
From: brendberg (
Date: 26-06-02

Dette referatet frå ein av talane til Sharon, som eg snappa opp på ei liste
eg deltek på, er eit godt døme på kva bodskap den israelske leiinga vil ha
ut til diasporaen for tida. Diasporaen skal haldast på plass i ein atmosfære
av frykt. Det er politisk svært viktig å motverka at dei jødiske samfunna
internasjonalt isolerer seg i ein slik atmosfære, der dei er prisgjeve
nyhende frå Tel Aviv. I dei norske synagogene har det vore ein del yngre
folk som har gjeve forsiktig støtte til Oslo-prosessen og tostatsløysing. Er
det mogleg å invitera til eit eller anna "minste felles plattform"-

Hans Olav Brendberg

PM Sharon Warns Diaspora: The Good Life Can Disappear In A Moment

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, addressing the Jewish Agency Assembly in
Jerusalem last night, quoted Binyamin (Theodore) Ze'ev Herzl as
having told the First Zionist Congress, "Zionism is the return to
Judaism, even before the return to the land of the Jews." Sharon then
added, "This phrase is the fulfillment of the essence of Zionism as a
national movement: first and foremost, before all else, the return to

The Prime Minister once again expressed his hope that another million
new immigrants arrive in Israel in the coming decade. He departed
from his prepared text - that which was later distributed to
journalists and sent over the internet - in order to add the
following exhortation to Diaspora Jewry:

"[In addition to the military campaign that we face,] we are also
engaged in a very difficult diplomatic campaign, to which we must
stand up - and we expect you to stand with us. It's not just our
fight. (applause) Whatever happens here [in Israel] will influence
the fate of the Jews all around the world. If Israel, Heaven forbid,
becomes weakened, don't expect even for a minute that you will be
able to live the lives that you are living now. It will disappear in
the blink of an eye. Your responsibility is therefore no less than
ours. True, we live here, and we carry out certain missions that you,
as long as you're not here yet, cannot shoulder. But in terms of the
responsibility, the backing for Israel in our international
diplomatic struggles - you must stand as one behind us, and behind
every democratically-elected government of Israel… Because it is
now not only our fate, but also your fate that hangs in the balance."

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