Nykonservative pengar og meiningar

From: brendberg (brendberg@c2i.net)
Date: 08-07-02

Ei av dei "nye" maktene i Amerikansk opinion er den gruppa som blir kalt
"ny-konservative". Dette er ei gruppe "rikssynsarar" - ikkje noko folkeleg
rørsle. Eg saksar frå ei diskusjonsliste ein interessant kommentar i samband
med ei bok av Joan Peters:

Thanks for the review of Peters' book. Now we know that the woman is a
fraud. I wonder is she received any assistance from any of the major
neo-conservative foundations that are pro-Israel, and regularly pay writers
to write fiction posing as fact. Most of the anti-Islamic and anti-Arab
fiction writers are also bankrolled by these foundations, who have worked
overtime to paint a distorted picture of Islamic versus Western
civilization, or of terrorists lurking around every corner.

The primary foundations are the Sarah Scaife Foundation, Richard M. Scaife's
Carthage Foundation, the Olin Foundation, the Lynde and Harry Bradley
Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Adolph Coors Foundation,
and the Koch Famiy Foundation. For instance, the notorious Steve Abram
Emerson, who has an apartment in Washington DC where his Israeli Likud pals
stay on visits (as reported by Robert Friedman), received support from the
Olin Foundation in 1993 so he could write his book, "Mohammed's Army: The
Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism." The Bradley Foundation gave $100,000 to
PBS to produce the 1994 Emerson documentary, "Jihad in America" which
received terrible reviews because it was such a cut-and-snip piece of work.
Of course, that didn't stop Emerson from getting funding from the Carthage
Foundation in order to duplicate the documentary and pass a copy to each of
the 435 House members. Then there's Samuel Huntington's work, "The Clash of
Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order" in which he claims Islam is
one of the main enemies of the West. His concepts are simplistic, using
18th century theories of the rise and fall of empires to rationalize his
argument. Samuel Huntington's Program on National Security Affairs received
$200,000 from the Bradley Foundation in 1990, it is claimed that he received
$2.5 million from the Olin Foundation.

These neo-conservative foundations are fueling the flames of war. I
wouldn't be surprised if they are somehow involved with Joan Peters.

Og dette er viktig. Kven betalar orda? Vi burde undersøkja litt strukturane
her i Noreg også. Eg skriv på fritida. Men mange folk som deltek i
offentlege ordskifte lever på ulike måtar på "pengar frå oven" - ofte
tilsett i strukturar for gode formål av alle slag. Prosjektstillingar,
offentleg finansierte menneskerettsorganisasjonar og liknande. Denne
strukturen bør fram i dagen. Det er pengane som formar meiningane - uansett
kor god vilje som ligg bak.

Hans Olav Brendberg

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