"The commission is living on the moon"

From: Karsten Johansen (kavejo@ifrance.com)
Date: 22-05-02

The Guardian

Prodi proposes 'grand political project' for Europe

Mark Tran and agencies
Wednesday May 22, 2002

Romano Prodi, the president of the European commission, today called for
Brussels to be given greater powers on foreign and domestic policy as
part of a "grand political project" for Europe.
In a speech sure to raise hackles not just in London but other European
capitals, Mr Prodi proposed that foreign policy be run from Brussels and
called for greater economic coordination, including new tax-raising

It all amounted to "a constitutional framework for a united, democratic
Europe", Mr Prodi said in a speech setting out the commission's "wish
list" for the 100-strong convention now preparing ideas on Europe's
future as the EU expands membership from 15 to 25 by 2004.

Outlining his ideas in the European parliament, Mr Prodi declared: "The
EU needs to take the first steps towards developing its political
identity in the fields of economic policy, foreign policy and justice
and security - that is, in all those areas where the citizens are
calling for a greater EU presence."

On economic policy, Mr Prodi called for more coordination to "provide
the euro area with a much-needed political voice. In the future such a
voice can ensure unitary representation for the euro in international
economic and financial institutions and organisations."

On taxes, which has been a bone of contention between London and
Brussels, Mr Prodi called for the establishment of an EU-wide tax to
raise money for running the EU, making a link between citizens' taxes
and the EU budget. But Britain has steadfastly resisted the idea of tax
harmonisation, with the Treasury arguing in favour of tax competition
between EU countries.

On foreign policy, Mr Prodi said that the EU's high representative for
external issues, Javier Solana, should be brought inside the commission
and given the right to propose foreign policy initiatives. Mr Solana
currently reports only to member states.

"If Europe is to increase its influence on the world scene and be a
creditable partner for the United States, it must speak with a single
voice on all aspects of external relations," Mr Prodi said.

Mr Prodi insisted that that a Europe-wide democracy did not mean
building a superstate. But his latest ambitious plans will be seen as a
power grab for Brussels at a time when scepticism about European
institutions abounds, despite the successful introduction of the euro.

EU diplomats said that the proposals seemed out of kilter with the
public mood, highlighted by gains for far-right and eurosceptic protest
parties in several recent elections, that certainly does not favour
ceding more power to Brussels.

"This is totally unrealistic. The commission is living on the moon," a
senior official said.

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