Anarkistar og Venezuela

From: Magnus Bernhardsen (
Date: 16-04-02

Arrgh! Eg har eit nokso anarkistisk epostarkiv, og finn sjølvsagt ikkje
den opphavlege teksten frå Venezuelanske anarkistar, men dette svaret
frå ein annan anarkist fortel noko om inhaldet:


  I Would like to point out that the supposed "venezuelan anarchist"
  communique although mentioning in one line that they do not support
either side, was full of lines which showed partisanship towards the coup
or at
  least cast events more favorably towards Chavez's opposition and the
  opposition of the masses as we now see!
  They describe the corporate board pigs Chavez removed from the oil
company as sacked workers!
  They describe the general strike called against Chavez as if it was an
  employees strike, in reality it was an employer's strike!
  Further and perhaps more disturbing this line:
  ", a counter-protest also took place,
  called by the official powers, demonstrating the puppetry used by those
 who   are in power. On the on hand, the Chavez supporters, pushing his
  authoritarian Bolshevik schemes"
  So the masses all over venezuela who rebelled were Govt puppets?
Carrying  out a bolshevick scheme? Do these people actually live in
Venezuela and
if  they do Im sure they dont live among the masses.
  In another line thay state:
  "and also by a  few civil friends (3) of the president, who are taking
part in the
  officalist demo, "
  Was the massive peoples rebellion which brought Chavez and demcoracy
back  to the people an officials demo, were the pro Chavez demonstrators
  rebels all over the country from the slums to the countryside "a few
civil  friends of Chavez"
  Having been around 12 yrs in the @ movement this shit always pisses me
off  because everytime a peoples movement begins in Latin America and gains
  strategic advantage someone always pops up with some Anarchist horror
  Castro is attacking anarchists!
  Shining Path is slaughtering anarchist miners!
  Farc has imprisoned anarchists!
  Without ever any proof backing it up and before the popular movements
rise  no one ever heard anything abt these anarchists!
  The "venezuelan anarchists" who it seems no one knew much abt and havent
  released any statements over all this time magically pumps one out after
a  right wing military coup which describes events in terms favorable to
the  US state Departments version and the Venezuelan private media.

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