Irsk filmskaper midt oppi Chavez-dramaet

From: Trond Andresen (
Date: 17-04-02

Enda et øyenvitne til Chavez-dramaet.

Trond Andresen

Fra distribusjonslista labor-l:

>An Irish film maker was making a documentary about Hugo Chavez during the
>day of the coup and filmed absolutely everything. Her name is Kim Bartley
>and the whole thing will be made for screening by the end of Summer as she
>remains in Venezuala for another month.
>The first-hand account of events she gave is as follows:
>She was with Chavez and doing interviews with all the main generals
>(including those who later revolted). The film crew was at the original
>Pro-Chavez marchers who met the large anti-Chavez crowd on Friday. She says
>that the snipers on the roofs WERE DEFINITELY FIRING INTO THE PRO-CHAVEZ
>CROWD - she had conducted interviews with two pro-Chavez people and then
>filmed them being killed in the gunfire on the steps of the palace. She says
>that the pro-Chavez crowd had guns and then started to fire back at the
>snipers in self-defence. She estimates that at least five of the dead were
>pro-Chavez people - she only limits it to this as she only saw five dead
>people. Following the street clashes, she retreated to the palace with
>Chavez and his supporters doing interviews in the hours of military siege
>and had to escape just after he was arrested. His supporters indicated that
>he never resigned and several were in tears as he was lead away. The crew
>were advised to lay low for some time as their lives were in danger - the
>film that they had taken was in direct contradiction to the 'official' story
>being touted widely. Pro-Chavez people were concerned for her safety and
>that the 'truth' come out.
>She was catching a flight to Cuba arranged by the Chavez people when the
>word came through about the massive rioting in the poor areas. She started
>filming this and the taking of the palace.
>She says that Chavez was held in five different locations, the second last
>of which was in a submarine base on the coast. Someone was sent to
>assassinate him there but friendly troops found out and moved him to the
>island. The fax which was sent which clarified that he had not resigned was
>sent from the submarine base. Paratroopers subsequently rescued him from the
>Clearly, this is a truth which needs to be spread. It almost demonstrates
>organisation by something like the CIA to an absolute degree of certainty.
>She understands the importance of getting the truth out as quickly as
>possible but wants to capture the events stemming from the failure of the
>coup. The film will be shown on RTE (Irish national television) as they
>funded her trip - I'm not sure about elsewhere. Perhaps someone else out
>there might be able to arrange something in the US? If you want I can
>try/attempt to get a contact number for her.
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