
    why the U.S. Congress refuses to comply with the Kyoto Treaty until it
    makes all pollution abatement measures conform to a system of salable
    pollution credits - which have never reduced pollution, but which accord
    instituted corporate rights to pollute which can be sold as new and free
    equity, and which can be profited from at another, new level of the
    global market.
    (12) However many millions or billions of society's or the world's human
    population are misemployed, underemployed or starvation-waged with not
    enough to live on, and however life-destructive and chronically
    debilitating their hours and conditions of work are -- a majority of the
    world altogether -- there is no principle, norm or standard in
    neo-classical market theory or global market practice which recognizes or
    can recognize any of these depredations of human life as an issue or a
    problem. On the contrary, this life-blind paradigm can only compute these
    strippings of most of the world's people as a new "flexibility of labour
    supply" and a multiple "opportunity to reduce the costs of labour" by
    exercise of new transnational corporate rights to produce in the
    lowest-cost zones of the world and sell in the highest-scale markets
    with no "barriers to trade".

    (13) Any public or government intervention in the presupposition and
    implementation of any and all of principles (1) to (12) in any way is
    attacked as "an interference in the free market". Any prior cultural,
    historical, or democratic achievement or institution limiting the
    systematically life-destructive effects of their unrestricted operation is
    deplored as "a distortion" or "impediment to market competition", and
    targeted for elimination by transnational trade and investment
    instrument. This is a cumulative and always advancing line of demand by
    endless transnational regulatory "agreements", and it moves across
    national borders and domains of life like a sustained military campaign in
    its relentless uniformity of prescriptions to target populations, and its
    blanket denials of the destructive effects which follow wherever its
    occupying forces usurp evolved ways of life.

    (14 ) No autonomy of domestic market in any good or service, strategic use
    of any natural resource or necessity, protected public utility or social
    sector, product-safety, quality or licensing standard, local procurement
    practice or grant is consistent with the defined principles of this
    transnational market regime. All have been and continuously are,
    therefore, slated for challenge and irreversible elimination by trade
    prescription or scheduled regulatory assimilation. This is a pattern
    everywhere documentable, but concealed by corporately financed
    politicians, the corporate media, and former corporate employees who
    negotiate the agreements. What remains constant through the cumulative
    momentum and volume of trade and investment decrees is that every article
    of tens of thousands is constructed to guarantee that dominantly
    transnational corporations can exploit and increasingly control domestic
    economies and public sectors across the world with no curtailing limit
    permissible in law.

    (15) Local, national and global management of the money-demand drivewheels
    of this system is over 95% controlled by for-profit corporate financial
    and banking institutions which have covertly appropriated control over
    almost all government bond issues and investor and consumer lines of
    credit from government currency creations, national bank loans and state
    statutory reserves. With no gold or other non-paper standard remaining to
    control it, corporate bank and financial leveraging has become effectively
    limitless, with central bank interest-rate raises in the new regime
    applied only to decrease workers' rising wages and social-sector
    spending. This is the always hidden underside of the system's propelling
    domestic and transnational force, why covert financial deregulation of
    money-demand supply is the secret to its every advance, and why no deep
    limit can be drawn against world occupation by corporate financial
    chicanery until the creation of money demand is constitutionally
    re-appropriated by public authority as its essential basis of
    sovereignty and investment in the common interest.

    Together these underlying principles of the global market system
    constitute its fixed and largely unseen meta-structure of perception,
    understanding and judgement in accordance with which all its policy
    formation and enforced regulation of societies and economies across the
    world proceed. There is no principle of "the free market", "investment",
    "competition", "comparative advantage", "efficiency", "fiscal
    responsibility", "labour flexibility", "inflation control", "growth",
    "sustainability", "social welfare", "national prosperity", "justice",
    "civil society participation", "poverty reduction", or other old or new
    slogan promulgated by global market institutions and advocates that does
    not conform to all of (1) through (15) in doctrine and effect. Whenever it
    is claimed otherwise, ask for the evidence from any "free trade
    agreement" on the planet. The response will always be silence, diversion
    to another topic, and, if the question is pursued publicly, surveillance
    by the police.
    However well-placed its hirelings, this mind-locked creed is corporately
    self-driven and self-referential, and threatens to usurp every level of
    social and ecological life condition still existing. Given its
    invasionary past and history, we should not be surprised. Like every
    Pharaoh of the past, it will topple - the more totalitarian, the more
    complete the collapse. But remember who advocates for this regime now,
    for they are agents of the corporate occupation of all of the world's
    societies and ecosystems by decreed financial and market mechanisms
    never electorally agreed to by any people on earth.

    - - - -

    John McMurtry PhD. is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of
    Guelph, and the author of Unequal Freedoms: The Global Market as an
    Ethical System (Toronto and Westport Ct: Garamond and Kumarian Press),
    1998 and The Cancer Stage of Capitalism (London and Tokyo: Pluto and
    Springer-Verlag, 1999 and 2001). He is completing his forthcoming book,
    Value Wars, which will be published by Pluto Press in 2001.

    - - - -

    Send a message to <bobolsen@interlog.com> and ask for McMurtry-RTF
    if you want this document in RTF format, or if you are able to post
    the RTF format on the web.

        Liberate democracy from corporate control

       Bob Olsen, Toronto bobolsen@interlog.com

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       /             |  jonivar skullerud      jonivar@bigfoot.com     |
       | jon         |  http://www.bigfoot.com/~jonivar/               |
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              \      |  None are more hopelessly enslaved than those   |
         ivar |      |  who falsely believe they are free. -Goethe     |
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