Re: tittytainment og dets bakgrunn

From: Trond Andresen (
Date: 06-07-02

At 18:36 7/6/02 +0000, Karsten Johansen wrote:
>Man må til f. eks. Hitlerjugends historie for å finne lignende eksempler
>på målbevisst destruksjon av menneskelighet. Hvorfor det er blitt slik
>kan man få innblikk i for eksempel i boka ”Globaliseringsfellen” av
>Hans-Peter Martin (Gyldendal). Ifølge vår tids makthavere er minst åtti
>pst. av menneskeheten overflødige, vil snart bli arbeidsløse og må
>holdes hen med ”tittytainment” (uttrykket stammer fra Zbigniew Brezinsky
>og betyr ”tåteflaske-underholdning ”).


Hvor du kan lese det første kapittelet i boka GLOBALISERINGSFELLEN. Der står
det bl.a.:

>The Fairmont is like a huge boundary stone between modernity and the future,
>between America and the Pacific Basin. On the slope facing the hotel, more
>than a hundred thousand Chinese people live closely packed together, while
>at its back Silicon Valley, the home of the computer revolution, beckons in
>the distance.
>In this site steeped in history, the man welcoming the world’s elite in late
>September 1995 is one of the few who has himself made history: Mikhail
>Gorbachev. When the Cold War came to an end, American patrons gratefully
>fitted out a foundation (with Gorbachev of all people as president) on an
>abandoned military area south of the Golden Gate. Now he has flown in 500
>leading politicians, businessmen and scientists from every continent - a new
>‘global brains trust’, as the last president of the Soviet Union and Nobel
>prizewinner calls it, which is supposed to point the way to the ‘new
>civilization’ of the twenty-first century.
>Such experienced world rulers as George Bush, George Shultz and Margaret
>Thatcher are here meeting the new lords of the earth – men of the likes of
>CNN boss Ted Turner, who has merged with Time Warner to form the largest
>media business in the world, or the South-East Asian magnate Washington
>SyCip. The idea is for them to spend three whole days in intensive
>discussions with the global players in computers and finance, as well as
>with the high priests of theoretical economics from Stanford, Harvard and
>Oxford. Emissaries of free trade from Singapore and (naturally) Beijing also
>want their voices to be heard when the future of humanity is at issue
> From this point on, the top-class group discussing ‘the future of work’
>concerns itself entirely with those who will have none.
>A new social order is being
>sketched out at The Fairmont - one of rich countries with no middle class
>worth mentioning - and nobody there disagrees.
>The expression on everyone’s lips is Zbigniew Brzezinski’s ‘tittytainment’.
>The old Polish-born warhorse, who was Jimmy Carter’s national security
>adviser for four years, has continued to occupy himself with geostrategic
>questions. He thinks of ‘tittytainment’ (‘tits’ plus ‘entertainment’) in
>terms not so much of sex as of the milk flowing from a nursing mother’s
>breast. Perhaps a mixture of deadening entertainment and adequate
>nourishment will keep the world’s frustrated population in relatively good

Det interessante med Brzezinski er at han -- i motsetning til andre globale
maktpersoner -- ofte sier nøyaktig hva han mener, uansett hvor kynisk det er.

Trond Andresen

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